Es ist immer wie­der erstaun­lich und erfreu­lich, was moder­ne Tech­ni­ken so alles ermög­li­chen. Der STAR WARS-Fan­film A LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS beweist das auf ein­drucks­vol­le Wei­se. Hier der Trai­ler und Teil eins des Films.

A Light in the Dark­ness’ main action takes place approx. one year BBY (»Befo­re the Batt­le of Yavin«, Anm. des Red.) on a small pla­net in the Outer Rim. A young boy wat­ches the Jedi who saved his peo­p­le be kil­led by the very clo­nes who once fought by his side. Years later, as a mem­ber of a small insur­gen­cy against the empire he and his team hatch a new plan to take back their pla­net by dra­wing the atten­ti­on of the new­ly for­med rebel alli­ance.

Armed with the fal­len Jedi’s light saber, he and his team batt­le to strike fear into the local impe­ri­al gar­ri­son, and over­throw their des­po­tic gover­nor. Their silent attacks give birth to a legend, and the peo­p­le speak of a phan­tom Jedi who­se spi­rit has retur­ned.

As the sto­ry spreads they mana­ge to draw atten­ti­on to their for­got­ten cor­ner of the gala­xy, but who will arri­ve first, the rebel alli­ance or the empire?

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