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ABC presÂents its second action packed series from the creaÂtiÂve minds at MarÂvel in “Marvel’s Agent CarÂter,” inspiÂred by the feaÂture films Marvel’s »CapÂtain AmeÂriÂca: The First AvenÂger« and Marvel’s »CapÂtain AmeÂriÂca: The WinÂter SolÂdier,« along with the short »MarÂvel One-Shot: Agent CarÂter.«
Years befoÂre Agent CoulÂson and his S.H.I.E.L.D. team swoÂre to proÂtect thoÂse who canÂnot proÂtect themÂselÂves from threÂats they canÂnot conÂceiÂve, theÂre was Agent PegÂgy CarÂter (HayÂley Atwell, Marvel’s »CapÂtain AmeÂriÂca: The First AvenÂger,« Marvel’s »CapÂtain AmeÂriÂca: The WinÂter SolÂdier«), who pledÂged the same oath but lived in a difÂfeÂrent time when women weren’t recoÂgniÂzed as being as smart or as tough as their male counÂterÂparts.
But no one should ever undeÂreÂstiÂmaÂte PegÂgy.
It’s 1946 and peace has dealt PegÂgy a serious blow as she finds hersÂelf marÂgiÂnaÂliÂzed when the men return home from fightÂing abroad. Working for the covert SSR (StraÂteÂgic SciÂenÂtiÂfic ReserÂve), PegÂgy finds hersÂelf stuck doing admiÂnisÂtraÂtiÂve work when she would rather be back out in the field; putÂting her vast skills into play and taking down the bad guys. But she is also tryÂing to naviÂgaÂte life as a sinÂgle woman in AmeÂriÂca, in the wake of losing the love of her life, SteÂve Rogers – aka CapÂtain AmeÂriÂca.
When old acquainÂtance Howard Stark (DomiÂnic CooÂper, Marvel’s »CapÂtain AmeÂriÂca: The First AvenÂger”) finds himsÂelf being framed for unleasÂhing his deadÂliest weaÂpons to anyoÂne wilÂling to pony up the cash, he contÂacts PegÂgy – the only perÂson he can trust – to track down thoÂse responÂsiÂble, disÂpoÂse of the weaÂpons and clear his name. He empowers his butÂler, Edwin JarÂvis (James D’ArÂcy, “MasÂter and ComÂmanÂder: The Far Side of the World”), to be at her beck and call when neeÂded to help assist her as she invesÂtiÂgaÂtes and tracks down thoÂse responÂsiÂble for releasing theÂse weaÂpons of mass desÂtrucÂtion. But JarÂvis, who is a creaÂtuÂre of habit and sticks to a rigid daiÂly rouÂtiÂne, is going to have to make some major life chanÂges if he’s going to be able to keep up with PegÂgy.
If caught going on theÂse secret misÂsiÂons for Stark, PegÂgy could be tarÂgeÂted as a traiÂtor and spend the rest of her days in priÂson – or worse. And as she delÂves deeper into her invesÂtiÂgaÂtiÂon, she may find that thoÂse she works for are not who they seem, and she might even begin to quesÂtiÂon wheÂther Stark is as innoÂcent as he claims.
“Marvel’s Agent CarÂter” stars HayÂley Atwell as Agent PegÂgy CarÂter, James D’ArÂcy as Edwin JarÂvis, Chad MichaÂel MurÂray (“One Tree Hill,” “A CinÂdeÂrÂelÂla StoÂry”) as Agent Jack ThompÂson, Enver GjoÂkaj (“DollÂhouse”) as Agent DaniÂel SouÂsa and Shea WhigÂham (“AmeÂriÂcan HustÂle,” “The Wolf of Wall Street”) as Chief Roger DooÂley.
Tara ButÂters (“ResurÂrecÂtion”), MicheÂle FazeÂkas (“ResurÂrecÂtion), ChrisÂtoÂpher MarÂkus (Marvel’s “CapÂtain AmeÂriÂca: The First AvenÂger,” Marvel’s »CapÂtain AmeÂriÂca: The WinÂter SolÂdier«), SteÂphen McFeeÂly (Marvel’s »CapÂtain AmeÂriÂca: The First AvenÂger,” Marvel’s »CapÂtain AmeÂriÂca: The WinÂter SolÂdier«), Chris DingÂess (“Men in Trees”), Kevin FeiÂge (Marvel’s »GuarÂdiÂans of the GalaÂxy,” “Marvel’s The AvenÂgers”), LouÂis D’EsÂpoÂsiÂto (Marvel’s »GuarÂdiÂans of the GalaÂxy,” Marvel’s »Iron Man 3”), Alan Fine (Marvel’s »CapÂtain AmeÂriÂca: The WinÂter SolÂdier,” Marvel’s »Thor”), Joe Quesada (“Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” “Marvel’s AvenÂgers AssemÂble”), Stan Lee (“SpiÂder-Man,” “Iron Man,” “The IncreÂdiÂble Hulk”) and Jeph Loeb (“SmallÂville,” “Lost,” “Heroes”) are exeÂcuÂtiÂve proÂduÂcers. “Marvel’s Agent CarÂter” is proÂduÂced by ABC StuÂdiÂos and MarÂvel TeleÂviÂsiÂon.