RIDDICK 3: Produktion hat offiziell begonnen

Wie Uni­ver­sal Pic­tures, One Race Films und Radar Pic­tures in einer Pres­se­mel­dung mel­den, hat die Pro­duk­ti­on des nächs­ten RID­DICK-Films in Mon­tré­al begon­nen. Das ist ins­be­son­de­re des­we­gen inter­es­sant, da es aus den ver­schie­dens­ten Grün­den immer wie­der zu Ver­zö­ge­run­gen kam. Pro­ble­ma­tisch war bei­spiels­wei­se, dass man beim Stu­dio offen­bar nicht so recht an das Pro­jekt glaub­te. Vin Die­sel selbst hat­te aller­dings eini­ges an Über­zeu­gungs­ar­beit geleis­tet und sich auch aktiv bei der Suche nach Geld­ge­bern für den drit­ten Film ein­ge­setzt.

Karl Urban (STAR TREK, LORD OF THE RINGS) wird sei­ne Rol­le als Vaa­ko wie­der auf­neh­men, wei­ter­hin wer­den mit­spie­len: Jor­di Mol­là (COLOMBIANA, BAD BOYS II) als arro­gan­ter Cap­tain eines Söld­ner­schiffs; Matt Nable (KILLER ELITE) als Boss Johns, ein Mann »auf der Suche nach Ant­wor­ten«; Katee Sack­hoff (Star­buck in NEW BATTLESTAR GALACTICA) als »nor­di­sche Söld­ne­rin« Dahl; Bokeem Wood­bi­ne (TOTAL RECALL 2012) als Kopf­geld­jä­ger Moss. Wei­ter­hin: Dave Bau­tis­ta (SCORPION KING 3), Con­rad Pla (IMMORTALS), Raoul Tru­ji­l­lo (APOCALYPTO), Nolan Funk (ALIENS IN AMERICA) und die Sän­ge­rin Keri Hil­son.

Pro­du­ziert wird der Film von Vin Die­sel (der selbst­ver­ständ­lich auch die Rol­le als Richard B. Rid­dick wie­der auf­nimmt), aus­füh­ren­de Pro­du­zen­tin für One Race Films ist Saman­tha Vin­cent (FAST & FURIOUS). Für Radar Pic­tures pro­du­ziert Ted Field (PITCH BLACK). Wei­te­rer aus­füh­ren­der Pro­du­zent ist Mike Dra­ke (A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET).

Regie führt erneut David Two­hy, bild­ge­stal­ten­der Kame­ra­mann ist David Egg­by (PITCH BLACK, MAD MAX), das Pro­duk­ti­ons­de­sign stammt von Joseph Nemec III (TERMINATOR 2), den Schnitt über­nimmt Tra­cy Hall (LIMITLESS).

Die gesam­te Pres­se­mel­dung hin­ter dem »wei­ter lesen«-Link

Uni­ver­sal Pic­tures, One Race Films and Radar Pic­tures announ­ced today that prin­ci­pal pho­to­gra­phy has begun on the action-dri­ven, sci-fi thril­ler Rid­dick. The shoot will take place in Mon­tré­al.

The latest chap­ter of the ground­brea­king saga that began with 2000’s hit sci-fi film Pitch Black and 2004’s The Chro­nic­les of Rid­dick reu­ni­tes writer/​director David Two­hy (A Per­fect Geta­way, The Fugi­ti­ve) and star Vin Die­sel (the Fast and Furious fran­chise, xXx). Die­sel repri­ses his role as the anti­he­ro Rid­dick, a dan­ge­rous, escaped con­vict wan­ted by every boun­ty hun­ter in the known gala­xy.

The infa­mous Rid­dick has been left for dead on a sun-scor­ched pla­net that appears to be lifel­ess. Soon, howe­ver, he finds hims­elf fight­ing for sur­vi­val against ali­en pre­da­tors more lethal than any human he’s encoun­te­red. The only way off is for Rid­dick to acti­va­te an emer­gen­cy bea­con and alert mer­ce­na­ries who rapidly des­cend to the pla­net in search of their boun­ty.

The first ship to arri­ve car­ri­es a new breed of merc, more lethal and vio­lent, while the second is cap­tai­ned by a man who­se pur­su­it of Rid­dick is more per­so­nal. With time run­ning out and a storm on the hori­zon that no one could sur­vi­ve, his hun­ters won’t lea­ve the pla­net wit­hout Riddick’s head as their tro­phy.

Rid­dick also sees the return of Karl Urban (Star Trek, The Bourne Supre­ma­cy) as Vaa­ko and intro­du­ces to the series Jor­di Mol­la (Bad Boys II, Colom­bia­na) as San­ta­na, the arro­gant cap­tain of the mer­cena­ry ship; Matt Nable (Kil­ler Éli­te) as Boss Johns, a man loo­king for ans­wers; Katee Sack­hoff (TV’s Batt­le­star Galac­ti­ca) as the Nor­dic mer­cena­ry Dahl; and Bokeem Wood­bi­ne (upco­ming Total Recall) as boun­ty hun­ter Moss. Roun­ding out the cast are Dave Bau­tis­ta (The Scor­pi­on King 3: Batt­le for Redemp­ti­on), Con­rad Pla (Immor­tals), Raoul Tru­ji­l­lo (Apo­ca­lyp­to), Nolan Funk (TV’s Ali­ens in Ame­ri­ca) and two-time Gram­my Award-nomi­na­ted sin­ger Keri Hil­son.

The film is pro­du­ced by Vin Die­sel (upco­ming Fast & Furious 6, Fast Five) and exe­cu­ti­ve pro­du­ced by Saman­tha Vin­cent (Fast Five, Fast & Furious) for One Race Films. Ted Field (The Last Samu­rai, Pitch Black) pro­du­ces for Radar Pic­tures, while Mike Dra­ke (Dream House, A Night­ma­re on Elm Street) also exe­cu­ti­ve pro­du­ces.

Two­hy is joi­n­ed on the film by a talen­ted behind-the-sce­nes team, inclu­ding direc­tor of pho­to­gra­phy David Egg­by (Pitch Black, Mad Max), pro­duc­tion desi­gner Joseph Nemec III (A Per­fect Geta­way, The Hills Have Eyes, Ter­mi­na­tor 2: Judgment Day) and edi­tor Tra­cy Hall (Limit­less, A Per­fect Geta­way, The Flock).

The Rid­dick fran­chise has also pro­du­ced two popu­lar video games: The Chro­nic­les of Rid­dick: Assault on Dark Athe­na and The Chro­nic­les of Rid­dick: Escape from But­cher Bay. As well, Uni­ver­sal Stu­di­os Home Enter­tain­ment has released the ani­me DVD The Chro­nic­les of Rid­dick: Dark Fury.

Rid­dick, which is shoo­ting in Mon­tré­al, Cana­da, is a One Race Films pro­duc­tion. The film will be released by Uni­ver­sal Pic­tures in the U.S., and Lions­gate is hand­ling inter­na­tio­nal sales.

Pro­mo­fo­to aus PITCH BLACK Copy­right Poly­gram Film­ed Enter­tain­ment

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