Trailer zum arabischen Animationsfilm BILAL
BILAL hat trotz des Namens leider nichts mit dem Comiczeichner und Regisseur Enki Bilal zu tun, es handelt sich um einen Animationsfilm um einen Jungen gleichen Namens, der auf wahren Begebenheiten beruhen soll.
1,400 years ago, Bilal, a seven-year-old boy, with a dream of becoming a great warrior, is abducted into slavery with his sister and taken to a land far away from his home and thrown into a world where corruption and injustice rule all. Throughout his life, he undergoes many hardships, through which he discovers an inner strength he did not realize he possessed. Through these experiences, Bilal comes to realize that if he is brave enough to raise his voice and choose his own path – everything becomes possible. It is through his courage, that he frees himself and ultimately his community; It is through the power of his voice and faith that his lifelong dream of freedom comes true. Bilal grows into a man who will inspire the world.
Außergewöhnlich ist, dass der Film in den Arabischen Emiraten und Saudi Arabien produziert wurde. Regie führten Khurram H. Alavi und Ayman Jamal, das Drehbuch wurde von Yamal, Alexander Kronemer, Michael Wolfe, Khurram H. Alavi und Yassin Kamel verfasst.
BILAL startet am 13. März 2018 in den deutschen Kinos.