AGENT CARTER Season 2 Promo

AGENT CARTER Season 2 Promo

Ich muss zuge­ben, dass ich ABC dank­bar bin, dass sie AGENT CARTER trotz der nicht ganz so tol­len Zuschau­er­zah­len eine wei­te­re Chan­ce geben und Staf­fel zwei geneh­migt haben. Mir haben die Cha­rak­te­re eben­so gut gefal­len, wie das kon­se­quent durch­ge­zo­ge­ne Set­ting »50er Jah­re«. Und AGENT CARTER ist nicht so völ­lig »over the top« wie AGENTS OF SHIELD.

In der zwei­ten Staf­fel zieht Peg­gy (Haley Atwell) mit der Stra­te­gic Sci­en­ti­fic Reser­ve nach Hol­ly­wood um.




Mar­vel und ABC spen­die­ren einen zwei­ein­halb­mi­nü­ti­gen Vor­gu­cker (neu­deutsch: Sneak Peek) auf die kom­men­de Fern­seh­se­rie AGENT CARTER. Neben Peg­gy Car­ter gibt es ein Wie­der­se­hen mit Howard Stark, dem Vater von Iron Man, und man trifft den ori­gi­na­len Jarvis.

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Teaserchen: Marvels AGENT CARTER

Teaserchen: Marvels AGENT CARTER

Wenn AGENTS OF SHIELD im Janu­ar in sei­ne Pau­se geht, unter­hält Mar­vel die Fans des Uni­ver­sums wei­ter, denn dann star­tet die Serie um AGENT CARTER. Man darf davon aus­ge­hen, dass in Kür­ze ein »ech­ter« Vor­gu­cker fol­gen wird.

Wei­ter unten noch der offi­zi­el­le Pres­se­text zur Serie.

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ABC pres­ents its second action packed seri­es from the crea­ti­ve minds at Mar­vel in “Marvel’s Agent Car­ter,” inspi­red by the fea­ture films Marvel’s »Cap­tain Ame­ri­ca: The First Aven­ger« and Marvel’s »Cap­tain Ame­ri­ca: The Win­ter Sol­dier,« along with the short »Mar­vel One-Shot: Agent Carter.«

Years befo­re Agent Coul­son and his S.H.I.E.L.D. team swo­re to pro­tect tho­se who can­not pro­tect them­sel­ves from thre­ats they can­not con­cei­ve, the­re was Agent Peg­gy Car­ter (Hay­ley Atwell, Marvel’s »Cap­tain Ame­ri­ca: The First Aven­ger,« Marvel’s »Cap­tain Ame­ri­ca: The Win­ter Sol­dier«), who pled­ged the same oath but lived in a dif­fe­rent time when women weren’t reco­gni­zed as being as smart or as tough as their male counterparts.

But no one should ever unde­re­sti­ma­te Peggy.

It’s 1946 and peace has dealt Peg­gy a serious blow as she finds herself mar­gi­na­li­zed when the men return home from figh­t­ing abroad. Working for the covert SSR (Stra­te­gic Sci­en­ti­fic Reser­ve), Peg­gy finds herself stuck doing admi­nis­tra­ti­ve work when she would rather be back out in the field; put­ting her vast skills into play and taking down the bad guys.  But she is also try­ing to navi­ga­te life as a sin­gle woman in Ame­ri­ca, in the wake of losing the love of her life, Ste­ve Rogers – aka Cap­tain America.

When old acquain­tance Howard Stark (Domi­nic Coo­per, Marvel’s »Cap­tain Ame­ri­ca: The First Aven­ger”) finds hims­elf being framed for unlea­shing his dead­liest wea­pons to anyo­ne wil­ling to pony up the cash, he con­ta­cts Peg­gy – the only per­son he can trust – to track down tho­se respon­si­ble, dis­po­se of the wea­pons and clear his name.  He empowers his but­ler, Edwin Jar­vis (James D’Ar­cy, “Mas­ter and Com­man­der: The Far Side of the World”), to be at her beck and call when nee­ded to help assist her as she inves­ti­ga­tes and tracks down tho­se respon­si­ble for releasing the­se wea­pons of mass dest­ruc­tion.  But Jar­vis, who is a crea­tu­re of habit and sticks to a rigid dai­ly rou­ti­ne, is going to have to make some major life chan­ges if he’s going to be able to keep up with Peggy.

If caught going on the­se secret mis­si­ons for Stark, Peg­gy could be tar­ge­ted as a trai­tor and spend the rest of her days in pri­son – or worse. And as she del­ves deeper into her inves­ti­ga­ti­on, she may find that tho­se she works for are not who they seem, and she might even begin to ques­ti­on whe­ther Stark is as inno­cent as he claims.

Marvel’s Agent Car­ter” stars Hay­ley Atwell as Agent Peg­gy Car­ter, James D’Ar­cy as Edwin Jar­vis, Chad Micha­el Mur­ray (“One Tree Hill,” “A Cin­de­rel­la Sto­ry”) as Agent Jack Thomp­son, Enver Gjo­kaj (“Dol­l­house”) as Agent Dani­el Sou­sa and Shea Whig­ham (“Ame­ri­can Hust­le,” “The Wolf of Wall Street”) as Chief Roger Dooley.

Tara But­ters (“Resur­rec­tion”), Miche­le Faze­kas (“Resur­rec­tion), Chris­to­pher Mar­kus (Marvel’s “Cap­tain Ame­ri­ca: The First Aven­ger,” Marvel’s »Cap­tain Ame­ri­ca: The Win­ter Sol­dier«), Ste­phen McFee­ly (Marvel’s »Cap­tain Ame­ri­ca: The First Aven­ger,” Marvel’s »Cap­tain Ame­ri­ca: The Win­ter Sol­dier«), Chris Din­gess (“Men in Trees”), Kevin Fei­ge (Marvel’s »Guar­di­ans of the Gala­xy,” “Marvel’s The Aven­gers”), Lou­is D’Es­po­si­to (Marvel’s »Guar­di­ans of the Gala­xy,” Marvel’s »Iron Man 3”), Alan Fine (Marvel’s »Cap­tain Ame­ri­ca: The Win­ter Sol­dier,” Marvel’s »Thor”), Joe Quesa­da (“Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” “Marvel’s Aven­gers Assem­ble”), Stan Lee (“Spi­der-Man,” “Iron Man,” “The Incredi­ble Hulk”) and Jeph Loeb (“Small­vil­le,” “Lost,” “Heroes”) are exe­cu­ti­ve pro­du­cers.  “Marvel’s Agent Car­ter” is pro­du­ced by ABC Stu­di­os and Mar­vel Television.