Morgen erscheint: DEAD MAN’S HAND von James J. Butcher

But­cher, But­cher, den Namen hat man doch im Zusam­men­hang mit Urban Fan­ta­sy schon­mal irgend­wo gehört? Sicher: Jim But­cher, der Autor der rasend erfolg­rei­chen Rei­he um den Magi­er Har­ry Dresden.

Über­ra­schung: Des­sen Sohn tritt in die Fuß­stap­fen des Vaters und mor­gen erscheint DEAD MAN’S HAND, der ers­te Band einer ange­kün­dig­ten Urban Fan­ta­sy-Rei­he namens THE UNORTHODOX CHRONICLES. Wer­be­text des Verlags:

On the streets of Bos­ton, the world is divi­ded into the ordi­na­ry Usu­als, and the para­nor­mal Unor­tho­dox. And in the Depart­ment of Unor­tho­dox Affairs, the Audi­tors are the magi­cal éli­te, govern­ment-sanc­tion­ed wit­ches with spells at their com­mand and all the power and pres­ti­ge that comes with it. Grims­haw Gris­wald Grims­by is…not one of tho­se witches.
After flun­king out of the Audi­tor trai­ning pro­gram and being dis­missed as “not Depart­ment mate­ri­al,” Grims­by tried to resign hims­elf to life as a medio­cre witch. But he can’t help hoping he’ll somehow, some­way, get ano­ther chan­ce to pro­ve his skill. That oppor­tu­ni­ty comes with a pri­ce when his for­mer men­tor, aka the most dan­ge­rous witch ali­ve, is mur­de­red down the street from whe­re he works, and Grims­by is the Audi­tors’ num­ber one suspect.
Pro­ving his inno­cence will requi­re more than a litt­le leg­work, and after forming a stran­ge alli­ance with the reti­red legend known as the Hunt­s­man and a mys­te­rious being from Else­whe­re, Grims­by is abrupt­ly thrown into a life of adven­ture, whe­ther he wants it or not. Now all he has to do is find the real kil­ler, avo­id the Audi­tors on his trail, and most important­ly, stay alive.

Das klingt für mich als Urban Fan­ta­sy-Fan doch ganz viel­ver­spre­chend, ich habs direkt mal vor­be­stellt. DEAD MAN’S HAND erscheint am 11. Okto­ber 2022, das eBook soll ca. 12 Euro kos­ten, für das Taschen­buch wer­den ca. 28 Euro ange­sagt.

Cover­ab­bil­dung Copy­right Ace

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