What if theÂre was a store that sold dreams? Which would you buy? And who might you becoÂme when you wake up?
In a mysÂteÂrious town hidÂden in our collÂecÂtiÂve subÂconÂscious there’s a departÂment store that sells dreams. Day and night, visiÂtors both human and aniÂmal shuffÂle in to purchaÂse their latest advenÂture. Each floÂor speÂciaÂliÂzes in a speÂciÂfic type of dream: childÂhood memoÂries, food dreams, ice skaÂting, dreams of starÂdom. FlyÂing dreams are almost always sold out. Some seek dreams of loved ones who have died.
For PenÂny, an enthuÂsiÂaÂstic new hire, working at DalÂlerÂgut is the opporÂtuÂniÂty of a lifeÂtime. As she uncoÂvers the workings of this whimÂsiÂcal world, she bonds with a cast of unforÂgettable chaÂracÂters, incluÂding DalÂlerÂgut, the flamÂboyÂant and wise owner, BabyÂnap Rockabye, a famous dream desiÂgner, Maxim, a nightÂmaÂre proÂduÂcer, and the many cusÂtoÂmers who dream to heal, dream to grow, and dream to flouÂrish.
Ich finÂde, das hört sich sehr vielÂverÂspreÂchend und vor allem oriÂgiÂnell an.
Die am 9. Juli 2024 erscheiÂnenÂde HardÂcoÂver-VerÂsiÂon dieÂser Cozy FanÂtaÂsy ist 233 SeiÂten stark und kosÂtet knapp 20 Euro (ISBN 978–1335081179). Es gibt aber auch noch das frĂĽÂher erschieÂneÂne TaschenÂbuch zum Preis von 8,49 Euro oder ein eBook fĂĽr 5,49 Euro. Es gibt auch eine deutÂsche FasÂsung, die erschien am 22. Juni 2024 bei GolÂkonÂda, kosÂtet als PaperÂback 20 Euro und als eBook 15,99 Euro.
CoverÂabÂbilÂdung CopyÂright HanoÂver SquaÂre Press