Trailer: DEADPOOL 2

Es gibt mal wie­der einen Trai­ler zu DEADPOOL 2 und er ist so bekloppt, wie man sich das wünscht. Auch die Zusam­men­fas­sung klingt …

After sur­vi­ving a near fatal bovi­ne attack, a dis­fi­gu­red cafe­te­ria chef (Wade Wil­son) strug­gles to ful­fill his dream of beco­ming Mayberry’s hot­test bar­ten­der while also lear­ning to cope with his lost sen­se of tas­te. Sear­ching to regain his spi­ce for life, as well as a flux capa­ci­tor, Wade must batt­le nin­jas, the yaku­za, and a pack of sexu­al­ly aggres­si­ve cani­nes, as he jour­neys around the world to dis­co­ver the importance of fami­ly, fri­end­ship, and fla­vor – fin­ding a new tas­te for adven­ture and ear­ning the cove­ted cof­fee mug title of World’s Best Lover.

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