Für umme: DRAGON BLOOD-Trilogie bei Amazon

Aktu­ell gibt es gleich einen Drei­er­pack von Phan­tas­tik-eBooks für den Kind­le kos­ten­los bei Ama­zon, näm­lich die DRAGON BLOOD-Tri­lo­gie von der Autorin Lind­say Buro­ker. Wor­um es geht? Dar­um:

A thousand years have pas­sed sin­ce a dra­gon has been seen in the world. Sci­ence and tech­no­lo­gy have repla­ced magic, which has dwind­led until it has beco­me litt­le more than an ele­ment of myth and legend.
The­re are tho­se who still have dra­gon blood flowing through their veins, distant des­cen­dants of the migh­ty crea­tures of old. The­se rare humans have the power to cast magic, the power to heal, and the power to craft alche­mi­cal wea­pons capa­ble of start­ing wars… or ending them. But they are feared for tho­se powers, and in recent cen­tu­ries, they have been hun­ted near­ly to extinc­tion.
The few remai­ning sur­vi­vors must find a way to chan­ge how huma­ni­ty per­cei­ves them or be lost to the world fore­ver.

Ent­hal­ten sind die drei Roma­ne Balan­ced on the Blade’s EdgeDeath­ma­ker und Blood Char­ged. Erhält­lich sind die drei Roma­ne am Stück in Ama­zons Kind­le Shop. 15 Kun­den­be­wer­tun­gen erge­ben vier­ein­halb Ster­ne. Ach ja: Das Gan­ze ist in eng­li­scher Spra­che.

Box­co­ver­ab­bil­dung Copy­right Lind­say Buro­ker