Science Fiction-Kurzfilm: ORBIT nach Edgar Allan Poe

Der Sci­ence Fiction_Kurzfilm ORBIT von Nicho­las Camp und Don Thiel II basiert auf der Sto­ry THE TELL-TALE HEART von Edgar Allen Poe.

An old astro­naut and his young trai­nee are stu­dy­ing a mys­te­rious pla­net in deep space. The trai­nee is distres­sed over the old man’s defor­med eye, and it turns into a dead­ly obses­si­on. The trai­nee mur­ders the old man, and belie­ves he is free of the eye’s ghast­ly power.
While pre­sen­ting a spot­less crime sce­ne to the inves­ti­ga­tors, the trai­nee des­cends to an abyss of fear and para­noia. He hears the sound of a heart­beat coming from beneath the flo­or, and it beg­ins to grow louder…

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