Philip K. Dick sei bei uns: Warner will neuen BLADE RUNNER

Träu­men Film­kon­zer­ne von elek­tri­schen Kino­be­su­chern? Die War­ner Brü­der wol­len einen der ein­fluss­reichs­ten und kul­tigs­ten SF-Fil­me aller Zei­ten wie­der ins Kino und/​oder viel­leicht auch ins Fern­se­hen oder sonst­wo hin brin­gen: BLADE RUNNER. Ein klein wenig (aber nur ein ganz klein wenig) beru­higt mich dabei, dass es weder ein Remake noch ein Reboot wer­den soll, wie sie heut­zu­ta­ge infla­tio­när auf­tre­ten, son­dern ent­we­der ein Pre­quel oder eine Fort­set­zung. Grund­sätz­lich fällt mir dazu aber nur eins ein: WTF?

Zwei der Chefs der War­ner-Toch­ter Alcon-Enter­tain­ment (BOOK OF ELI), Bro­de­rick John­son und Andrew Koso­ve , befin­den sich in »abschlie­ßen­den Gesprä­chen«, um die Rech­te an dem Stoff vom der­zei­ti­gen Inha­ber Bud Yor­kin zu erwer­ben. Der soll auch pro­du­zie­ren, zusam­men mit John­son und Koso­ve und sei­ner Frau Cyn­thia Yor­kin. Aus­füh­ren­de Pro­du­zen­ten sind Frank Giu­s­tra und Tim Gam­ble von Thun­der­bird Films (HINDENBURG).

Die zu erwer­ben­den Rech­te an dem Stoff sind umfas­send, schlie­ßen aller­dings eine Opti­on kon­kret und defi­ni­tiv aus: ein Remake zu pro­du­zie­ren.

John­son und Koso­ve sag­ten:

Uns ist die Ver­ant­wor­tung bewußt die wir damit über­neh­men, der Erin­ne­rung an das Ori­gi­nal gerecht zu wer­den, wenn wir ein Pre­quel oder eine Fort­set­zung pro­du­zie­ren. Wir haben lang­fris­ti­ge Plä­ne mit dem Fran­chise und prü­fen gera­de Mul­ti­platt­form-Kon­zep­te, denn wir wol­len uns nicht auf ein Medi­um beschrän­ken las­sen.

Der letz­te Film, bei dem der 1926 gebo­re­ne Yor­kin als Pro­du­zent in Erschei­nung trat, kam 1994 in die Kinos…


DVD-Cover BLADE RUNNER Copy­right War­ner Home Video 2008, erhält­lich bei­spiels­wei­se bei Ama­zon

Hier die voll­stän­di­ge Pres­se­mel­dung.

LOS ANGELES, CA, MARCH 3, 2011-War­ner Bros-based finan­cing and pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny Alcon Enter­tain­ment (»The Blind Side,« »The Book of Eli«) co-foun­ders and co-Chief Exe­cu­ti­ve Offi­cers Bro­de­rick John­son and Andrew Koso­ve, in the most signi­fi­cant pro­per­ty acqui­si­ti­on nego­tia­ti­ons in the Company’s 13-year histo­ry, are in final dis­cus­sions to secu­re film, tele­vi­si­on and ancil­la­ry fran­chise rights to pro­du­ce pre­quels and sequels to the ico­nic 1982 sci­ence-fic­tion thril­ler »Bla­de Run­ner.«

Alcon is nego­tia­ting to secu­re the rights from pro­du­cer-direc­tor Bud Yor­kin, who will ser­ve as pro­du­cer on »Bla­de Run­ner« along with Koso­ve and John­son. Cyn­thia Sikes Yor­kin will co-pro­du­ce. Frank Giu­s­tra and Tim Gam­ble, CEO’s of Thun­der­bird Films, will ser­ve as exe­cu­ti­ve pro­du­cers.

Alcon’s fran­chise rights would be all-inclu­si­ve, but exclude rights to remake the ori­gi­nal. The Com­pa­ny, howe­ver, may pro­du­ce pro­jects based on situa­tions intro­du­ced in the ori­gi­nal film. The pro­ject would be dis­tri­bu­ted dome­sti­cal­ly by War­ner Bros. Inter­na­tio­nal rights are yet to be deter­mi­ned.

John­son and Koso­ve sta­ted: »We are hono­red and exci­ted to be in busi­ness with Bud Yor­kin. This is a major acqui­si­ti­on for our com­pa­ny, and a per­so­nal favo­ri­te film for both of us. We reco­gni­ze the respon­si­bi­li­ty we have to do jus­ti­ce to the memo­ry of the ori­gi­nal with any pre­quel or sequel we pro­du­ce. We have long-term goals for the fran­chise, and are explo­ring mul­ti-plat­form con­cepts, not just limi­ting our­sel­ves to one medi­um only.«

Among its many distinc­tions, »Bla­de Run­ner« has been sin­gled out as one of the grea­test movies of all time by count­less polls and media out­lets, and over­whel­mingly as the grea­test sci­ence-fic­tion film of all time by a majo­ri­ty of gen­re publi­ca­ti­ons.

Released by War­ner Bros. almost 30 years ago, »Bla­de Run­ner« was adapt­ed by Hamp­ton Fan­cher and David Peo­p­les from Phil­ip K. Dick’s novel »Do Andro­ids Dream of Elec­tric Sheep?« and direc­ted by Rid­ley Scott fol­lo­wing his land­mark »Ali­en.« The film was nomi­na­ted for two Aca­de­my Awards (Best Visu­al Effects, and Best Art Direc­tion).

»Bla­de Run­ner« was sel­ec­ted for pre­ser­va­ti­on in the United Sta­tes Natio­nal Film Regis­try by the Libra­ry of Con­gress as being »cul­tu­ral­ly, his­to­ri­cal­ly, or aes­the­ti­cal­ly signi­fi­cant.« The film was sel­ec­ted for pre­ser­va­ti­on in the United Sta­tes Natio­nal Film Regis­try in 1993 and is fre­quent­ly taught in uni­ver­si­ty cour­ses. In 2007, it was named the 2nd most visual­ly influ­en­ti­al film of all time by the Visu­al Effects Socie­ty.

Alcon’s COO Scott Parish and head of busi­ness affairs David Fier­son are nego­tia­ting on behalf of the Com­pa­ny.


Emmy Award win­ning direc­tor-pro­du­cer Bud Yor­kin star­ted in live tele­vi­si­on direc­ting and wri­ting for the »Col­ga­te Come­dy Hour« star­ring Dean Mar­tin and Jer­ry Lewis, »The Dinah Shore Show« and »The Abbott and Cos­tel­lo Show« and many others. He went on to direct the first live TV spe­cials for many stars inclu­ding »An Evening With Fred Astaire« (which won 12 Emmys), »The Jack Ben­ny Hour« (which won 5 Emmys) as well as spe­cials for Bob­by Dar­in, Duke Elling­ton, Hen­ry Fon­da, Dan­ny Kaye, Carol Chan­ning and Andy Wil­liams.

In his first fea­ture film, Yor­kin direc­ted Frank Sina­tra in »Come Blow Your Horn.« Other films he pro­du­ced and direc­ted include: »Divorce Ame­ri­can Style«, »Start the Revo­lu­ti­on Wit­hout Me«, »The Thief Who Came To Din­ner« and »Twice In A Life­time«. Yor­kin part­ne­red with Nor­man Lear to revo­lu­tio­ni­ze tele­vi­si­on with their shows »All in the Fami­ly«, »San­ford and Son« and »Mau­de«.

In 1973 Yor­kin was voted »Man of the Year « by the Tele­vi­si­on Aca­de­my. He was induc­ted into the Aca­de­my of Tele­vi­si­on Arts & Sci­en­ces »Hall of Fame« in 2002 and the fol­lo­wing year he recei­ved the pres­ti­gious »David Suss­kind Life­time Achie­ve­ment Award« from the Pro­du­cers Guild of Ame­ri­ca.


Alcon Enter­tain­ment co-foun­ders and co-CEO’s Andrew Koso­ve and Bro­de­rick John­son foun­ded the Com­pa­ny in 1997 with finan­cial back­ing from Fre­de­rick W. Smith, the Foun­der, Chair­man and Chief Exe­cu­ti­ve Offi­cer of FedEx. Alcon, which is named after a mytho­lo­gi­cal archer and ally of Her­cu­les, has finan­ced, and/​or co-finan­ce­d/­pro­du­ced over 19 films, inclu­ding »My Dog Skip,« »Dude, Where’s My Car?«, »Insom­nia,« »Racing Stripes,« the Aca­de­my Award nomi­na­ted Best Pic­tu­re »The Blind Side,« which ear­ned San­dra Bul­lock a Best Actress Oscar; »The Book of Eli,« star­ring Den­zel Washing­ton and Gary Old­man; »Insom­nia,« star­ring Al Paci­no, Robin Wil­liams, and Hila­ry Swank and direc­ted by Chris Nolan; »The Sis­ter­hood of the Tra­ve­ling Pants,« and »P.S. I Love You,« star­ring Hila­ry Swank, among many others.

The Company’s next release is »Some­thing Bor­ro­wed,« based on New York Times best­sel­ling aut­hor Emi­ly Giffin’s book, star­ring Kate Hud­son, Gin­ni­fer Good­win and John Kras­in­ski, on May 6, 2011. Alcon recent­ly com­ple­ted »Dol­phin Tale,« a 3‑D fami­ly film star­ring Mor­gan Free­man, Har­ry Con­nick Jr., Ash­ley Judd and Kris Kris­toff­er­son, sche­du­led for release on Sep­tem­ber 23, 2011. »Joyful Noi­se,« a music dri­ven come­dy star­ring Queen Lati­fah and Dol­ly Par­ton, is curr­ent­ly in pro­duc­tion. All three films will be released via its out­put deal with War­ner Bros.

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