Hugo-Nominierungen 2012

Die 2012er Nomi­nier­ten­lis­te für die all­jähr­lich von der World Sci­ence Fic­tion Socie­ty ver­lie­he­nen Hugo-Awards ist raus. Nun mag man an der Sinn­haf­tig­keit von sol­chen Aus­zeich­nun­gen grund­sätz­lich zwei­feln, aller­dings sehe ich in den US-Prei­sen aus ver­schie­de­nen Grün­den mehr Inhalt und Kom­pe­tenz als bei den hie­si­gen: die schie­re Men­ge an Abstim­men­den ist eben­so viel grö­ßer als bei uns, wie auch die pure Men­ge an Phan­tas­tik-Out­put in den Staa­ten (von der wir hier lei­der nur einen ver­schwin­dend gerin­gen Bruch­teil zu sehen bekommen).

Ich hal­te die US-Nomi­nie­run­gen und ‑Ver­lei­hun­gen des­we­gen ins­be­son­de­re für eine treff­li­che Vor­schlags­lis­te, die dem inter­es­sier­ten Leser pri­ma Hin­wei­se gibt, was man sich mal zum Lesen oder in Sachen Fil­me und Fern­seh­se­ri­en zum Anse­hen vor­neh­men soll­te. Und das gera­de des­we­gen, weil es mög­li­cher­wei­se nicht in deut­scher Spra­che erscheint, da die Ableh­ner Ent­schei­der bei den Publi­kums­ver­la­gen der Ansicht sind, dass das hier­zu­lan­de eh nie­mand liest.

Die Hugos wer­den am 2. Sep­tem­ber 2012 auf dem sieb­ten Chi­con in Chi­ca­go verliehen.

Best Novel (932 ballots)
Among Others by Jo Walton (Tor)
A Dance With Dra­gons by Geor­ge R. R. Mar­tin (Ban­tam Spectra)
Dead­line by Mira Grant (Orbit)
Embas­sy­town by Chi­na Mié­vil­le (Mac­mil­lan / Del Rey)
Levia­than Wakes by James S. A. Corey (Orbit)

Best Novel­la (473 ballots)
Count­down by Mira Grant (Orbit)
“The Ice Owl” by Caro­lyn Ives Gil­man (The Maga­zi­ne of Fan­ta­sy & Sci­ence Fic­tion November/December 2011)
“Kiss Me Twice” by Mary Robi­net­te Kow­al (Asimov’s June 2011)
“The Man Who Brid­ged the Mist” by Kij John­son (Asimov’s September/October 2011)
“The Man Who Ended Histo­ry: A Docu­men­ta­ry” by Ken Liu (Pan­ver­se 3)
Silent­ly and Very Fast by Cathe­ryn­ne M. Valen­te (WSFA)

Best Nov­elet­te (499 ballots)
“The Copen­ha­gen Inter­pre­ta­ti­on” by Paul Cor­nell (Asimov’s July 2011)
“Fiel­ds of Gold” by Rachel Swirs­ky (Eclip­se Four)
“Ray of Light” by Brad R. Tor­ger­sen (Ana­log Decem­ber 2011)
“Six Mon­ths, Three Days” by Char­lie Jane Anders (
“What We Found” by Geoff Ryman (The Maga­zi­ne of Fan­ta­sy & Sci­ence Fic­tion March/April 2011)

Best Short Sto­ry (593 ballots)
“The Car­to­gra­pher Wasps and the Anar­chist Bees” by E. Lily Yu (Clar­kes­world April 2011)
“The Home­co­m­ing” by Mike Res­nick (Asimov’s April/May 2011)
“Move­ment” by Nan­cy Ful­da (Asimov’s March 2011)
“The Paper Mena­ge­rie” by Ken Liu (The Maga­zi­ne of Fan­ta­sy & Sci­ence Fic­tion March/April 2011)
“Shadow War of the Night Dra­gons: Book One: The Dead City: Pro­lo­gue” by John Scal­zi (

Best Rela­ted Work (461 ballots)
The Ency­clo­pe­dia of Sci­ence Fic­tion, Third Edi­ti­on edi­ted by John Clu­te, David Lang­ford, Peter Nichol­ls, and Gra­ham Sleight (Gol­lan­cz)
Jar Jar Binks Must Die… and Other Obser­va­tions about Sci­ence Fic­tion Movies by Dani­el M. Kim­mel (Fan­tastic Books)
The Steam­punk Bible: An Illus­tra­ted Gui­de to the World of Ima­gi­na­ry Air­s­hips, Cor­sets and Gog­gles, Mad Sci­en­tists, and Stran­ge Lite­ra­tu­re by Jeff Van­der­Meer and S. J. Cham­bers (Abrams Image)
Wicked Girls by Sean­an McGuire
Wri­ting Excu­ses, Sea­son 6 by Bran­don San­der­son, Dan Wells, Howard Tay­ler, Mary Robi­net­te Kow­al, and Jor­dan Sanderson

Best Gra­phic Sto­ry (339 ballots)
Dig­ger by Ursu­la Ver­non (Sofa­wolf Press)
Fables Vol 15: Rose Red by Bill Wil­ling­ham and Mark Buck­ing­ham (Ver­ti­go)
Locke & Key Volu­me 4, Keys to the King­dom writ­ten by Joe Hill, illus­tra­ted by Gabri­el Rodri­guez (IDW)
Schlock Mer­cen­a­ry: For­ce Mul­ti­pli­ca­ti­on writ­ten and illus­tra­ted by Howard Tay­ler, colors by Tra­vis Walton (The Tay­ler Corporation)
The Unwrit­ten (Volu­me 4): Levia­than crea­ted by Mike Carey and Peter Gross. Writ­ten by Mike Carey, illus­tra­ted by Peter Gross (Ver­ti­go)

Best Dra­ma­tic Pre­sen­ta­ti­on (Long Form) (592 ballots)
Cap­tain Ame­ri­ca: The First Aven­ger, screen­play by Chris­to­pher Mar­kus and Ste­phan McFee­ly, direc­ted by Joe Johns­ton (Mar­vel)
Game of Thro­nes (Sea­son 1), crea­ted by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss; writ­ten by David Benioff, D. B. Weiss, Bryan Cog­man, Jane Espen­son, and Geor­ge R. R. Mar­tin; direc­ted by Bri­an Kirk, Dani­el Mina­han, Tim van Pat­ten, and Alan Tay­lor (HBO)
Har­ry Pot­ter and the Death­ly Hal­lows Part 2, screen­play by Ste­ve Kloves; direc­ted by David Yates (War­ner Bros.)
Hugo, screen­play by John Logan; direc­ted by Mar­tin Scor­se­se (Para­mount)
Source Code, screen­play by Ben Ripley; direc­ted by Dun­can Jones (Ven­do­me Pictures)

Best Dra­ma­tic Pre­sen­ta­ti­on (Short Form) (512 ballots)
“The Doctor’s Wife” (Doc­tor Who), writ­ten by Neil Gai­man; direc­ted by Richard Clark (BBC Wales)
The Drink Tank’s Hugo Accep­t­ance Speech,” Chris­to­pher J Gar­cia and James Bacon (Reno­va­ti­on)
“The Girl Who Wai­ted” (Doc­tor Who), writ­ten by Tom MacRae; direc­ted by Nick Hur­ran (BBC Wales)
“A Good Man Goes to War” (Doc­tor Who), writ­ten by Ste­ven Moffat; direc­ted by Peter Hoar (BBC Wales)
“Reme­di­al Cha­os Theo­ry” (Com­mu­ni­ty), writ­ten by Dan Har­mon and Chris McKen­na; direc­ted by Jeff Mel­man (NBC)

Best Semi­pro­zi­ne (357 ballots)
Apex Maga­zi­ne edi­ted by Cathe­ryn­ne M. Valen­te, Lyn­ne M. Tho­mas, and Jason Sizemore
Inter­zo­ne edi­ted by Andy Cox
Lightspeed edi­ted by John Joseph Adams
Locus edi­ted by Liza Gro­en Trom­bi, Kirs­ten Gong-Wong, et al.
New York Review of Sci­ence Fic­tion edi­ted by David G. Hart­well, Kevin J. Maro­ney, Kris Dike­man, and Avram Grumer

Best Fan­zine (322 ballots)
Bana­na Wings edi­ted by Clai­re Bria­ley and Mark Plummer
The Drink Tank edi­ted by James Bacon and Chris­to­pher J Garcia
File 770 edi­ted by Mike Glyer
Jour­ney Pla­net edi­ted by James Bacon, Chris­to­pher J Gar­cia, et al.
SF Signal edi­ted by John DeNardo

Best Fan­cast (326 ballots)
The Coo­de Street Pod­cast, Jona­than Stra­han & Gary K. Wolfe
Galac­tic Sub­ur­bia Pod­cast, Ali­sa Kras­nostein, Alex Pier­ce, and Tan­sy Ray­ner Roberts (pre­sen­ters) and Andrew Finch (pro­du­cer)
SF Signal Pod­cast, John DeNar­do and JP Frantz, pro­du­ced by Patrick Hester
SF Squee­cast, Lyn­ne M. Tho­mas, Sean­an McGui­re, Paul Cor­nell, Eliza­beth Bear, and Cathe­ryn­ne M. Valente
Star­S­hip­So­fa, Tony C. Smith

Best Pro­fes­sio­nal Edi­tor – Long Form (358 ballots)
Lou Anders
Liz Gorinsky
Anne Les­ley Groell
Patrick Niel­sen Hayden
Bet­sy Wollheim

Best Pro­fes­sio­nal Edi­tor – Short Form (512 ballots)
John Joseph Adams
Neil Clarke
Stan­ley Schmidt
Jona­than Strahan
Shei­la Williams

Best Pro­fes­sio­nal Artist (399 ballots)
Dan dos Santos
Bob Eggleton
Micha­el Komarck
Ste­phan Martiniere
John Picacio

Best Fan Artist (216 ballots)
Brad W. Foster
Rand­all Munroe
Spring Schoenhuth
Mau­ri­ne Starkey
Ste­ve Stiles
Tar­al Wayne

Best Fan Wri­ter (360 ballots)
James Bacon
Clai­re Brialey
Chris­to­pher J Garcia
Jim C. Hines
Ste­ven H Silver

John W. Camp­bell Award for Best New Wri­ter (396 ballots)
Award for the best new pro­fes­sio­nal sci­ence fic­tion or fan­ta­sy wri­ter of 2010 or 2011, spon­so­red by Dell Maga­zi­nes (not a Hugo Award).
Mur Lafferty
Sti­na Leicht
Karen Lord *
Brad R. Torgersen *
E. Lily Yu

*2nd year of eligibility

Quel­le Lis­te und Logo:

AutorIn: Stefan Holzhauer

Meist harm­lo­ser Nerd mit natür­li­cher Affi­ni­tät zu Pixeln, Bytes, Buch­sta­ben und Zahn­rä­dern. Kon­su­miert zuviel SF und Fan­ta­sy und schreibt seit 1999 online darüber.

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