Ab dem 30. April zeigt Strea­ming­dienst Net­flix THE MITCHELLS VS. THE MACHINES, einen Sci­ence Fic­tion-Ani­ma­ti­ons­film um eine nur semi-gut funk­tio­nie­ren­de Fami­lie, die sich einem Robo­ter­auf­stand ent­ge­gen­stel­len muss. Die offi­zi­el­le Umschrei­bung liest sich wie folgt:

An ani­ma­ted action-come­dy about an ordi­na­ry fami­ly who find them­sel­ves in the midd­le of their big­gest fami­ly chall­enge yet…saving the world from the robot apo­ca­lyp­se. No big deal, right? It all starts when crea­ti­ve out­si­der Katie Mit­chell is accept­ed into the film school of her dreams and is eager to lea­ve home and find »her peo­p­le,« when her natu­re-loving dad insists on having the who­le fami­ly dri­ve her to school and bond during one last total­ly-not-awk­ward-or-forced road trip. But just when the trip can’t get any worse, the fami­ly sud­den­ly finds its­elf in the midd­le of the robot upri­sing. Ever­y­thing from smart pho­nes, to room­bas, to evil Fur­bys are employ­ed to cap­tu­re every human on the pla­net. Now it’s up to the Mit­chells, inclu­ding upbeat mom Lin­da, quir­ky litt­le brot­her Aaron, their squis­hy pug, Mon­chi, and two fri­end­ly, but simp­le-min­ded robots to save humanity.

Regie führ­ten Micha­el Rian­da und Jeff Rowe, die schrie­ben auch das Dreh­buch. Es spre­chen im eng­li­schen Ori­gi­nal unter ande­rem Abbi Jacob­sonDan­ny McBri­deMaya RudolphMicha­el Rian­daEric André, und Oli­via Col­man.

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