TOMB RAIDER – offizieller Trailer 2
Es gibt einen neuÂen TraiÂler zur TOMB RAIDER-VerÂfliÂmung in der AliÂcia VikanÂder die RolÂle der ikoÂniÂschen ComÂpuÂterÂspieÂleÂreiÂhe ĂĽberÂnimmt. Und wie schon das Spiel-Reboot kommt dieÂse neue Lara Croft deutÂlich reaÂlisÂtiÂscher daher, als ihre frĂĽÂheÂren InkarÂnaÂtioÂnen. Und ebenÂso wie im Spiel lerÂnen wir sie kenÂnen, bevor sie zum berĂĽhmÂten TOMB RAIDER wurÂde.
WarÂners ZusamÂmenÂfasÂsung zum TraiÂler liest sich wie folgt:
Lara Croft, the fierÂceÂly indeÂpenÂdent daughÂter of a missÂing advenÂturer, must push hersÂelf beyÂond her limits when she finds hersÂelf on the island wheÂre her father disÂapÂpeared.
From WarÂner Bros. PicÂtures and Metro-GoldÂwyn-MayÂer PicÂtures, Tomb RaiÂder is the stoÂry that will set a young and resoÂluÂte Lara Croft on a path toward becoÂming a gloÂbal hero. The film stars Oscar winÂner AliÂcia VikanÂder (Ex MachiÂna, The Danish Girl) in the lead role, under the direcÂtion of Roar Uthaug (The Wave), with Oscar-winÂner GraÂham King (The DeparÂted) proÂduÂcing under his GK Films banÂner. The filÂmÂąs proÂducÂtion begÂins on the heels of the 20th anniÂverÂsaÂry of the wildÂly popuÂlar videoÂgaÂme franÂchise from SquaÂre Enix, CrysÂtal DynaÂmics and Eidos MonÂtrĂ©Âal.