Trailer zum arabischen Animationsfilm BILAL

Trailer zum arabischen Animationsfilm BILAL

BILAL hat trotz des Namens lei­der nichts mit dem Comic­zeich­ner und Regis­seur Enki Bil­al zu tun, es han­delt sich um einen Ani­ma­ti­ons­film um einen Jun­gen glei­chen Namens, der auf wah­ren Bege­ben­hei­ten beru­hen soll.

1,400 years ago, Bil­al, a seven-year-old boy, with a dream of beco­m­ing a gre­at war­ri­or, is abduc­ted into slavery with his sis­ter and taken to a land far away from his home and thrown into a world whe­re cor­rup­ti­on and injus­ti­ce rule all. Throughout his life, he under­goes many hardships, through which he dis­co­vers an inner strength he did not rea­li­ze he pos­ses­sed. Through the­se expe­ri­en­ces, Bil­al comes to rea­li­ze that if he is bra­ve enough to rai­se his voice and choo­se his own path – ever­ything beco­mes pos­si­ble. It is through his cou­ra­ge, that he frees hims­elf and ulti­mate­ly his com­mu­ni­ty; It is through the power of his voice and faith that his lifel­ong dream of free­dom comes true. Bil­al grows into a man who will inspi­re the world.

Außer­ge­wöhn­lich ist, dass der Film in den Ara­bi­schen Emi­ra­ten und Sau­di Ara­bi­en pro­du­ziert wur­de. Regie führ­ten Khur­ram H. Ala­vi und Ayman Jamal, das Dreh­buch wur­de von Yamal, Alex­an­der Kro­ne­merMicha­el Wol­feKhur­ram H. Ala­vi und Yas­sin Kamel verfasst.

BILAL star­tet am 13. März 2018 in den deut­schen Kinos.

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