Gewinner der Saturn Awards 2019

Am ver­gan­ge­nen Wochen­en­de wur­den im Ava­lon Thea­ter in Hol­ly­wood die 45. Saturn Awards ver­ge­ben. Die zeich­nen beson­de­re Film‑, Fern­seh- und Strea­ming­pro­duk­tio­nen aus den Berei­chen Sci­ence Fic­tion, Fan­ta­sy und Hor­ror aus. Durch die Show führ­te die US-ame­ri­ka­ni­sche Schau­spie­le­rin und Regis­seu­rin Aisha Tyler.

Gro­ßer Abräu­mer der Ver­lei­hung war AVENGERS: ENDGAME, der ins­ge­samt sechs Prei­se erhielt, dar­un­ter den an Robert Dow­ney jr. als bes­ter Haupt­dar­stel­ler. Bei den Fern­seh­pro­duk­tio­nen fiel mehr­fach der Name GAME OF THRONES, zudem bekam Doug Jones einen Preis als bes­ter Neben­dar­stel­ler für sei­ne Dar­stel­lung von Saru in STAR TREK DISCOVERY. Und das fin­de ich abso­lut gerechtfertigt.

Im Fol­gen­den die kom­plet­te Lis­te der Nomi­nier­ten und Gewin­ner, Preis­trä­ger sind fett gekennzeichnet.


Best Comic-to-Moti­on-Pic­tu­re Release

Aven­gers: Endgame
Aven­gers: Infi­ni­ty War
Cap­tain Marvel
Spi­der-Man: Far From Home
Spi­der-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Best Sci­ence Fic­tion Film Release

Ali­ta: Batt­le Angel
Juras­sic Park: Fal­len Kingdom
Rea­dy Play­er One
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Sor­ry to Bother You

Best Fan­ta­sy Film Release

Fan­ta­stic Beasts: The Cri­mes of Grindelwald
God­zil­la, King of the Monsters
Mary Pop­pins Returns
Toy Sto­ry 4

Best Hor­ror Film Release

The Dead Don’t Die
Pet Semat­a­ry
A Quiet Place

Best Action/Adventure Film Release

Cold Pur­su­it
Escape Room
John Wick: Chap­ter 3 – Parabellum
Mis­si­on: Impos­si­ble – Fallout

Best Thril­ler Film Release

Bad Sama­ri­tan
Bad Times at The El Royale
Drag­ged Across Concrete

Best Ani­ma­ted Film Release

The Grinch
How to Train Your Dra­gon 3: The Hid­den World
The Incre­di­bles 2
Ralph Breaks the Internet
Spi­der-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Toy Sto­ry 4

Best Inde­pen­dent Film Release

Ame­ri­can Animals
Anna and the Apocalypse
The Man Who Kil­led Hit­ler and then The Bigfoot
Sum­mer of 84
Tomor­row Man

Best Inter­na­tio­nal Film Release

Ghost Sto­ries
The Guil­ty

Best Actor in a Film

Jeff Bridges, Bad Times at The El Royale
Nico­las Cage, Man­dy
Tom Crui­se, Mis­si­on: Impos­si­ble – Fallout
Chris Evans, Aven­gers: Endgame
Robert Dow­ney Jr., Aven­gers: Endgame
Mel Gib­son, Drag­ged Across Concrete
Kea­nu Ree­ves, John Wick: Chap­ter 3 – Parabellum

Best Actress in a Film

Emi­ly Blunt, Mary Pop­pins Returns
Toni Col­let­te, Her­edi­ta­ry
Jamie Lee Cur­tis, Hal­lo­ween
Nico­le Kid­man, Des­troy­er
Brie Lar­son, Cap­tain Marvel
Lupi­ta Nyong’o, Us
Octa­via Spen­cer, Ma

Best Sup­port­ing Actor in a Film

Josh Bro­lin, Aven­gers: Infi­ni­ty War
John Lith­gow, Pet Semat­a­ry
Lin-Manu­el Miran­da, Mary Pop­pins Returns
Lewis Pull­man, Bad Times at The El Royale
Jere­my Ren­ner, Aven­gers: Endgame
Will Smith, Alad­din
Ste­ven Yeun, Bur­ning

Best Sup­port­ing Actress in a Film

Cyn­thia Eri­vo, Bad Times at The El Royale
Karen Gil­lan, Aven­gers: Endgame
Amber Heard, Aqua­man
Scar­lett Johans­son, Aven­gers: Endgame
Nao­mi Scott, Alad­din
Hai­lee Stein­feld, Bum­ble­bee
Zen­da­ya, Spi­der-Man: Far From Home

Best Per­for­mance by a Youn­ger Actor

Evan Alex, Us
Asher Angel, Shazam!
Mil­lie Bob­by Brown, God­zil­la: King of the Monsters
Jack Dylan Gra­zer, Shazam!
Tom Hol­land, Spi­der-Man: Far From Home
Shaha­di Wright Joseph, Us
Mil­li­cent Sim­monds, A Quiet Place

Best Film Director

Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck, Cap­tain Marvel
Karyn Kusa­ma, Des­troy­er
Jor­dan Pee­le, Us
Guy Rit­chie, Alad­din
Antho­ny Rus­so & Joe Rus­so, Aven­gers: Endgame
Ste­ven Spiel­berg, Rea­dy Play­er One
James Wan, Aqua­man
Zhang Yimou, Shadow

Best Film Screenplay

Drew God­dard, Bad Times at the El Royale
Chris­to­pher Mar­kus and Ste­phen McFee­ly, Aven­gers: Endgame
Chris­to­pher McQuar­rie, Mis­si­on: Impos­si­ble – Fallout
Oh Jung-mi and Lee Chang-Dong, Bur­ning
Jor­dan Pee­le, Us
Bryan Woods, Scott Beck, and John Kras­in­ski, A Quiet Place
Craig Zah­ler, Drag­ged Across Concrete

Best Film Pro­duc­tion Design

Bill Brze­ski, Aqua­man
Ruth De Jong, Us
Rick Hein­richs, Dum­bo
Gem­ma Jack­son, Alad­din
Hor­ace Ma Gwong-Wing, Shadow
John Myh­re, Mary Pop­pins Returns
Charles Wood, Aven­gers: Endgame

Best Film Music

Dan­ny Elf­man, Dum­bo
Bear McCrea­ry, God­zil­la, King of the Monsters
Alan Men­ken, Alad­din
Marc Shai­man, Mary Pop­pins Returns
Alan Sil­ves­tri, Aven­gers: Endgame
Alan Sil­ves­tri, Rea­dy Play­er One

Best Film Costume

Kym Bar­rett, Aqua­man
Leah But­ler, Shazam!
Judi­an­na Makovs­ky, Aven­gers: Endgame
Chen Minz­h­eng, Shadow
San­dy Powell, Mary Pop­pins Returns
Micha­el Wil­kin­son, Alad­din

Best Film Make-Up

John Bla­ke, Bri­an Sipe, Aven­gers: Endgame
Judy Chin, Mike Mari­no, The Dead Don’t Die
Bill Cor­so, Des­troy­er
Lisa Love and Tate Stein­siek, Drafggd Across Concrete
Tris­tan Vers­lu­is, Nao­mi Dun­ne, and Dun­can Jar­man, Over­lord
Annick Char­tier and Adri­en Morot, Pet Semat­a­ry
Mark Coulier and Fer­nan­da Perez, Suspi­ria

Best Film Special/Visual Effects

A Quiet Place
Aven­gers: Endgame
God­zil­la: King of the Monsters
Mis­si­on: Impos­si­ble – Fallout
Rea­dy Play­er One
Spi­der-Man: Far From Home


Fernsehen und Stream

Best Super­he­ro TV Series

Black Light­ning
Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow
The Flash

Best Sci­ence Fic­tion TV Series

The 100 
Doc­tor Who
The Orville 
Ros­well, New Mexico 

Best Fan­ta­sy Tele­vi­si­on Series

Ame­ri­can Gods 
Game of Thro­nes 
The Good Place 
The Good Witch 
The Magi­ci­ans 
The Out­post

Best Hor­ror Tele­vi­si­on Series

Ame­ri­can Hor­ror Sto­ry: Apocalypse 
A Dis­co­very of Witches 
Fear the Wal­king Dead 
The Wal­king Dead 
What We Do in the Shadows

Best Action/Thriller Tele­vi­si­on Series

Bet­ter Call Saul 
Kil­ling Eve 
The Last Ship 
Mr. Mer­ce­des 
The Pur­ge 
The Sin­ner

Best Ani­ma­ted Tele­vi­si­on Series

Duck Tales 
Fami­ly Guy 
The Simpsons 
Star Wars Resistance

Best Actor on a Tele­vi­si­on Series

Grant Gus­tin, The Flash
Kit Haring­ton, Game of Thrones
Sam Heu­g­han, Out­lan­der
Andrew Lin­coln, The Wal­king Dead
Seth Mac­Far­la­ne, The Orville
Bill Pull­man, The Sin­ner
Jef­frey Wright, West­world

Best Actress in a Tele­vi­si­on Series

Cai­trio­na Bal­fe, Out­lan­der
Melis­sa Benoist, Super­girl
Emi­lia Clar­ke, Game of Thrones
San­dra Oh, Kil­ling Eve
Adri­an­ne Pali­cki, The Orville
Can­di­ce Pat­ton, The Flash
Jodie Whit­taker, Doc­tor Who

Best Sup­port­ing Actor on a Tele­vi­si­on Series

Jona­than Banks, Bet­ter Call Saul
Niko­laj Cos­ter-Wald­au, Game of Thrones
Peter Din­kla­ge, Game of Thrones
David Hare­wood, Super­girl
Ed Har­ris, West­world
Len­nie James, Fear the Wal­king Dead
Kha­ry Pay­ton, The Wal­king Dead

Best Sup­port­ing Actress on a Tele­vi­si­on Series

Gwen­do­li­ne Chris­tie, Game of Thrones
Danai Gur­i­ra, The Wal­king Dead
Lena Hea­dey, Game of Thrones
Melis­sa McBri­de, The Wal­king Dead
Rhea See­horn, Bet­ter Call Saul
Sophie Skel­ton, Out­lan­der
Sophie Tur­ner, Game of Thrones

Best Per­for­mance by a Youn­ger Actor on a Tele­vi­si­on Series

KJ Apa, River­da­le
Tosin Cole, Doc­tor Who
Came­ron Cuf­fe, Kryp­ton
Ben­ja­min Wadsworth, Dead­ly Class
David Mazouz, Got­ham
Cole Sprou­se, River­da­le
Mai­sie Wil­liams, Game of Thrones

Best Guest-Star­ring Per­for­mance on a Tele­vi­si­on Series

Rai­ner Bock, Bet­ter Call Saul
Jon Cryer, Super­girl
Syd­ney Lem­mon, Fear the Wal­king Dead
Jef­frey Dean Mor­gan, The Wal­king Dead
Tonya Pink­ins, Fear the Wal­king Dead
Ed Spe­leers, Out­lan­der

Best Strea­ming Super­he­ro Tele­vi­si­on Series

DC’s Doom Patrol 
DC’s Swamp Thing 
Marvel’s Dare­de­vil 
Marvel’s Jes­si­ca Jones 
Marvel’s The Punisher 
Marvel’s Runa­ways 
The Umbrel­la Academy

Best Strea­ming Fan­ta­sy, Sci-Fi, or Action/Thriller Tele­vi­si­on Series

Black Mir­ror 
The Expan­se 
Lost in Space 
Good Omens 
Rus­si­an Doll 
Star Trek: Dis­co­very 
Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan

Best Strea­ming Hor­ror and Thril­ler Series

Cast­le Rock 
Chil­ling Adven­tures of Sabrina 
The Handmaid’s Tale 
Stran­ger Things 
The Haun­ting of Hill House 
The Twi­light Zone 

Best Actor in Strea­ming Presentation

Penn Bad­gley, You
Jon Bern­thal, Marvel’s The Punisher
Char­lie Cox, Marvel’s Dare­de­vil
John Kras­in­ski, Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan
Zac Efron, Extre­me­ly Wicked, Sho­ckin­gly Evil and Vile
David Ten­n­ant, Good Omens
Hen­ry Tho­mas, The Haun­ting of Hill House

Best Actress in a Strea­ming Presentation

Car­la Gugi­no, The Haun­ting of Hill House
Sonequa Mar­tin-Green, Star Trek: Discovery
Eliza­beth Lail, You
Nata­sha Lyon­ne, Rus­si­an Doll
Mol­ly Par­ker, Lost in Space
Krys­ten Rit­ter, Marvel’s Jes­si­ca Jones
Kier­nan Ship­ka, Chil­ling Adven­tures of Sabrina

Best Sup­port­ing Actor in a Strea­ming Presentation

Wil­son Cruz, Star Trek: Discovery
Michiel Huis­man, The Haun­ting of Hill House
Timo­thy Hut­ton, The Haun­ting of Hill House
Doug Jones, Star Trek: Discovery
Ethan Peck, Star Trek: Discovery
Max­well Jenk­ins, Lost in Space
Micha­el Sheen, Good Omens

Bet Sup­port­ing Actress in a Strea­ming Series

Maya Haw­ke, Stran­ger Things
Ellen Page, The Umbrel­la Academy
Par­ker Posey, Lost in Space
Vic­to­ria Ped­ret­ti, The Haun­ting of Hill House
Tay­lor Rus­sell, Lost in Space
Sis­sy Spacek, Cast­le Rock
Debo­rah Ann Woll, Marvel’s Dare­de­vil

Prmo­mo-Pos­ter ENDGAME Copy­right Mar­vel und Disney