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HEROES OF COSPLAY ist eine neue Doku­men­ta­ti­ons­se­rie, die im nächs­ten Monat auf dem Sen­der SyFy star­ten wird, aller­dings erst ein­mal nur auf der US-Ver­si­on. Ob oder wann die­se Serie auch bei uns zu sehen sein wird, steht in den Ster­nen.

Die Doku­men­ta­ti­on folgt eini­gen bekann­ten Namen aus der Cos­play-Sze­ne und möch­te erläu­tern wer sie sind, was sie da eigent­lich genau machen – und war­um. Sechs Epi­so­den sind geplant, die US-Pre­miè­re ist am 13. August. Zur neu­en Show exis­tiert auch eine Face­book-Sei­te.

Wer im Detail vor­ge­stellt wird (lei­der nur US-Ame­ri­ka­ner), fin­det sich in der offi­zi­el­len Pres­se­er­klä­rung:

Yaya Han – Yaya is one of the ack­now­led­ged legends of cos­play who­se ent­rance at each con­ven­ti­on – always in full cos­tu­me – never fails to crea­te a stir. A source of inspi­ra­ti­on and inti­mi­da­ti­on to the con­testants, Atlan­ta-based Yaya Han is often a judge at con­tests.

Riki LeCotey – Riki moved from rural Cana­da to the United Sta­tes to fol­low her pas­si­on for cos­play. A spe­cial effects tech­ni­ci­an on sci-fi films, she is also the foun­der of Cos­play for a Cau­se, which has rai­sed money for vic­tims of the Japa­ne­se Tsu­na­mi.

Moni­ka Lee – Moni­ka is from Atlan­ta and a stu­dent at the Geor­gia Insti­tu­te of tech­no­lo­gy, whe­re she’s majo­ring in indus­tri­al design. A cos­play­er sin­ce the age of 13, com­pe­ted in num­e­rous craft­sman­ship con­tests win­ning seve­ral “Best in Shows” and various other awards.

Vic­to­ria Schmidt – Vic­to­ria is co-foun­der of the geek fashion and style blog set​tostun​ning​.com. A pas­sio­na­te fan of cos­play sin­ce high school, she’s espe­ci­al­ly proud of being Prin­cess Leia on LucasFilm’s Star Wars float in the 2007 Rose Para­de.

Chloe Dyk­s­tra – Chloe was almost fated to be in the cos­play com­mu­ni­ty; her father is an F/​X legend, having work­ed on the ori­gi­nal Star Wars and Star Trek films. An actress and model, she hosts the Just Cos show on YouTube’s Ner­dist chan­nel.

Jes­si­ca Meri­zan and Hol­ly Con­rad – Jes­si­ca has per­for­med in regio­nal thea­ter in Sou­thern Cali­for­nia sin­ce she was five years old. Tog­e­ther, she and fel­low cast mem­ber Hol­ly Con­rad co-foun­ded a cos­tu­me fabri­ca­ti­on shop, cos­play com­mu­ni­ty and new media enter­tain­ment com­pa­ny.
Hol­ly was men­to­red by her very qua­li­fied grand­fa­ther, Dor­se Lan­pher, an F/​X ani­ma­tor for Dis­ney and others. She now works in the spe­cial effects busi­ness for seve­ral major stu­di­os, in addi­ti­on to her busi­ness with Jes­si­ca.

Becky Young – Becky has crea­ted cos­tu­mes sin­ce atten­ding San Die­go Comic-Con in 2006. A trai­ned actress, she has voi­ced Video Game Nus­sie on Maxim Radio and was a judge on CBS Sports’ Gui­tar Hero Com­pe­ti­ton show. She lives in Bur­bank.

Jes­se Lagers – Jes­se lives in Port­land, Ore­gon, whe­re he works as a soft­ware sys­tems admi­nis­tra­tor. He hopes that suc­cess in cos­play com­pe­ti­ti­ons will lead to his own busi­ness crea­ting cos­tu­mes and props. Jes­se is a stick­ler for rea­lism and authen­ti­ci­ty in all of the cos­tu­mes he crea­tes.

Logo SyFy Copy­right SyFy

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