Hugo Awards

Hugo Awards 2019: Die Gewinner

Am ver­gan­ge­nen Wochen­en­de wur­den auf dem SF-Welt­con in Dub­lin die dies­jäh­ri­gen Hugo-Awards ver­lie­hen, einer der wich­tigs­ten Aus­zeich­nun­gen im Phan­tas­tik-Bereich überhaupt.

Bemer­kens­wert fin­de ich ins­be­son­de­re, dass Becky Cham­bers WAY­FA­RERS-Rei­he (der ers­te Titel dar­aus war THE LONG WAY TO A SMALL, ANGRY PLANET) als bes­te Serie gewon­nen hat. Und das bei einer Publi­ka­ti­on, die zuerst im Self­pu­bli­shing erschien, weil kein Ver­lag sie auch nur mit der Kneif­zan­ge anfas­sen wollte.

Im Fol­gen­den die Nomi­nier­ten und Gewin­ner, letz­te­re erkennt man an der fet­ten Dar­stel­lung. Gewis­se Kräf­te in der deut­schen Wiki­pe­dia soll­ten auch hier ihr Augen­merk dar­auf legen, wie vie­le Frau­en unter den Gewin­nern sind …

Best Novel

  • The Cal­cu­la­ting Stars, by Mary Robi­net­te Kowal (Tor)
  • Record of a Space­born Few, by Becky Cham­bers (Hod­der & Stough­ton / Har­per Voyager)
  • Reven­ant Gun, by Yoon Ha Lee (Sola­ris)
  • Space Ope­ra, by Catheryn­ne M. Valen­te (Saga)
  • Spin­ning Sil­ver, by Nao­mi Novik (Del Rey / Macmillan)
  • Trail of Light­ning, by Rebec­ca Roan­horse (Saga)

Best Novella

  • Arti­fi­ci­al Con­di­ti­on, by Mar­tha Wells ( Publishing)
  • Beneath the Sugar Sky, by Seanan McGui­re ( Publishing)
  • Bin­ti: The Night Mas­quer­a­de, by Nne­di Oko­ra­for ( Publishing)
  • The Black God’s Drums, by P. Djè­lí Clark ( Publishing)
  • Gods, Mons­ters, and the Lucky Peach, by Kel­ly Rob­son ( Publishing)
  • The Tea Mas­ter and the Detec­ti­ve, by Ali­et­te de Bodard (Sub­ter­ra­ne­an Press / JAB­ber­wo­cky Lite­ra­ry Agency)

Best Novelette

  • If at First You Don’t Suc­ceed, Try, Try Again,” by Zen Cho (B&N Sci-Fi and Fan­ta­sy Blog, 29 Novem­ber 2018)
  • The Last Ban­quet of Tem­po­ral Con­fec­tions,” by Tina Con­nol­ly (, 11 July 2018)
  • Nine Last Days on Pla­net Earth,” by Daryl Gre­go­ry (, 19 Sep­tem­ber 2018)
  • The Only Harm­less Gre­at Thing, by Broo­ke Bol­an­der ( Publishing)
  • The Thing About Ghost Sto­ries,” by Nao­mi Krit­zer (Uncan­ny Maga­zi­ne 25, Novem­ber- Decem­ber 2018)
  • When We Were Starless,” by Simo­ne Hel­ler (Clar­kes­world 145, Octo­ber 2018)

Best Short Story

  • A Witch’s Gui­de to Escape: A Prac­ti­cal Com­pen­di­um of Por­tal Fan­ta­sies,” by Alix E. Har­row (Apex Maga­zi­ne, Febru­ary 2018)
  • The Court Magi­ci­an,” by Sarah Pins­ker (Lightspeed, Janu­ary 2018)
  • The Rose Mac­Gre­gor Drin­king and Admi­ra­ti­on Socie­ty,” by T. King­fi­sher (Uncan­ny Maga­zi­ne 25, Novem­ber-Decem­ber 2018)
  • The Secret Lives of the Nine Negro Tee­th of Geor­ge Washing­ton,” by P. Djè­lí Clark (Fire­si­de Maga­zi­ne, Febru­ary 2018)
  • STET,” by Sarah Gai­ley (Fire­si­de Maga­zi­ne, Octo­ber 2018)
  • The Tale of the Three Beau­tiful Rap­tor Sis­ters, and the Prin­ce Who Was Made of Meat,” by Broo­ke Bol­an­der (Uncan­ny Maga­zi­ne 23, July-August 2018)

Best Series

  • Way­fa­rers, by Becky Cham­bers (Hod­der & Stough­ton / Har­per Voyager)
  • The Cen­te­nal Cycle, by Mal­ka Older ( Publishing)
  • The Laun­dry Files, by Charles Stross (most recent­ly Publishing/Orbit)
  • Machi­ne­ries of Empire, by Yoon Ha Lee (Sola­ris)
  • The Octo­ber Daye Series, by Seanan McGui­re (most recent­ly DAW)
  • The Uni­ver­se of Xuya, by Ali­et­te de Bodard (most recent­ly Sub­ter­ra­ne­an Press)

Best Related Work

  • Archi­ve of Our Own, a pro­ject of the Orga­niza­ti­on for Trans­for­ma­ti­ve Works
  • Astoun­ding: John W. Camp­bell, Isaac Asi­mov, Robert A. Hein­lein, L. Ron Hub­bard, and the Gol­den Age of Sci­ence Fic­tion, by Alec Neva­la-Lee (Dey Street Books)
  • The Hob­bit Duo­lo­gy (docu­men­ta­ry in three parts), writ­ten and edi­ted by Lind­say Ellis and Ange­li­na Mee­han (You­Tube)
  • An Infor­mal Histo­ry of the Hugos: A Per­so­nal Look Back at the Hugo Awards, 1953- 2000, by Jo Walt­on (Tor)
  • The Mexi­canx Initia­ti­ve Expe­ri­ence at World­con 76 (Julia Rios, Libia Bren­da, Pablo Defen­di­ni, John Picacio)
  • Ursu­la K. Le Guin: Con­ver­sa­ti­ons on Wri­ting, by Ursu­la K. Le Guin with David Nai­mon (Tin House Books)

Best Graphic Story

  • Monstress, Volu­me 3: Haven, writ­ten by Mar­jo­rie Liu, art by Sana Take­da (Image Comics)
  • Abbott, writ­ten by Sala­din Ahmed, art by Sami Kivelä, colours by Jason Wordie, let­ters by Jim Camp­bell (BOOM! Studios)
  • Black Pan­ther: Long Live the King, writ­ten by Nne­di Oko­ra­for and Aaron Coving­ton, art by André Lima Araú­jo, Mario Del Pen­ni­no and Tana Ford (Mar­vel)
  • On a Sun­beam, by Til­lie Wal­den (First Second)
  • Paper Girls, Volu­me 4, writ­ten by Bri­an K. Vaug­han, art by Cliff Chiang, colours by Matt Wil­son, let­ters by Jared K. Flet­cher (Image Comics)
  • Saga, Volu­me 9, writ­ten by Bri­an K. Vaug­han, art by Fio­na Stap­les (Image Comics)

Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form

  • Spi­der-Man: Into the Spi­der-Ver­se, screen­play by Phil Lord and Rod­ney Roth­man, direc­ted by Bob Per­si­chet­ti, Peter Ram­sey and Rod­ney Roth­man (Sony)
  • Anni­hi­la­ti­on, direc­ted and writ­ten for the screen by Alex Gar­land, based on the novel by Jeff Van­der­Meer (Para­mount Pic­tures / Skydance)
  • Aven­gers: Infi­ni­ty War, screen­play by Chris­to­pher Mar­kus and Ste­phen McFee­ly, direc­ted by Antho­ny Rus­so and Joe Rus­so (Mar­vel Studios)
  • Black Pan­ther, writ­ten by Ryan Coog­ler and Joe Robert Cole, direc­ted by Ryan Coog­ler (Mar­vel Studios)
  • A Quiet Place, screen­play by Scott Beck, John Kras­in­ski and Bryan Woods, direc­ted by John Kras­in­ski (Pla­ti­num Dunes / Sun­day Night)
  • Sor­ry to Bother You, writ­ten and direc­ted by Boots Riley (Anna­pur­na Pictures)

Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form

  • The Good Place: “Janet(s),” writ­ten by Josh Sie­gal & Dylan Mor­gan, direc­ted by Mor­gan Sackett (NBC)
  • The Expan­se: “Abaddon’s Gate,” writ­ten by Dani­el Abra­ham, Ty Franck and Naren Shan­kar, direc­ted by Simon Cel­lan Jones (Pen­gu­in in a Parka / Alcon Entertainment)
  • Doc­tor Who: “Demons of the Pun­jab,” writ­ten by Vin­ay Patel, direc­ted by Jamie Childs (BBC)
  • Dir­ty Com­pu­ter, writ­ten by Janel­le Monáe, direc­ted by Andrew Dono­ho and Chuck Light­ning (Won­da­land Arts Socie­ty / Bad Boy Records / Atlan­tic Records)
  • The Good Place: “Jere­my Bea­ri­my,” writ­ten by Megan Amram, direc­ted by Trent O’Donnell (NBC)
  • Doc­tor Who: “Rosa,” writ­ten by Mal­orie Black­man and Chris Chib­nall, direc­ted by Mark Ton­derai (BBC)

Best Professional Editor, Long Form

  • Navah Wol­fe
  • Shei­la E. Gilbert
  • Anne Les­ley Groell
  • Beth Meacham
  • Dia­na Phở
  • Gil­li­an Redfearn

Best Professional Editor, Short Form

  • Gard­ner Dozois
  • Neil Clar­ke
  • Lee Har­ris
  • Julia Rios
  • Lyn­ne M. Tho­mas and Micha­el Dami­an Thomas
  • E. Cathe­ri­ne Tobler

Best Professional Artist

  • Charles Vess
  • Galen Dara
  • Jai­me Jones
  • Vic­to Ngai
  • John Pica­cio
  • Yuko Shi­mi­zu

Best Art Book

  • The Books of Earth­sea: The Com­ple­te Illus­tra­ted Edi­ti­on, illus­tra­ted by Charles Vess, writ­ten by Ursu­la K. Le Guin (Saga Press /Gollancz)
  • Daydreamer’s Jour­ney: The Art of Julie Dil­lon, by Julie Dil­lon (self-published)
  • Dun­ge­ons & Dra­gons Art & Arca­na: A Visu­al Histo­ry, by Micha­el Wit­wer, Kyle New­man, Jon Peter­son, Sam Wit­wer (Ten Speed Press)
  • Spec­trum 25: The Best in Con­tem­po­ra­ry Fan­ta­stic Art, ed. John Fles­kes (Flesk Publications)
  • Spi­der-Man: Into the Spi­der-Ver­se – The Art of the Movie, by Ramin Zahed (Titan Books)
  • Tol­ki­en: Maker of Midd­le-earth, ed. Cathe­ri­ne McIl­wai­ne (Bod­lei­an Library)

Best Semiprozine

  • Uncan­ny Maga­zi­ne, publisher­s/e­di­tors-in-chief Lyn­ne M. Tho­mas and Micha­el Dami­an Tho­mas, mana­ging edi­tor Michi Tro­ta, pod­cast pro­du­cers Eri­ka Ensign and Ste­ven Scha­pan­sky, Dis­ab­led Peo­p­le Des­troy Sci­ence Fic­tion Spe­cial Issue edi­tors-in-chief Elsa Sjun­neson-Hen­ry and Domi­nik Parisien
  • Beneath Cea­se­l­ess Ski­es, edi­tor-in-chief and publisher Scott H. Andrews
  • Fire­si­de Maga­zi­ne, edi­ted by Julia Rios, mana­ging edi­tor Elsa Sjun­neson-Hen­ry, copy­edi­tor Chel­le Par­ker; social coör­di­na­tor Meg Frank, spe­cial fea­tures edi­tor Tanya DePass, foun­ding edi­tor Bri­an White, publisher and art direc­tor Pablo Defendini
  • FIYAH Maga­zi­ne of Black Spe­cu­la­ti­ve Fic­tion, exe­cu­ti­ve edi­tors Troy L. Wig­gins and DaVaun San­ders, edi­tors L.D. Lewis, Bran­don O’Brien, Kaleb Rus­sell, Dan­ny Lore, and Brent Lambert
  • Shim­mer, publisher Beth Wod­zinski, seni­or edi­tor E. Cathe­ri­ne Tobler
  • Stran­ge Hori­zons, edi­ted by Jane Crow­ley, Kate Dol­lar­hyde, Vanes­sa Rose Phin, Vajra Chandra­se­kera, Romie Stott, Mau­re­en Kin­caid Spel­ler, and the Stran­ge Hori­zons Staff

Best Fanzine

  • Lady Busi­ness, edi­tors Ira, Jodie, KJ, Ren­ay & Susan
  • Galac­tic Jour­ney, foun­der Gideon Mar­cus, edi­tor Janice Marcus
  • Jour­ney Pla­net, edi­ted by Team Jour­ney Planet
  • nerds of a fea­ther, flock tog­e­ther, edi­tors Joe Sher­ry, Van­ce Kotrla and The G
  • Quick Sip Reviews, edi­tor Charles Payseur
  • Rocket Stack Rank, edi­tors Greg Hul­len­der and Eric Wong

Best Fancast

  • Our Opi­ni­ons Are Cor­rect, hos­ted by Anna­lee Newitz and Char­lie Jane Anders
  • Be the Ser­pent, pre­sen­ted by Alex­an­dra Row­land, Freya Mar­s­ke and Jen­ni­fer Mace
  • The Coo­de Street Pod­cast, pre­sen­ted by Jona­than Stra­han and Gary K. Wolfe
  • Fan­girl Hap­py Hour, hos­ted by Ana Gri­lo and Ren­ay Williams
  • Galac­tic Sub­ur­bia, hos­ted by Ali­sa Kras­nostein, Alex­an­dra Pier­ce, and Tan­sy Ray­ner Roberts, pro­du­ced by Andrew Finch
  • The Skiffy and Fan­ty Show, pro­du­ced by Jen Zink and Shaun Duke, hos­ted by the Skiffy and Fan­ty Crew

Best Fan Writer

  • Foz Mea­dows
  • James Davis Nicoll
  • Charles Pay­seur
  • Elsa Sjun­neson-Hen­ry
  • Alasd­air Stuart
  • Bogi Takács

Best Fan Artist

  • Lik­hain (Mia Sereno)
  • Sara Felix
  • Grace P. Fong
  • Meg Frank
  • Arie­la Housman
  • Spring Schoen­huth

John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer

  • Jean­nette Ng (2nd year of eligibility)
  • Kathe­ri­ne Arden (2nd year of eligibility)
  • S.A. Chakra­bor­ty (2nd year of eligibility)
  • R.F. Kuang (1st year of eligibility)
  • Vina Jie-Min Pra­sad (2nd year of eligibility)
  • Rivers Solo­mon (2nd year of eligibility)

Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book

  • Child­ren of Blood and Bone, by Tomi Adey­e­mi (Hen­ry Holt / Macmil­lan Children’s Books)
  • The Bel­les, by Dho­niel­le Clay­ton (Free­form / Gollancz)
  • The Cruel Prin­ce, by Hol­ly Black (Litt­le, Brown / Hot Key Books)
  • Dread Nati­on, by Jus­ti­na Ire­land (Bal­zer + Bray)
  • The Inva­si­on, by Pea­dar O’Guilin (David Fick­ling Books / Scholastic)
  • Tess of the Road, by Rachel Hart­man (Ran­dom House / Pen­gu­in Teen)



Best Novel

  • Con­ju­re Wife, by Fritz Lei­ber, Jr. (Unknown Worlds, April 1943)
  • Earth’s Last Cita­del, by C.L. Moo­re and Hen­ry Kutt­ner (Argo­sy, April 1943)
  • Gather, Dark­ness! by Fritz Lei­ber, Jr. (Astoun­ding Sci­ence-Fic­tion, May-July 1943)
  • Das Glas­per­len­spiel [The Glass Bead Game], by Her­mann Hes­se (Fretz & Wasmuth)
  • Perelandra, by C.S. Lewis (John Lane, The Bod­ley Head)
  • The Wea­pon Makers, by A.E. van Vogt (Astoun­ding Sci­ence-Fic­tion, Febru­ary-April 1943)

Best Novel­la

  • The Litt­le Prin­ce, by Antoine de Saint-Exupé­ry (Rey­nal & Hitchcock)
  • Atti­tu­de,” by Hal Cle­ment (Astoun­ding Sci­ence-Fic­tion, Sep­tem­ber 1943)
  • Clash by Night,” by Law­rence O’Donnell (Hen­ry Kutt­ner & C.L. Moo­re) (Astoun­ding Sci­ence-Fic­tion, March 1943)
  • The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath,” by H.P. Love­craft, (Bey­ond the Wall of Sleep, Ark­ham House)
  • The Magic Bed-Knob; or, How to Beco­me a Witch in Ten Easy Les­sons, by Mary Nor­ton (Hype­ri­on Press)
  • We Print the Truth,” by Antho­ny Bou­ch­er (Astoun­ding Sci­ence-Fic­tion, Decem­ber 1943)

Best Nove­let­te

  • Mim­sy Were the Boro­go­ves,” by Lewis Pad­gett (C.L. Moo­re & Hen­ry Kutt­ner) (Astoun­ding Sci­ence-Fic­tion, Febru­ary 1943)
  • Cita­del of Lost Ships,” by Leigh Bra­ckett (Pla­net Sto­ries, March 1943)
  • The Half­ling,” by Leigh Bra­ckett (Asto­nis­hing Sto­ries, Febru­ary 1943)
  • The Proud Robot,” by Lewis Pad­gett (Hen­ry Kutt­ner) (Astoun­ding Sci­ence-Fic­tion, Febru­ary 1943)
  • Sym­bio­ti­ca,” by Eric Frank Rus­sell (Astoun­ding Sci­ence-Fic­tion, Octo­ber 1943)
  • Thie­ves’ House,” by Fritz Lei­ber, Jr (Unknown Worlds, Febru­ary 1943)

Best Short Story

  • King of the Gray Spaces” (“R is for Rocket”), by Ray Brad­bu­ry (Famous Fan­ta­stic Mys­te­ries, Decem­ber 1943)
  • Death Sen­tence,” by Isaac Asi­mov (Astoun­ding Sci­ence Fic­tion, Novem­ber 1943)
  • Door­way into Time,” by C.L. Moo­re (Famous Fan­ta­stic Mys­te­ries, Sep­tem­ber 1943)
  • Exi­le,” by Edmond Hamil­ton (Super Sci­ence Sto­ries, May 1943)
  • Q.U.R.,” by H.H. Hol­mes (Antho­ny Bou­ch­er) (Astoun­ding Sci­ence-Fic­tion, March 1943)
  • Yours Tru­ly – Jack the Rip­per,” by Robert Bloch (Weird Tales, July 1943)

Best Gra­phic Story

  • Won­der Woman : Batt­le for Woman­hood, writ­ten by Wil­liam Moul­ton Mar­s­ton, art by Har­ry G. Peter (DC Comics)
  • Buck Rogers: Mar­ti­ans Inva­de Jupi­ter, by Phil­ip Now­lan and Dick Cal­kins (Natio­nal News­pa­per Service)
  • Flash Gor­don: Fiery Desert of Mon­go, by Alex Ray­mond (King Fea­tures Syndicate)
  • Garth, by Ste­ve Dow­ling (Dai­ly Mirror)
  • Pla­s­tic Man #1: The Game of Death, by Jack Cole (Vital Publications)
  • Le Secret de la Licor­ne [The Secret of the Uni­corn], by Her­gé (Le Soir)

Best Dra­ma­tic Pre­sen­ta­ti­on, Long Form

  • Hea­ven Can Wait, writ­ten by Sam­son Rapha­el­son, direc­ted by Ernst Lubit­sch (20th Cen­tu­ry Fox)
  • Bat­man, writ­ten by Vic­tor McLeod, Les­lie Swa­back­er and Har­ry L. Fraser, direc­ted by Lam­bert Hil­ly­er (Colum­bia Pictures)
  • Cabin in the Sky, writ­ten by Joseph Schrank, direc­ted by Vin­cen­te Min­nel­li and Bus­by Ber­ke­ley (uncre­di­ted) (MGM)
  • A Guy Named Joe, writ­ten by Fre­de­rick Haz­litt Brennan and Dal­ton Trumbo, direc­ted by Vic­tor Fle­ming (MGM)
  • Münch­hau­sen, writ­ten by Erich Käst­ner and Rudolph Erich Ras­pe, direc­ted by Josef von Báky (UFA)
  • Phan­tom of the Ope­ra, writ­ten by Eric Tay­lor, Samu­el Hof­fen­stein and Hans Jaco­by, direc­ted by Arthur Lubin (Uni­ver­sal Pictures)

Best Dra­ma­tic Pre­sen­ta­ti­on, Short Form

  • Fran­ken­stein Meets the Wolf­man, writ­ten by Curt Siod­mak, direc­ted by Roy Wil­liam Neill (Uni­ver­sal Pictures)
  • The Ape Man, writ­ten by Bar­ney A. Sare­cky, direc­ted by Wil­liam Beau­di­ne (Ban­ner Productions)
  • Der Fuehrer’s Face, sto­ry by Joe Grant and Dick Hue­mer, direc­ted by Jack Kin­ney (Dis­ney)
  • I Wal­ked With a Zom­bie, writ­ten by Curt Siod­mak and Ardel Wray, direc­ted by Jac­ques Tour­neur (RKO Radio Pictures)
  • The Seventh Vic­tim, writ­ten by Charles O’Neal and DeWitt Bodeen, direc­ted by Mark Rob­son (RKO Radio Pictures)
  • Super-Rab­bit, writ­ten by Tedd Pier­ce, direc­ted by Charles M. Jones (War­ner Bros)

Best Pro­fes­sio­nal Edi­tor, Short Form

  • John W. Campbell
  • Oscar J. Friend
  • Mary Gnae­din­ger
  • Doro­thy McIlwraith
  • Ray­mond A. Palmer
  • Donald A. Wollheim

Best Pro­fes­sio­nal Artist

  • Vir­gil Finlay
  • Han­nes Bok
  • Mar­ga­ret Brundage
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  • J. Allen St. John
  • Wil­liam Timmins

Best Fan­zine

  • Le Zom­bie, edi­tor Wil­son “Bob” Tucker
  • Gute­to, edi­ted by Morojo (Myrt­le R. Douglas)
  • Futu­ri­an War Digest, edi­tor J. Micha­el Rosenblum
  • The Phan­ta­graph, edi­tor Donald A. Wollheim
  • Voice of the Ima­gi-Nati­on, edi­tors Jack Erman (For­rest J Acker­man) & Morojo (Myrt­le Douglas)
  • YHOS, edi­tor Art Widner

Note: An error in the ori­gi­nal vote tal­ly for the 1944 Retro Hugo Awards pla­ced Fan­ta­sy News by edi­tor Wil­liam S. Syko­ra on the fina­list bal­lot ins­tead of Gute­to, edi­ted by Morojo (Myrt­le R. Dou­glas). Wri­te-in votes for Gute­to on pre­vious­ly prin­ted hard copy ver­si­ons of the bal­lot will be accepted.

Best Fan Writer

  • For­rest J. Ackerman
  • Morojo (Myrt­le Douglas)
  • Jack Speer
  • Wil­son “Bob” Tucker
  • Art Wid­ner
  • Donald A. Wollheim

Hugo Award” and The Hugo Award Logo are ser­vice marks of the World Sci­ence Fic­tion Socie­ty, an unin­cor­po­ra­ted lite­ra­ry society.

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Hugo Awards 2019: Die Nominierten

Im nach­fol­gen­den eine Lis­te der Nomi­nie­run­gen für die dies­jäh­ri­gen Hugo Awards, die im Rah­men der SF-World­con ver­lie­hen wer­den, die vom 15. bis 19. August 2019 in Dub­lin statt­fin­det. Der Preis wur­de nach dem AMAZING STO­RIES-Her­aus­ge­ber Hugo Gerns­back benannt und wird seit 1953 jähr­lich durch eine Jury der World Sci­ence Fic­tion Socie­ty verliehen.

Für an Phan­tas­tik Inter­es­sier­te ist das sicher­lich eine Ein­k­auf­lis­te. Gewis­sen reak­tio­nä­ren Kräf­ten in der deut­schen Wiki­pe­dia (aber auch im deut­schen SF-Fan­dom) wird ver­mut­lich die schie­re Men­ge an nomi­nier­ten Autorin­nen nicht gefal­len … #wiki­fuer­al­le




  • If at First You Don’t Suc­ceed, Try, Try Again by Zen Cho, Bar­nes & Noble Sci-Fi & Fan­ta­sy Blog
  • The Last Ban­quet of Tem­po­ral Con­fec­tions by Tina Con­nol­ly,
  • Nine Last Days on Pla­net Earth by Daryl Gre­go­ry,
  • The Only Harm­less Gre­at Thing by Broo­ke Bol­an­der,
  • The Thing About Ghost Sto­ries by Nao­mi Krit­zer, Uncan­ny Magazine
  • When We Were Starless by Simo­ne Hel­ler, Clar­kes­world Magazine


  • The Court Magi­ci­an by Sarah Pins­ker, Lightspeed Maga­zi­ne
  • The Rose Mac­Gre­gor Drin­king and Admi­ra­ti­on Socie­ty by T. King­fi­sher, Uncan­ny Magazine
  • The Secret Lives of the Nine Negro Tee­th of Geor­ge Washing­ton by P. Djè­lí Clark, Fire­si­de Magazine
  • STET by Sarah Gai­ley, Fire­si­de Magazine
  • The Tale of the Three Beau­tiful Rap­tor Sis­ters, and the Prin­ce Who Was Made of Meat by Broo­ke Bol­an­der, Uncan­ny Magazine
  • A Witch’s Gui­de to Escape: A Prac­ti­cal Com­pen­di­um of Por­tal Fan­ta­sies by Alix E. Har­row, Apex Maga­zi­ne


  • The Cen­te­nal Cycle by Mal­ka Older
  • The Laun­dry Files by Charles Stross
  • Machi­ne­ries of Empire by Yoon Ha Lee
  • The Octo­ber Daye Series by Seanan McGuire
  • The Uni­ver­se of Xuya by Ali­et­te de Bodard
  • Way­fa­rers by Becky Chambers


  • Archi­ve of Our Own, a pro­ject of the Orga­niza­ti­on for Trans­for­ma­ti­ve Works
  • Astoun­ding: John W. Camp­bell, Isaac Asi­mov, Robert A. Hein­lein, L. Ron Hub­bard, and the Gol­den Age of Sci­ence Fic­tion, by Alec Nevala-Lee
  • The Hob­bit Duo­lo­gy (a docu­men­ta­ry in three parts), writ­ten and edi­ted by Lind­say Ellis and Ange­li­na Meehan
  • An Infor­mal Histo­ry of the Hugos: A Per­so­nal Look Back at the Hugo Awards 1953–2000, by Jo Walton
  • The Mexi­canx Initia­ti­ve Expe­ri­ence at World­con 76 by Julia Rios, Libia Bren­da, Pablo Defen­di­ni, and John Picacio
  • Ursu­la K. Le Guin: Con­ver­sa­ti­ons on Wri­ting by Ursu­la K. Le Guin with David Naimon


  • Abbott, writ­ten by Sala­din Ahmed, art by Sami Kivelä, colors by Jason Wordie, let­ters by Jim Campbell
  • Black Pan­ther: Long Live the King, writ­ten by Nne­di Oko­ra­for and Aaron Coving­ton, art by André Lima Araú­jo, Mario Del Pen­ni­no, and Tana Ford
  • Monstress, Volu­me 3: Haven, writ­ten by Mar­jo­rie Liu, art by Sana Take­da (Image Comics)
  • On a Sun­beam, by Til­lie Walden
  • Paper Girls, Volu­me 4, writ­ten by Bri­an K. Vaug­han, art by Cliff Chiang, colors by Matt Wil­son, let­ters by Jared K. Fletcher
  • Saga, Volu­me 9, writ­ten by Bri­an K. Vaug­han, art by Fio­na Staples


  • Anni­hi­la­ti­on, direc­ted and writ­ten for the screen by Alex Gar­land, based on the novel by Jeff VanderMeer
  • Aven­gers: Infi­ni­ty War, screen­play by Chris­to­pher Mar­kus and Ste­phen McFee­ly, direc­ted by Antho­ny Rus­so and Joe Russo
  • Black Pan­ther, writ­ten by Ryan Coog­ler and Joe Robert Cole, direc­ted by Ryan Coogler
  • A Quiet Place, screen­play by Scott Beck, John Kras­in­ski, and Bryan Woods, direc­ted by John Krasinski
  • Sor­ry to Bother You, writ­ten and direc­ted by Boots Riley
  • Spi­der-Man: Into the Spi­der-Ver­se, screen­play by Phil Lord and Rod­ney Roth­man, direc­ted by Bob Per­si­chet­ti, Peter Ram­sey, and Rod­ney Rothman


  • The Expan­se: “Abaddon’s Gate,” writ­ten by Dani­el Abra­ham, Ty Franck and Naren Shan­kar, direc­ted by Simon Cel­lan Jones
  • Doc­tor Who: “Demons of the Pun­jab,” writ­ten by Vin­ay Patel, direc­ted by Jamie Childs
  • Dir­ty Com­pu­ter, writ­ten by Janel­le Monáe, direc­ted by Andrew Dono­ho and Chuck Lightning
  • The Good Place: “Janet(s),” writ­ten by Josh Sie­gal & Dylan Mor­gan, direc­ted by Mor­gan Sackett
  • The Good Place: “Jere­my Bea­ri­my,” writ­ten by Megan Amram, direc­ted by Trent O’Donnell
  • Doc­tor Who: “Rosa,” writ­ten by Mal­orie Black­man and Chris Chib­nall, direc­ted by Mark Tonderai


  • Neil Clar­ke
  • Gard­ner Dozois
  • Lee Har­ris
  • Julia Rios
  • Lyn­ne M. Tho­mas and Micha­el Dami­an Thomas
  • E. Cathe­ri­ne Tobler


  • Shei­la E. Gilbert
  • Anne Les­ley Groell
  • Beth Meacham
  • Dia­na Phở
  • Gil­li­an Redfearn
  • Navah Wol­fe


  • Galen Dara
  • Jai­me Jones
  • Vic­to Ngai
  • John Pica­cio
  • Yuko Shi­mi­zu
  • Charles Vess


  • Beneath Cea­se­l­ess Ski­es, edi­tor-in-chief and publisher Scott H. Andrews
  • Fire­si­de Maga­zi­ne, edi­ted by Julia Rios, mana­ging edi­tor Elsa Sjun­neson-Hen­ry, social coör­di­na­tor Meg Frank, spe­cial fea­tures edi­tor Tanya DePass, foun­ding edi­tor Bri­an White, publisher and art direc­tor Pablo Defendini
  • FIYAH Maga­zi­ne of Black Spe­cu­la­ti­ve Fic­tion, exe­cu­ti­ve edi­tors Troy L. Wig­gins and DaVaun San­ders, edi­tors L.D. Lewis, Bran­don O’Brien, Kaleb Rus­sell, Dan­ny Lore, and Brent Lambert
  • Shim­mer, publisher Beth Wod­zinski, seni­or edi­tor E. Cathe­ri­ne Tobler
  • Stran­ge Hori­zons, edi­ted by Jane Crow­ley, Kate Dol­lar­hyde, Vanes­sa Rose Phin, Vajra Chandra­se­kera, Romie Stott, Mau­re­en Kin­caid Spel­ler, and the Stran­ge Hori­zons Staff
  • Uncan­ny Maga­zi­ne, publisher­s/e­di­tors-in-chief Lyn­ne M. Tho­mas and Micha­el Dami­an Tho­mas, mana­ging edi­tor Michi Tro­ta, pod­cast pro­du­cers Eri­ka Ensign and Ste­ven Scha­pan­sky, Dis­ab­led Peo­p­le Des­troy Sci­ence Fic­tion Spe­cial Issue edi­tors-in-chief Elsa Sjun­neson-Hen­ry and Domi­nik Parisien


  • Galac­tic Jour­ney, foun­der Gideon Mar­cus, edi­tor Janice Marcus
  • Jour­ney Pla­net, edi­ted by Team Jour­ney Planet
  • Lady Busi­ness, edi­tors Ira, Jodie, KJ, Ren­ay & Susan
  • nerds of a fea­ther, flock tog­e­ther, edi­tors Joe Sher­ry, Van­ce Kotrla, and The G
  • Quick Sip Reviews, edi­tor Charles Payseur
  • Rocket Stack Rank, edi­tors Greg Hul­len­der and Eric Wong


  • Be the Ser­pent, pre­sen­ted by Alex­an­dra Row­land, Freya Mar­s­ke, and Jen­ni­fer Mace
  • The Coo­de Street Pod­cast, pre­sen­ted by Jona­than Stra­han and Gary K. Wolfe
  • Fan­girl Hap­py Hour, hos­ted by Ana Gri­lo and Ren­ay Williams
  • Galac­tic Sub­ur­bia, hos­ted by Ali­sa Kras­nostein, Alex­an­dra Pier­ce, and Tan­sy Ray­ner Roberts, pro­du­ced by Andrew Finch
  • Our Opi­ni­ons Are Cor­rect, hos­ted by Anna­lee Newitz and Char­lie Jane Anders
  • The Skiffy and Fan­ty Show, pro­du­ced by Jen Zink and Shaun Duke, hos­ted by the Skiffy and Fan­ty Crew


  • Foz Mea­dows
  • James Davis Nicoll
  • Charles Pay­seur
  • Elsa Sjun­neson-Hen­ry
  • Alasd­air Stuart
  • Bogi Takács


  • Sara Felix
  • Grace P. Fong
  • Meg Frank
  • Arie­la Housman
  • Lik­hain (Mia Sereno)
  • Spring Schoen­huth

Best Art Book

  • The Books of Earth­sea: The Com­ple­te Illus­tra­ted Edi­ti­on, illus­tra­ted by Charles Vess, writ­ten by Ursu­la K. Le Guin
  • Daydreamer’s Jour­ney: The Art of Julie Dil­lon by Julie Dillon
  • Dun­ge­ons & Dra­gons Art & Arca­na: A Visu­al Histo­ry by Micha­el Wit­wer, Kyle New­man, Jon Peter­son, and Sam Witwer
  • Spec­trum 25: The Best in Con­tem­po­ra­ry Fan­ta­stic Art, edi­tor John Fleskes
  • Spi­der-Man: Into the Spi­der-Ver­se – The Art of the Movie by Ramin Zahed
  • Tol­ki­en: Maker of Midd­le-earth, edi­tor Cathe­ri­ne McIlwaine



  • Kathe­ri­ne Arden (second year of eligibility)
  • S.A. Chakra­bor­ty (second year of eligibility)
  • R.F. Kuang (first year of eligibility)
  • Jean­nette Ng (second year of eligibility)
  • Vina Jie-Min Pra­sad (second year of eligibility)
  • Rivers Solo­mon (second year of eligibility)


  • The Bel­les by Dho­niel­le Clayton
  • Child­ren of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
  • The Cruel Prin­ce by Hol­ly Black
  • Dread Nati­on by Jus­ti­na Ireland
  • The Inva­si­on by Pea­dar O’Guilin
  • Tess of the Road by Rachel Hartman

Logo Hugo Award Copy­right World Sci­ence Fic­tion Society

Views: 0

Die Hugo-Awards 2012 (Update)

Huch, da hät­te ich doch vor lau­ter arbeit fast die Ver­lei­hung der dies­jäh­ri­gen Hugo-Awards über­se­hen, glück­li­cher­wei­se wies Sean auf sei­ner Sei­te Wort­wel­len dar­auf hin, Dan­ke dafür.

Als bes­ter Roman wur­de Jo Walt­ons AMONG OTHERS aus­ge­zeich­net, eine Geschich­te um ein magie­be­gab­tes Mäd­chen in einem bri­ti­schen Inter­nat. Da könn­te man an eine Pot­ter-Epi­go­ne den­ken, aber tat­säch­lich ist die Her­an­ge­hens­wei­se eine deut­lich ande­re als beim popu­lä­ren Zau­ber­lehr­ling. AMONG OTHERS konn­te sich gegen Iko­nen wie Mar­tins A DANCE WITH DRAGONS oder Mié­vil­les EMBASSYTOWN durch­set­zen. Die bes­te Novel­le THE MAN WHO BRIDGED THE MIST stammt von Kij John­son. Äußerst posi­tiv fin­de ich die Tat­sa­che, dass man die nomi­nier­ten Novel­len heut­zu­ta­ge oft pro­blem­los als eBook erwer­ben kann, frü­her kam man nur schwer an das Mate­ri­al heran.

Im Bereich beweg­te Bil­der (lang) ließ die Fern­seh­se­rie GAME OF THRONES nicht ganz uner­war­tet alle ande­ren hin­ter sich, dar­un­ter auch HARRY POTTER und HUGO (CABRET). Als bes­te TV-Epi­so­de wur­de erneut eine DOCTOR WHO-Fol­ge aus­ge­zeich­net, näm­lich THE DOCTOR´S WIFE. Ins­ge­samt waren drei Epi­so­den der bri­ti­schen Kult­se­rie nomi­niert worden.

[Update 11:00 Uhr:] Der Live­stream von der Ver­an­stal­tung wur­de auf­grund angeb­li­cher Urhe­ber­rechts­ver­stö­ße unter­bro­chen (eng­li­scher Arti­kel auf io9). Kon­kre­ter Grund waren Clips aus nomi­nier­ten Fern­seh­se­ri­en. Das ist natür­lich ein gro­ßer Lach­schla­ger, dass von auf Drän­gen der Ver­wert­er­ma­fia ein­ge­führ­ten auto­ma­ti­sier­ten Maß­nah­men gera­de ein sol­cher Stream weg­ge­boxt wird. Und es wirft ein bezeich­nen­des Licht dar­auf, was mit dem Netz gesche­hen könn­te (und schon geschieht), wenn man die Ver­wer­ter­lob­bies wei­ter machen lässt.

Alle Aus­zeich­nun­gen fin­den sich im voll­stän­di­gen Artikel.

Views: 0

Hugo-Nominierungen 2012

Die 2012er Nomi­nier­ten­lis­te für die all­jähr­lich von der World Sci­ence Fic­tion Socie­ty ver­lie­he­nen Hugo-Awards ist raus. Nun mag man an der Sinn­haf­tig­keit von sol­chen Aus­zeich­nun­gen grund­sätz­lich zwei­feln, aller­dings sehe ich in den US-Prei­sen aus ver­schie­de­nen Grün­den mehr Inhalt und Kom­pe­tenz als bei den hie­si­gen: die schie­re Men­ge an Abstim­men­den ist eben­so viel grö­ßer als bei uns, wie auch die pure Men­ge an Phan­tas­tik-Out­put in den Staa­ten (von der wir hier lei­der nur einen ver­schwin­dend gerin­gen Bruch­teil zu sehen bekommen).

Ich hal­te die US-Nomi­nie­run­gen und ‑Ver­lei­hun­gen des­we­gen ins­be­son­de­re für eine treff­li­che Vor­schlags­lis­te, die dem inter­es­sier­ten Leser pri­ma Hin­wei­se gibt, was man sich mal zum Lesen oder in Sachen Fil­me und Fern­seh­se­ri­en zum Anse­hen vor­neh­men soll­te. Und das gera­de des­we­gen, weil es mög­li­cher­wei­se nicht in deut­scher Spra­che erscheint, da die Ableh­ner Ent­schei­der bei den Publi­kums­ver­la­gen der Ansicht sind, dass das hier­zu­lan­de eh nie­mand liest.

Die Hugos wer­den am 2. Sep­tem­ber 2012 auf dem sieb­ten Chi­con in Chi­ca­go verliehen.

Best Novel (932 ballots)
Among Others by Jo Walt­on (Tor)
A Dance With Dra­gons by Geor­ge R. R. Mar­tin (Ban­tam Spectra)
Dead­line by Mira Grant (Orbit)
Embas­sy­town by Chi­na Mié­ville (Macmil­lan / Del Rey)
Levia­than Wakes by James S. A. Corey (Orbit)

Views: 0

Die Hugo Awards 2011

Ges­tern wur­den auf der 69. World Sci­ence Fic­tion Con­ven­ti­on in Reno, Neva­da, die dies­jäh­ri­gen Hugo Awards vergeben.

Wie bereits bei den Nebu­la Awards gewan­nen BLACKOUT/ALL CLEAR von Con­nie Wil­lis die Aus­zeich­nung für den bes­ten Roman (das ist bereits ihr elf­ter Hugo…), als bes­te Novel­le (also für Wer­ke, die län­ger als Kurz­ge­schich­ten aber kür­zer als Roma­ne sind) wur­de Ted Chiangs THE LIFECYCLE OF SOFTWARE OBJECTS mit dem Preis bedacht. Als bes­ter Comic wur­de die zehn­te Aus­ga­be des Steam­punk-Comics GIRL GENIUS von Phil und Kaja Foglio geehrt. In Sachen Film griff wie­der ein­mal INCEPTION den Preis ab und DR. WHO kann sich über eine Ehrung in Sachen TV freuen.

Die kom­plet­te Lis­te der Gewin­ner wie immer im voll­stän­di­gen Artikel.

Views: 0

Vergeben: Die Hugos

Am gest­ri­gen Sonn­tag wur­den auf dem Aus­sie­Con im Mel­bourne Con­ven­ti­on and Exhi­bi­ti­on Cent­re die Hugos 2010 ver­lie­hen. Host der Ver­an­stal­tung war der aus­tra­li­sche Best­sel­ler-SF-Autor Garth Nix.

Beim bes­ten Roman gab es eine Über­ra­schung, näm­lich ein Unent­schie­den, so dass der Preis zwei­mal ver­ge­ben wur­de. Erneut räum­te Chi­na Mié­ville mit THE CITY AND THE CITY einen »bes­ten Roman« ab. Hier die voll­stän­di­ge Lis­te der Gewinner:

The City & The City by Chi­na Mié­ville (Del Rey; Macmil­lan UK)
The Win­dup Girl by Pao­lo Baci­g­alu­pi (Night Shade)

»Palim­psest« by Charles Stross (Wire­less; Ace; Orbit)

»The Island« by Peter Watts (The New Space Ope­ra 2; Eos)

»Bri­de­sic­le« by Will McIn­tosh (Asimov’s 1/09)

This is Me, Jack Van­ce! (Or, More Pro­per­ly, This is »I«) by Jack Van­ce (Sub­ter­ra­ne­an)

Girl Geni­us, Volu­me 9: Aga­tha Hete­ro­dy­ne and the Heirs of the Storm Writ­ten by Kaja and Phil Foglio; Art by Phil Foglio; Colours by Che­yenne Wright (Air­ship Entertainment)

Moon Screen­play by Nathan Par­ker; Sto­ry by Dun­can Jones; Direc­ted by Dun­can Jones (Liber­ty Films)

BEST DRAMATIC PRESENTATION – SHORT FORM (282 nomi­na­ting ballots)
Doc­tor Who: »The Waters of Mars« Writ­ten by Rus­sell T Davies & Phil Ford; Direc­ted by Grae­me Har­per (BBC Wales)

Patrick Niel­sen Hayden

Ellen Dat­low

Shaun Tan

Clar­kes­world edi­ted by Neil Clar­ke, Sean Wal­lace, & Cheryl Morgan

Fre­de­rik Pohl

Star­Ship­So­fa edi­ted by Tony C. Smith

Brad W. Foster

Seanan McGui­re

Update: Hier noch­mals ein Link zur voll­stän­di­gen Lis­te der Nomi­nier­ten (auch bei den­je­ni­gen die nicht gewon­nen haben, kann man ja poten­ti­ell les­ba­re Schät­ze finden…).

Cover THE WINDUP GIRL Copy­right 2010 Nights­ha­de Books, Quel­le der Gewin­ner­lis­te: Hugo Award Webseite

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