Hugo Awards 2011: die Nominierungen

Die Nomi­nier­ten­lis­te für die Hugo Awards des Jah­res 2011 ist da. Die voll­stän­di­ge Lis­te fin­det sich im erwei­ter­ten Artikel.

Best Novel

  • Blackout/All Clear by Con­nie Wil­lis (Ballan­ti­ne Spectra)
  • Cryob­urn by Lois McMas­ter Bujold (Baen)
  • The Der­vish House by Ian McDo­nald (Gol­lan­cz; Pyr)
  • Feed by Mira Grant (Orbit)
  • The Hundred Thousand King­doms by N.K. Jemi­sin (Orbit)

Best Novel­la

  • The Lady Who Plu­cked Red Flowers beneath the Queen’s Win­dow by Rachel Swirs­ky (Sub­ter­ra­ne­an Maga­zi­ne, Sum­mer 2010)
  • The Life­cy­cle of Soft­ware Objects by Ted Chiang (Sub­ter­ra­ne­an)
  • The Mai­den Flight of McCauley’s Bel­lero­phon by Eliza­beth Hand (Sto­ries: All New Tales, Wil­liam Morrow)
  • The Sul­tan of the Clouds by Geoffrey A. Lan­dis (Asimov’s, Sep­tem­ber 2010) -
  • Troi­ka by Alas­ta­ir Rey­nolds (God­li­ke Machi­nes, Sci­ence Fic­tion Book Club)

Best Nove­let­te

  • Eight Miles by Sean McMullen (Ana­log, Sep­tem­ber 2010)
  • The Emper­or of Mars by Allen M. Ste­e­le (Asimov’s, June 2010)
  • The Jagu­ar House, in Shadow by Ali­et­te de Bodard (Asimov’s, July 2010)
  • Plus or Minus by James Patrick Kel­ly (Asimov’s, Decem­ber 2010)
  • That Levia­than, Whom Thou Hast Made by Eric James Stone (Ana­log, Sep­tem­ber 2010)