BAFTA Video Game Awards verliehen

Die bri­ti­sche BAFTA ver­leiht nicht nur Film­prei­se, son­dern prä­miert auch her­aus­ra­gen­de Com­pu­ter- und Video­spie­le – und im Gegen­satz zu den Prak­ti­ken hier­zu­lan­de müs­sen die­se nicht päd­ago­gisch wert­voll sein, es zählt die Kunst und die Umset­zung. Schnei­de Dir davon einem kilo­me­ter­di­cke Schei­be ab, alber­ner Deut­scher Com­pu­ter­spie­le­preis.

Als bes­tes Spiel wur­de Bio­Wa­res MASS EFFECT 2 aus­ge­zeich­net und die­ser Ent­schei­dung kann ich nur aus gan­zem Her­zen bei­pflich­ten, denn das habe ich auch gera­de zum ers­ten Mal durch­ge­spielt und wur­de sel­ten in mei­nem Leben von einem Off­line-Spiel der­art gut und auf dau­er­haft hohem Niveau unter­hal­ten. Man fühlt sich wie in einem Film, an dem man teil­neh­men kann und allein mit dem Lesen des Uni­ver­sums-Hin­ter­grunds in der im Spiel ein­ge­bau­ten Enzy­klo­pä­die kann man Stun­den verbringen.

Gro­ßer Gewin­ner ist das PS3-Game HEAVY RAIN, das die Aus­zeich­nun­gen für die bes­te Musik, bes­te Sto­ry und tech­ni­sche Inno­va­ti­on ein­heim­sen konnte.

Die kom­plet­te Lis­te der Nomi­nier­ten und Gewin­ner im kom­plet­ten Arti­kel, die Gewin­ner sind hervorgehoben.


Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood
Gaëlec Simard
Ubi­s­oft Entertainment/Ubisoft Montréal

Batt­le­field: Bad Com­pa­ny 2
Patrick Bach, David Goldfarb
Elec­tro­nic Arts/DICE

Bio­S­hock 2
Jor­dan Tho­mas, Zak McClendon
2K Games/2K Marin

Call of Duty: Black Ops
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Acti­vi­si­on Bliz­zard UK Ltd/Treyarch

God of War III
Stig Asmus­sen, Todd Papy, Ste­ve Caterson
Sony Com­pu­ter Entertainment/SCE San­ta Moni­ca Studio

Halo: Reach
Mar­cus Leh­ton, Joe Tung, Alex Cutting
Micro­soft Games Studios/Bungie


God of War III
Stig Asmus­sen, Ken Feld­man, Cecil Kim
Sony Com­pu­ter Entertainment/SCE San­ta Moni­ca Studio

Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood
Moha­med Gambouz
Ubi­s­oft Entertainment/Ubisoft Montréal

Call of Duty: Black Ops
Colin Whit­ney, Bri­an Ander­son, Domi­ni­que Drozdz
Acti­vi­si­on Bliz­zard UK Ltd/Treyarch

Hea­vy Rain
David Cage, Guil­laume de Fon­dau­mie­re, Scott Johnson
Sony Com­pu­ter Entertainment/Quantic Dream & XDev Stu­dio Europe

Arnt Jen­sen, Mor­ten Bramsen
Xbox Live Arcade/Playdead Games

Mass Effect 2
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Elec­tro­nic Arts/BioWare


Mass Effect 2
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Elec­tro­nic Arts/BioWare

Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood
Vin­cent Pontbriand
Ubi­s­oft Entertainment/Ubisoft Montréal

Kaz Maki­ta, David Rut­ter, Gavin Paterson
Elec­tro­nic Arts/ Elec­tro­nic Arts Canada

Hea­vy Rain
David Cage, Guil­laume de Fon­dau­mie­re, Scott Johnson
Sony Com­pu­ter Entertainment/Quantic Dream & XDev Stu­dio Europe

Arnt Jen­sen, Dino Pat­ti, Mads Wibroe
Xbox Live Arcade/Playdead Games

Super Mario Gala­xy 2
Koi­chi Hayas­hi­da, Yoshia­ki Koi­zu­mi, Taka­shi Tezuka


Kinect Sports
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Micro­soft Games Studios/Rare

Dance Cen­tral
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Micro­soft Games Stu­di­os & MTV Games/MTV & Harmonix

Kinect Adven­tures
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Micro­soft Games Studios/Good Sci­ence Studio

Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Micro­soft Games Studios/Frontier Deve­lo­p­ments Ltd

LEGO Har­ry Pot­ter: Years 1–4
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
War­ner Bros Inter­ac­ti­ve Entertainment/TT Games

Toy Sto­ry 3
John Blackb­urn, Jona­than War­ner, Jeff Bunker
Dis­ney Inter­ac­ti­ve Studios/Avalanche Software


Super Mario Gala­xy 2
Koi­chi Hayas­hi­da, Yoshia­ki Koi­zu­mi, Taka­shi Tezuka

Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood
Patrick Plourde
Ubi­s­oft Entertainment/Ubisoft Montréal

God of War III
Stig Asmus­sen, Todd Papy, Adam Puhl
Sony Com­pu­ter Entertainment/SCE San­ta Moni­ca Studio

Hea­vy Rain
David Cage, Guil­laume de Fon­dau­mie­re, Scott Johnson
Sony Com­pu­ter Entertainment/Quantic Dream & XDev Stu­dio Europe

Arnt Jen­sen, Jep­pe Carlsen, Peter Buchardt
Xbox Live Arcade/Playdead Games

Mass Effect 2
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Elec­tro­nic Arts/BioWare


Cut the Rope
Efim Voi­n­ov, Semy­on Voinov

God of War: Ghost of Sparta
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Sony Com­pu­ter Entertainment/Ready at Dawn & SCE San­ta Moni­ca Studio

LEGO Har­ry Pot­ter: Years 1–4
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
War­ner Bros Inter­ac­ti­ve Entertainment/TT Games

Pro­fes­sor Lay­ton and the Lost Future
Aki­hi­ro Hino
Nintendo/Level 5 Games

Sonic Colours
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
SEGA/Sonic Team

Super Scribb­len­auts
Joseph M Tring­a­li, Mari­us Fahl­busch, Jere­mi­ah Slaczka
War­ner Bros Inter­ac­ti­ve Entertainment/5th Cell


Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Elec­tro­nic Arts/Criterion Games

Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood
Yann le Guyader
Ubi­s­oft Entertainment/Ubisoft Montréal

Batt­le­field: Bad Com­pa­ny 2
Patrick Bach, David Goldfarb
Elec­tro­nic Arts/DICE

Call of Duty: Black Ops
Mark Gor­don, Dan Bun­ting, David Vonderhaar
Acti­vi­si­on Bliz­zard UK Ltd/Treyarch

Halo: Reach
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Micro­soft Games Studios/Bungie

Star­craft II: Wings of Liberty
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Bliz­zard Entertainment/Blizzard Entertainment


Hea­vy Rain
Nor­mand Corbeil
Sony Com­pu­ter Entertainment/Quantic Dream & XDev Stu­dio Europe

Alan Wake
Petri Alanko
Micro­soft Games Studios/Remedy

Fable III
Rus­sell Shaw
Micro­soft Games Studios/Lionhead Studios

James Bond 007: Bloodstone
Richard Jacques
Acti­vi­si­on Bliz­zard UK/ Bizar­re Creations

Mass Effect 2
Jack Wall
Elec­tro­nic Arts/BioWare

Super Mario Gala­xy 2
Koji Kondo


My Empire
Deve­lo­p­ment Team

Beje­we­led Blitz
Jon David, Hea­ther Hazen, Jason Kapalka
Pop­cap Games/Popcap Games

Tobi­as Reis­ber­ger, Jan-Michel Saaks­mei­er, Mar­ten Schröder

FIFA Super­stars
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
EA Sports/Playfish

Zoo Mum­ba
Tobi­as Reis­ber­ger, Edu­ard Röh­rich, Jan-Michel Saaksmeier
Big­point GMBH/Bigpoint GMBH

Zuma Blitz
Isaac Aubrey, Jon David, Jason Kapalka
Pop­Cap Games/PopCap Games


F1 2010
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Codemasters/Codemasters Birmingham

Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Elec­tro­nic Arts/ Elec­tro­nic Arts Canada

Foot­ball Mana­ger 2011
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
SEGA/Sports Interactive

Gran Turis­mo 5
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Sony Com­pu­ter Entertainment/Polyphony Digi­tal Inc

Inter­na­tio­nal Cri­cket 2010
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Codemasters/Trickstar Games

Pro Evo­lu­ti­on Soc­cer 2011
Shin­go Takat­suka, Naoya Hat­su­mi, Jon Murphy
Konami/Winning Ele­ven Productions


Hea­vy Rain
David Cage, Guil­laume de Fon­dau­mie­re, Scott Johnson
Sony Com­pu­ter Entertainment/Quantic Dream & XDev Stu­dio Europe

Alan Wake
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Micro­soft Games Studios/Remedy

Bio­S­hock 2
Jor­dan Tho­mas, Zak McClendon
2K Games/2K Marin

Call of Duty: Black Ops
Dave Antho­ny, Craig Houston
Acti­vi­si­on Bliz­zard UK Ltd/Treyarch

Fall­out: New Vegas
John Gon­za­lez, Eric Fens­ter­ma­ker, Tra­vis Stout
Bethes­da Softworks/Obsidian Entertainment

Mass Effect 2
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Elec­tro­nic Arts/BioWare


Civi­liza­ti­on V
Jon Shafer, Dori­an New­comb, Bri­an Wade
2K Games/Firaxis

Fall­out: New Vegas
Josh Sawy­er, Frank Kowal­kow­ski, Jus­tin Reynard
Bethes­da Softworks/Obsidian Entertainment

FIFA Mana­ger 11
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
EA Sports/Bright Future

Napo­le­on Total War
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
SEGA/Creative Assembly

Plants vs. Zom­bies XBLA
Geor­ge Fan, Matt Lee John­s­ton, Ty Roberts
Pop­Cap Games/PopCap Games

Star­craft II: Wings of Liberty
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Bliz­zard Entertainment/Blizzard Entertainment

Tech­ni­cal Innovation

Hea­vy Rain
David Cage, Guil­laume de Fon­dau­mie­re, Scott Johnson
Sony Com­pu­ter Entertainment/Quantic Dream & XDev Stu­dio Europe

Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood
Sté­pha­ne Girard, Ste­pha­ne Assadourian
Ubi­s­oft Entertainment/Ubisoft Montréal

Call of Duty: Black Ops
Adam Rosas, Scott Bean, Domi­ni­que Drozdz Drozdz
Acti­vi­si­on Bliz­zard UK Ltd/Treyarch

Halo: Reach
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Micro­soft Games Studios/Bungie

Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Micro­soft Games Studios/Frontier Deve­lo­p­ments Ltd

Super Mario Gala­xy 2
Koi­chi Hayas­hi­da, Yoshia­ki Koi­zu­mi, Taka­shi Tezuka


Batt­le­field: Bad Com­pa­ny: 2
Patrick Bach, David Goldfarb
Elec­tro­nic Arts/DICE/05.03.10

Alan Wake
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Micro­soft Games Studios/Remedy/14.05.10

Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood
Mathieu Jeanson
Ubi­s­oft Entertainment/Ubisoft Montréal/19.11.10

Call of Duty: Black Ops
Bri­an Tuey, Chris Cowell
Acti­vi­si­on Bliz­zard UK Ltd/Treyarch/ 09.11.10

DJ Hero 2
Deve­lo­p­ment Team
Acti­vi­si­on Bliz­zard UK LTD/Freestylegames/22.10.10

Mar­tin Stig Andersen
Xbox Live Arcade/Playdead Games/21.07.10

(mehr über die­sen Preis)

Joc­ce Mar­klund, Annet­te Niel­sen, Linus Nord­gren, Mar­cus Heder, Tho­mas Finlay
(That Game Studio)

Hen­ry Hoff­man, Ahmed Zaman, Matthew Den­nis, Kathe­ri­ne Kil­lick, Greg O’Brien
(Angry Mango)

Dru­hin Muk­her­jee, Fabi­en Rous­sot, James Long, Fraser Litt­le­john, Ronan Suess
(Team Tickle)

GAME Award of 2010

Call of Duty: Black Ops
Acti­vi­si­on Bliz­zard UK Ltd/Treyarch

Dance Cen­tral
Micro­soft Games Stu­di­os & MTV Games/MTV & Harmonix

Elec­tro­nic Arts/ Elec­tro­nic Arts Canada

Halo Reach
Micro­soft Games Studios/Bungie

Hea­vy Rain
Sony Com­pu­ter Entertainment/Quantic Dream & XDev Stu­dio Europe

Xbox Live Arcade/Playdead Games

Mass Effect 2
Elec­tro­nic Arts/BioWare

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Elec­tro­nic Arts/Criterion Games

Red Dead Redemption
Rock­star Games/Rockstar San Diego

Super Mario Gala­xy 2

Bild: BAFTA-Award, aus der Wiki­pe­dia
Quel­le der Gewin­ner­lis­te: BAFTA

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