Hugo Award-Gewinner 2021
GesÂtern, am 18. DezemÂber 2021, wurÂden im RahÂmen des in WashingÂton, DC stattÂfinÂdenÂden DisÂCon III (gleichÂzeiÂtig WorldÂCon 79) die diesÂjähÂriÂgen Hugo Award GewinÂner genannt.
GewinÂneÂrin des PreiÂses fĂĽr den besÂten Roman wurÂde MarÂtha Wells mit ihrem Buch NETWORK EFFECT, ein Roman aus der MURÂDERÂBOT-ReiÂhe. Sie gewann zugleich den Preis fĂĽr die besÂte Serie, ebenÂfalls fĂĽr MURDERBOT.
Die LisÂte der NomiÂnierÂten und GewinÂner (fett gedruckt) liest sich wie folgt:
Best Novel
- Black Sun, RebecÂca RoanÂhorse (GalÂlery /​ Saga Press /​ SolaÂris)
- The City We BecaÂme, N.K. JemiÂsin (Orbit)
- HarÂrow the Ninth, TamÂsyn Muir (TordotÂcom)
- NetÂwork Effect, MarÂtha Wells (TordotÂcom)
- PiraÂneÂsi, SusanÂna ClarÂke (BloomsbuÂry)
- The RelentÂless Moon, Mary RobiÂnetÂte Kowal (Tor Books /​ SolaÂris)
Best Novella
- Come TumbÂling Down, Seanan McGuiÂre (TordotÂcom)
- The Empress of Salt and ForÂtuÂne, Nghi Vo (TordotÂcom)
- FinÂna, Nino Cipri (TordotÂcom)
- Ring Shout, P. DjèÂlĂ Clark (TordotÂcom)
- Riot Baby, Tochi OnyÂeÂbuchi (TordotÂcom)
- Upright Women WanÂted, Sarah GaiÂley (TordotÂcom)
Best Novelette
- “Burn, or the EpiÂsoÂdic Life of Sam Wells as a Super,” A.T. GreenÂblatt (UncanÂny MagaÂziÂne, May/​June 2020)
- “HeliÂcÂopÂter StoÂry,” IsaÂbel Fall (ClarÂkesÂworld, JanuÂary 2020)
- “The InacÂcesÂsiÂbiÂliÂty of HeaÂven,” AliÂetÂte de Bodard (UncanÂny MagaÂziÂne, July/​August 2020)
- “MonsÂter,” NaoÂmi KritÂzer (ClarÂkesÂworld, JanuÂary 2020)
- “The Pill,” Meg EliÂson (from Big Girl, (PM Press)
- “Two Truths and a Lie,” Sarah PinsÂker (Tor​.com)
Best Short Story
- “BadÂass Moms in the ZomÂbie ApoÂcaÂlypÂse,” Rae Carson (UncanÂny MagaÂziÂne, January/​February 2020)
- “A GuiÂde for Working Breeds,” Vina Jie-Min PraÂsad (Made to Order: Robots and RevoÂluÂtiÂon, ed. JonaÂthan StraÂhan (SolaÂris))
- “LittÂle Free LibraÂry,” NaoÂmi KritÂzer (Tor​.com)
- “The MerÂmaid AstroÂnaut,” Yoon Ha Lee (Beneath CeaÂseÂlÂess SkiÂes, FebruÂary 2020)
- “Metal Like Blood in the Dark,” T. KingÂfiÂsher (UncanÂny MagaÂziÂne, September/​October 2020)
- “Open House on HaunÂted Hill,” John WisÂwell (DiaÂboÂliÂcal Plots – 2020, ed. David StefÂfen)
Best Series
- The DaeÂvÂaÂbad TriÂloÂgy, S.A. ChakraÂborÂty (HarÂper VoyÂaÂger)
- The InterÂdeÂpenÂdenÂcy, John ScalÂzi (Tor Books)
- The Lady AstroÂnaut UniÂverÂse, Mary RobiÂnetÂte Kowal (Tor Books/​Audible/​Magazine of FanÂtaÂsy and SciÂence Fiction/​Solaris)
- The MurÂderÂbot DiaÂries, MarÂtha Wells (TordotÂcom)
- OctoÂber Daye, Seanan McGuiÂre (DAW)
- The PopÂpy War, R.F. Kuang (HarÂper VoyÂaÂger)
Best Related Work
- Beowulf: A New TransÂlaÂtiÂon, Maria DahÂvaÂna HeadÂley (FSG)
- CoNÂZeaÂland FrinÂge, ClaiÂre RousÂseÂau, C, CasÂsie Hart, Adri Joy, MarÂgueÂriÂte KenÂner, Cheryl MorÂgan, AlasdÂair Stuart
- FIYAHCON, L.D. Lewis, DirecÂtor; Brent LamÂbert, SeniÂor ProÂgramming CoörÂdiÂnaÂtor; Iori KusÂaÂno, FIYAHCON FrinÂge Co-DirecÂtor; Vida Cruz, FIYAHCON FrinÂge Co-DirecÂtor, and the increÂdiÂble FIYAHCON team
- “GeorÂge R.R. MarÂtin Can Fuck Off Into the Sun, Or: The 2020 Hugo Awards CeremÂoÂny (RageÂblog EdiÂtiÂon),” NataÂlie Luhrs (PretÂty TerÂriÂble, August 2020)
- A Handful of Earth, A Handful of Sky: The World of OctaÂvia E. ButÂler, Lynell GeorÂge (Angel City Press)
- The Last BroÂnyÂcon: a fanÂdom autoÂpsy, JenÂny NicholÂson (YouÂTube)
Best Graphic Story or Comic
- DIE, VoluÂme 2: Split the ParÂty, writÂten by KieÂron GilÂlen and SteÂphaÂnie Hans, letÂters by ClayÂton CowÂles (Image Comics)
- Ghost-SpiÂder vol. 1: Dog Days Are Over, autÂhor Seanan McGuiÂre, artists TakeÂshi MiyaÂzaÂwa and Rosi KämÂpe (MarÂvel)
- InviÂsiÂble KingÂdom, vol 2: Edge of EverÂyÂthing, autÂhor G. WilÂlow WilÂson, artist ChrisÂtiÂan Ward (Dark HorÂse Comics)
- Monstress, vol. 5: WarÂchild, autÂhor MarÂjoÂrie Liu, artist Sana TakeÂda (Image Comics)
- Once & Future vol. 1: The King Is Undead, writÂten by KieÂron GilÂlen, iIlÂlusÂtraÂted by Dan Mora, coloÂred by TamÂra BonÂvilÂlain, letÂteÂred by Ed Dukeshire (BOOM! StuÂdiÂos)
- ParaÂble of the Sower: A GraÂphic Novel AdaptÂaÂtiÂon, writÂten by OctaÂvia ButÂler, adaptÂed by DamiÂan Duffy, illusÂtraÂted by John JenÂnings (HarÂry N. Abrams)
Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form
- Birds of Prey (and the FanÂtaÂbuÂlous EmanÂciÂpaÂtiÂon of One HarÂley Quinn), writÂten by ChrisÂtiÂna HodÂson, direcÂted by Cathy Yan (WarÂner Bros.)
- EuroÂviÂsiÂon Song ConÂtest: The StoÂry of Fire Saga, writÂten by Will FerÂrell, Andrew SteÂeÂle, direcÂted by David DobÂkin (EuroÂpean BroadÂcasÂting Union/​Netflix)
- The Old Guard, writÂten by Greg Rucka, direcÂted by Gina PrinÂce-BytheÂwood (NetÂflix /​ SkyÂdance Media)
- Palm Springs, writÂten by Andy SiaÂra, direcÂted by Max BarÂbaÂkow (LimeÂlight /​ Sun EnterÂtainÂment CulÂtuÂre /​ The Lonely Island /​ CulÂmiÂnaÂtiÂon ProÂducÂtions /​ Neon /​ Hulu /​ AmaÂzon Prime)
- Soul, screenÂplay by Pete DocÂter, Mike Jones and Kemp Powers, direcÂted by Pete DocÂter, co-direcÂted by Kemp Powers, proÂduÂced by Dana MurÂray (PixÂar AniÂmaÂtiÂon Studios/​ Walt DisÂney PicÂtures)
- Tenet, writÂten and direcÂted by ChrisÂtoÂpher Nolan (WarÂner Bros./Syncopy)
Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form
- DocÂtor Who: “FugiÂtiÂve of the Judoon,” writÂten by VinÂay Patel and Chris ChibÂnall, direcÂted by Nida ManÂzoor (BBC)
- The ExpanÂse: “GauÂgaÂmeÂla,” writÂten by Dan Nowak, direcÂted by Nick Gomez (Alcon EnterÂtainÂment /​ Alcon TeleÂviÂsiÂon Group /​ AmaÂzon StuÂdiÂos /​ HiveÂmind /​ Just So)
- She-Ra and the PrinÂcesÂses of Power: “Heart” (parts 1 and 2), writÂten by Josie CampÂbell and NoelÂle SteÂvenÂson, direcÂted by Jen BenÂnett and Kiki ManÂriÂque (DreamÂWorks AniÂmaÂtiÂon TeleÂviÂsiÂon /​ NetÂflix)
- The ManÂdaloÂriÂan: “ChapÂter 13: The Jedi,” writÂten and direcÂted by Dave Filoni (Golem CreaÂtiÂons /​ LucasÂfilm /​ DisÂney+)
- The ManÂdaloÂriÂan: “ChapÂter 16: The ResÂcue,” writÂten by Jon FavÂreau, direcÂted by PeyÂton Reed (Golem CreaÂtiÂons /​ LucasÂfilm /​ DisÂney+)
- The Good Place: “WhenÂever You’re ReaÂdy,” writÂten and direcÂted by MichaÂel Schur (FremuÂlon /​ 3 Arts EnterÂtainÂment /​ UniÂverÂsal TeleÂviÂsiÂon, a diviÂsiÂon of UniÂverÂsal StuÂdio Group)
Best Editor, Short Form
- Neil ClarÂke
- Ellen DatÂlow
- C.C. FinÂlay
- Mur LafÂferÂty and S.B. Divya
- JonaÂthan StraÂhan
- SheiÂla WilÂliams
Best Editor, Long Form
- Nivia Evans
- SheiÂla E. GilÂbert
- Sarah Guan
- Brit HviÂde
- DiaÂna M. Phở
- Navah WolÂfe
Best Professional Artist
- TomÂmy Arnold
- Rovina Cai
- Galen Dara
- MauÂriÂzio ManÂzieÂri
- John PicaÂcio
- AlysÂsa WinÂans
Best Semiprozine
- Beneath CeaÂseÂlÂess SkiÂes, edoÂtor Scott H. Andrews
- Escape Pod, ediÂtors Mur LafÂferÂty and S.B. Divya, assistant ediÂtor BenÂjaÂmin C. KinÂney, hosts Tina ConÂnolÂly and AlasdÂair Stuart, audio proÂduÂcers SumÂmer Brooks and Adam Pracht and the entiÂre Escape Pod team.
- FIYAH MagaÂziÂne of Black SpeÂcuÂlaÂtiÂve FicÂtion, publisher Troy L. WigÂgins, exeÂcuÂtiÂve ediÂtor DaVaun SanÂders, manaÂging ediÂtor EboÂni DunÂbar, poetÂry ediÂtor BranÂdon O’Brien, reviews and social media Brent LamÂbert, art direcÂtor L. D. Lewis, and the FIYAH Team.
- PodÂCastÂle, ediÂtors, C.L. Clark and Jen R. Albert, assistant ediÂtor and host, Setsu UzuÂmĂ©, proÂduÂcer Peter AdriÂan Behravesh, and the entiÂre PodÂCastÂle team.
- UncanÂny MagaÂziÂne, ediÂtors in chief LynÂne M. ThoÂmas and MichaÂel DamiÂan ThoÂmas; manaÂging ediÂtor ChiÂmedum OhaegÂbu; non-ficÂtion ediÂtor Elsa SjunÂneson; podÂcast proÂduÂcers EriÂka Ensign and SteÂven SchaÂpanÂsky
- StranÂge HoriÂzons, VanesÂsa AguirÂre, Joseph AitÂken, Rachel Ayers, M H AyinÂde, TierÂney BaiÂley, Scott Beggs, Drew Matthew BeyÂer, GauÂtam BhaÂtia, S. K. CampÂbell, Zhui Ning Chang, Tania Chen, JoyÂce Chng, Liz ChristÂman, LinÂda H. CodeÂga, KrisÂtiÂan WilÂson ColyÂard, YeleÂna CraÂne, BruÂhad Dave, Sarah DavidÂson, Tahlia Day, Arinn DemÂbo, NathaÂniÂel EakÂman, Belen Edwards, GeorÂge Tom ElavathinÂgal, RebecÂca Evans, Ciro FaiÂenÂza, CourtÂney Floyd, Lila GarÂrott, ColetÂte GrecÂco, GuaÂnanĂ GĂłmez-Van CorÂtÂright, Julia GunÂniÂson, Dan HartÂland, SydÂney HilÂton, AngeÂla Hinck, SteÂphen Ira, AmanÂda Jean, Ai Jiang, Sean JoyÂce-FarÂley, EriÂka KanÂda, Anna KreÂpinÂsky, Kat KourÂbeÂti, ClayÂton Kroh, MauÂreÂen KinÂcaid SpelÂler, CatheÂriÂne KraÂhe, NataÂsha LeulÂlier, A.Z. LouiÂse, DanÂte Luiz, Gui MachiaÂvelÂli, CameÂron Mack, SamanÂtha ManÂakÂtoÂla, MariÂsa ManuÂel, Jean McConÂnell, HeaÂther McDouÂgal, Maria MoraÂbe, AmeÂlia MoriÂarÂty, EmoÂry NoaÂkes, Sara NoaÂkes, Aidan OatÂway, AJ OdasÂso, Joel OliÂver-CorÂmier, KrisÂtiÂna PalÂmer, KarÂinÂtha ParÂker, AnjaÂli Patel, VanesÂsa Rose Phin, NicaÂsio Reed, BeliÂcia Rhea, EndÂria RichardÂson, NataÂlie RitÂter, Abbey SchÂlanz, Clark SeanÂor, EliÂjah Rain Smith, Hebe StanÂton, MeloÂdy SteiÂner, Romie Stott, Yejin Suh, Kwan-Ann Tan, Luke TolÂvaj, Ben TyrÂrell, Renee Van SicÂlen, KathÂryn WeaÂver, Liza WemaÂkor, Aigner Loren WilÂson, E.M. Wright, Vicki Xu, Fred G. Yost, staff memÂbers who preÂfer not to be named, and guest ediÂtor Libia BrenÂda with guest first reaÂder Raquel GonÂzáÂlez-FranÂco Alva for the MexiÂcanx speÂcial issue
Best Fanzine
- The Full Lid, writÂten by AlasdÂair Stuart, ediÂted by MarÂgueÂriÂte KenÂner
- JourÂney PlaÂnet, ediÂted by MichaÂel CarÂroll, John Coxon, Sara Felix, Ann Gry, Sarah GulÂde, AliÂsÂsa McKerÂsie, Errick NunnÂalÂly, Pádraig Ă“ MĂ©alĂłid, Chuck SerÂface, SteÂven H SilÂver, Paul TrimÂble, Erin UnderÂwood, James Bacon, and Chris GarÂcia.
- Lady BusiÂness, ediÂtors Ira, Jodie, KJ, RenÂay, and SusÂan.
- nerds of a feaÂther, flock togÂeÂther, ediÂtors Adri Joy, Joe SherÂry, The G, and VanÂce Kotrla
- Quick Sip Reviews, ediÂtor Charles PayÂseur
- UnofÂfiÂciÂal Hugo Book Club Blog, ediÂtors AmanÂda WakaÂruk and Olav RokÂne
Best Fancast
- Be the SerÂpent, preÂsenÂted by AlexÂanÂdra RowÂland, Freya MarÂsÂke, and JenÂniÂfer Mace
- ClaiÂre Rousseau’s YouÂTube chanÂnel, proÂduÂced by ClaiÂre RousÂseÂau
- The CooÂde Street PodÂcast, preÂsenÂted by JonaÂthan StraÂhan and Gary K. WolÂfe, JonaÂthan StraÂhan, proÂduÂcer
- KalÂaÂnaÂdi, proÂduÂced and preÂsenÂted by Rachel
- The Skiffy and FanÂty Show, proÂduÂced by Shaun Duke and Jen Zink, preÂsenÂted by Shaun Duke, Jen Zink, Alex Acks, Paul WeiÂmer, and David AnnanÂdaÂle.
- WorldÂbuilÂding for MasoÂchists, preÂsenÂted by RowenÂna MilÂler, MarÂshall Ryan MareÂsÂca, and Cass MorÂris
Best Fan Writer
- Cora BuhÂlert
- Charles PayÂseur
- Jason SanÂford
- Elsa SjunÂneson
- AlasdÂair Stuart
- Paul WeiÂmer
Best Fan Artist
- Iain J. Clark
- Cyan Daly
- Sara Felix
- Grace P. Fong
- Maya HahÂto
- Laya Rose
Best Video Game
- AniÂmal Crossing: New HoriÂzons (publisher and deveÂloÂper: NinÂtenÂdo)
- BlaÂseÂball (publisher and deveÂloÂper: The Game Band)
- Final FanÂtaÂsy VII Remake (publisher :SquaÂre Enix)
- Hades (publisher and deveÂloÂper: SuperÂgiÂant Games)
- The Last of Us: Part II (publisher: Sony InterÂacÂtiÂve EnterÂtainÂment /​ deveÂloÂper: NaughÂty Dog)
- SpiÂritÂfaÂrer (publisher and deveÂloÂper: ThunÂder Lotus)
Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book
- CemeÂtery Boys, Aiden ThoÂmas (Swoon Reads)
- A DeadÂly EduÂcaÂtiÂon, NaoÂmi Novik (Del Rey)
- Elatsoe, DarÂcie LittÂle BadÂger (LeviÂne QuerÂido)
- LegendÂborn, TraÂcy Deonn (MarÂgaÂret K. McElÂderÂry /​ Simon & SchusÂter Children’s PubliÂshing)
- RayÂbeaÂrer, JorÂdan IfueÂko (AmuÂlet /​ Hot Key)
- A Wizard’s GuiÂde to DefenÂsiÂve BakÂing, T. KingÂfiÂsher (Argyll ProÂducÂtions)
Astounding Award for Best New Writer
- LindÂsay Ellis (1st year of eliÂgiÂbiÂliÂty)
- Simon JimeÂnez (1st year of eliÂgiÂbiÂliÂty)
- MicaiÂah JohnÂson (1st year of eliÂgiÂbiÂliÂty)
- A.K. LarkÂwood (1st year of eliÂgiÂbiÂliÂty)
- Jenn Lyons (2nd year of eliÂgiÂbiÂliÂty)
- EmiÂly Tesh (2nd year of eliÂgiÂbiÂliÂty)
Hugo Award” and The Hugo Award Logo are serÂvice marks of the World SciÂence FicÂtion SocieÂty, an uninÂcorÂpoÂraÂted liteÂraÂry socieÂty.