Trailer 2: FOUNDATION Season 2

Apple schiebt noch­mal einen wei­te­ren Trai­ler zu sei­ner Sci­ence Fic­tion-Serie FOUNDATION nach Isaac Asi­mov raus, die am 14. Juli bei Apple TV+ star­ten soll.

More than a cen­tu­ry after the Sea­son 1 fina­le, ten­si­on mounts throug­hout the gala­xy. As the Cle­ons unra­vel, a ven­geful queen plots to des­troy Empire from within. Hari, Gaal, and Sal­vor dis­co­ver a colo­ny of Men­ta­lics with spe­cial abili­ties that threa­ten to alter psy­cho­histo­ry its­elf. Mean­while, the Foun­da­ti­on and Empire are on a col­li­si­on cour­se for war with the fate of huma­ni­ty in the balan­ce.

Sky­dance pro­du­ziert für Apple, Show­run­ner und aus­füh­ren­der Pro­du­zent ist David S. Goy­er, wei­te­re aus­füh­ren­de Produzent°innen sind Alex Gra­ves, David Elli­son, Dana Gold­berg, Bill Bost, Robyn Asi­mov und Mar­cy Ross.

Es spie­len u.a. Jared Har­risLee PaceLou Llo­bellLeah Har­veyLau­ra BirnCas­si­an Bil­ton, und Ter­rence Mann.

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