TERRA NOVA-Vorgucker im Mai

Ste­ven Spiel­berg und Bran­non Bra­ga sind nur zwei der Namen die mit dem Fox-Pro­jekt TERRA NOVA ver­bun­den sind. Es gab schon Beden­ken, ob das wirk­lich rea­li­siert wird, als Fox den Start­ter­min um ein hal­bes Jahr nach hin­ten ver­schob, aber nun gibt es eine offi­zi­el­le Ankün­di­gung, dass man im Mai ein zwei­tei­li­ges Pre­view aus­strah­len wird. Die eigent­li­che Serie star­tet dann im Herbst 2011.

85 Mil­lio­nen Jah­re in der Ver­gan­gen­heit soll die Men­scheit geret­tet wer­den…

Hier die Pres­se­mit­tei­lung:

New fami­ly adven­ture-dra­ma series TERRA NOVA will pre­view during a spe­cial two-night event Mon­day, May 23 (9:00–10:00 PM ET/​PT) and Tues­day, May 24 (9:00–10:00 PM ET/​PT) on FOX.

The show will then pre­miè­re in the fall.

An epic fami­ly adven­ture 85 mil­li­on years in the making, TERRA NOVA fol­lows an ordi­na­ry fami­ly embar­king on an incre­di­ble jour­ney back in time to pre­his­to­ric Earth as a small part of a dar­ing expe­ri­ment to save the human race. In the year 2149 the world is dying. The pla­net is over­de­ve­lo­ped, over­c­row­ded and over­pol­lu­ted. With no known way to rever­se the dama­ge to the pla­net, sci­en­tists dis­co­ver a por­tal to pre­his­to­ric Earth. This door­way leads to an ama­zing world, one that allows for a last-ditch effort to save the human race…a second chan­ce to rebuild civi­liza­ti­on and get it right this time.

The series cen­ters on the Shan­non fami­ly as they join the Tenth Pil­grimage of sett­lers to TERRA NOVA, the first colo­ny estab­lished in this beau­tiful yet for­bid­ding land led by its foun­der COMMANDER NATHANIEL TAYLOR (Ste­phen Lang, Ava­tar). JIM SHANNON (Jason O’Mara, Life on Mars), a devo­ted father with a che­cke­red past, gui­des his fami­ly – wife ELISABETH (Shel­ley Conn, Mistres­ses); and child­ren JOSH (Lan­don Liboi­ron, Degras­si: The Next Gene­ra­ti­on), MADDY (Nao­mi Scott, Life Bites) and ZOE (new­co­mer Ala­na Man­sour) – through this new land of limit­less beau­ty, mys­tery and ter­ror.

In addi­ti­on to blue ski­es, towe­ring water­falls and lush vege­ta­ti­on, TERRA NOVA offers new oppor­tu­ni­ties and fresh begin­nings to its recent arri­vals, but the Shan­nons have brought with them a fami­li­al secret that may threa­ten their citi­zen­ship in this uto­pia. The­se adven­tu­r­ers soon dis­co­ver that this healt­hy, vibrant world is not as idyl­lic as it initi­al­ly appears. The are­as sur­roun­ding TERRA NOVA are tee­ming with dan­ger – and not just of the man eating dino­saur varie­ty. The Shan­nons will come to suspect that not ever­yo­ne on this mis­si­on has the same idea of how to best save man­kind; in fact, the­re may be forces intent on des­troy­ing this new world befo­re it even beg­ins.

TERRA NOVA is pro­du­ced by 20th Cen­tu­ry Fox Tele­vi­si­on, Chern­in Enter­tain­ment, Dream­Works Tele­vi­si­on and Kapi­tal Enter­tain­ment. Ste­ven Spiel­berg, Peter Chern­in, Bran­non Bra­ga, René Eche­var­ria, Jon Cas­sar, Aaron Kaplan, Kathe­ri­ne Pope, Jus­tin Fal­vey, Dar­ryl Frank, Craig Sil­ver­stein and Kel­ly Mar­cel ser­ve as exe­cu­ti­ve pro­du­cers. Alex Gra­ves ser­ves as exe­cu­ti­ve pro­du­cer and direc­ted the series pre­view.

TERRA NOVA-Titel­gra­fik Copy­right 2010 FOX Tele­vi­si­on

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