New Voyages


Seit ges­tern Abend US-Zeit steht die neu­es­te Epi­so­de aus der semi­pro­fes­sio­nel­len Fan­film-Rei­he NEW VOYAGES auf You­tube bereit, sie trägt den Titel MIND SIFTER. Die Fol­ge hat eine Län­ge von knapp über einer Stunde.

When the crew of the Enter­pri­se is forced to accept the death of Cap­tain Kirk, Spock and McCoy must come to terms with their own grief, but when Spock dis­co­vers a plot by the Klin­gons to send Kirk back in time in order des­troy the Fede­ra­ti­on, it will take all the cou­ra­ge and abili­ties of the crew of the Enter­pri­se to res­cue their bel­oved Cap­tain in time befo­re he suc­cumbs to the hor­ri­fic tor­tu­re of the Mind-Sifter.

Die Epi­so­de kann man sich in zwei Ver­sio­nen anse­hen: zum einen gibt es eine mit moder­nen SFX, zum ande­ren eine, bei denen die SFX aus­se­hen, wie in den 1960er Jah­ren. Hier die moderne:

David Gerrold wird fester Mitarbeiter bei STAR TREK PHASE II

David Gerrold 2010

Fans ken­nen das Pro­jekt STAR TREK PHASE II, vor­mals unter dem Titel NEW VOYAGES. Die haben nun in einer Pres­se­mit­tei­lung bekannt gege­ben, dass der Dreh­buch- und SF-Autor David Ger­rold, der auch Epi­so­den der Ori­gi­nal­se­rie ver­fasst hat (am bekann­tes­ten ver­mut­lich THE TROUBLE WITH TRIBBLES), fest zum Pro­jekt stößt. Und nicht in irgend­ei­ner Posi­ti­on, son­dern gleich als Show­run­ner. Nach­fol­gend die Pressemitteilung:

June 12, 2013. Ticon­de­ro­ga, NY.
James Caw­ley, Exe­cu­ti­ve Pro­du­cer of the inter­net web hit, Star Trek Pha­se II, today announ­ced that for­mer Star Trek scripter, David Ger­rold will be joi­ning the pro­duc­tion team as »show-run­ner«.

»We are very exci­ted to have David joi­ning our team«, Caw­ley said. »He knows Star Trek, he knows sci­ence fic­tion, and he’s a gre­at pro­du­cer. He has the right visi­on for the show.«
Ger­rold is the Hugo and Nebu­la award-win­ning aut­hor of The Mar­ti­an Child, The War Against The Chtorr, Jum­ping Off The Pla­net, The Man Who Fold­ed Hims­elf, and other sci­ence fic­tion best-sel­lers. He wro­te one of Star Trek’s most popu­lar epi­so­des, The Trou­ble With Tribbles, while still in col­lege. Sin­ce then Ger­rold has writ­ten scripts for Star Trek Ani­ma­ted, Twi­light Zone, Baby­lon 5, Land Of The Lost, Sliders, Tales From The Darks­ide, and other hit sci-fi shows. He also wro­te and direc­ted Pha­se II’s first two-part epi­so­de, the con­tro­ver­si­al  »Blood And Fire«.
Joi­ning Caw­ley, Ger­rold said, »The Pha­se II team is one of the best teams I’ve ever had the pri­vi­le­ge of working with. This isn’t a job, it’s a pas­si­on. The enthu­si­asm of this cast crew is inspi­ring, and the over­all level of pro­fes­sio­na­lism means we’ll be able to make epi­so­des that live up to the visi­on of the ori­gi­nal series.«
He added, “Star Trek is uni­que among sci­ence fic­tion shows. At its very best, it’s about dis­co­ve­ring what it means to be a human being in a vast and com­plex uni­ver­se. Star Trek repres­ents the con­ti­nuing chall­enge that huma­ni­ty will face in the future – to be the very best we can be. Who wouldn’t be inspi­red by that?”
Star Trek Pha­se II is curr­ent­ly film­ing »The Holiest Thing,« direc­ted by Daren Doch­ter­man. New epi­so­des are alre­a­dy in the plan­ning stages, but Ger­rold and Caw­ley both decli­ned to ela­bo­ra­te. »We don’t want to spoil the surprise.«


Bild: David Ger­rold 2010 auf dem Dra­gon­Con, von Kyle Nishio­ka, aus der Wiki­pe­dia, CC BY

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