Bei ASTRONAUT han­delt es sich um einen Kurz­film mit Auf­na­men die in den Jah­ren 2011 bis 2014 von der ISS aus gemacht wur­den und sie sind atem­be­rau­bend. Macher Guil­laume Juin sagt dazu:

What does astro­naut see from up the­re? From the red soil of afri­ca, the blue water of oce­ans, to the green lights of the poles and yel­low light of human acti­vi­ty, dis­co­ver, throught this jour­ney to space, some­thing astoun­din­gly beau­tiful and stran­ge at the same time.
I wan­ted to do some­thing dif­fe­rent from what has been done befo­re with tho­se shots. Some­thing more dyna­mic and fast. After all, ISS tra­vels through space at 28.000km/h! The­re are also more recent foo­ta­ge that have never been used (at least I think…) in other edits.

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