Seit gestern Abend US-Zeit steht die neueste Episode aus der semiprofessionellen Fanfilm-Reihe NEW VOYAGES auf Youtube bereit, sie trägt den Titel MIND SIFTER. Die Folge hat eine Länge von knapp über einer Stunde.
When the crew of the Enterprise is forced to accept the death of Captain Kirk, Spock and McCoy must come to terms with their own grief, but when Spock discovers a plot by the Klingons to send Kirk back in time in order destroy the Federation, it will take all the courage and abilities of the crew of the Enterprise to rescue their beloved Captain in time before he succumbs to the horrific torture of the Mind-Sifter.
Die Episode kann man sich in zwei Versionen ansehen: zum einen gibt es eine mit modernen SFX, zum anderen eine, bei denen die SFX aussehen, wie in den 1960er Jahren. Hier die moderne:
Fans kennen das Projekt STAR TREK PHASE II, vormals unter dem Titel NEW VOYAGES. Die haben nun in einer Pressemitteilung bekannt gegeben, dass der Drehbuch- und SF-Autor David Gerrold, der auch Episoden der Originalserie verfasst hat (am bekanntesten vermutlich THE TROUBLE WITH TRIBBLES), fest zum Projekt stößt. Und nicht in irgendeiner Position, sondern gleich als Showrunner. Nachfolgend die Pressemitteilung:
June 12, 2013. Ticonderoga, NY.
James Cawley, Executive Producer of the internet web hit, Star Trek Phase II, today announced that former Star Trek scripter, David Gerrold will be joining the production team as »show-runner«.
»We are very excited to have David joining our team«, Cawley said. »He knows Star Trek, he knows science fiction, and he’s a great producer. He has the right vision for the show.«
Gerrold is the Hugo and Nebula award-winning author of The Martian Child, The War Against The Chtorr, Jumping Off The Planet, The Man Who Folded Himself, and other science fiction best-sellers. He wrote one of Star Trek’s most popular episodes, The Trouble With Tribbles, while still in college. Since then Gerrold has written scripts for Star Trek Animated, Twilight Zone, Babylon 5, Land Of The Lost, Sliders, Tales From The Darkside, and other hit sci-fi shows. He also wrote and directed Phase II’s first two-part episode, the controversial »Blood And Fire«.
Joining Cawley, Gerrold said, »The Phase II team is one of the best teams I’ve ever had the privilege of working with. This isn’t a job, it’s a passion. The enthusiasm of this cast crew is inspiring, and the overall level of professionalism means we’ll be able to make episodes that live up to the vision of the original series.«
He added, “Star Trek is unique among science fiction shows. At its very best, it’s about discovering what it means to be a human being in a vast and complex universe. Star Trek represents the continuing challenge that humanity will face in the future – to be the very best we can be. Who wouldn’t be inspired by that?”
Star Trek Phase II is currently filming »The Holiest Thing,« directed by Daren Dochterman. New episodes are already in the planning stages, but Gerrold and Cawley both declined to elaborate. »We don’t want to spoil the surprise.«
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