Morgen erscheint: Cherie Priests THE INEXPLICABLES

THE INEXPLICABLES ist der neu­es­te Roman aus Che­rie Priests A CLOCKWORK CENTURY-Rei­he, ein Steam­punk-Sze­na­rio mit Die­sel­punk-Sprit­zern. Er erscheint mor­gen.


Rec­tor »Wreck’em« Sher­man was orpha­ned as a todd­ler in the Blight of 1863, but that was years ago. Wreck has grown up, and on his eigh­te­enth bir­th­day, he’ll be cast out out of the orpha­na­ge.
And Wreck’s pro­blems aren’t merely­about fin­ding a home. He’s been quiet­ly brea­king the car­di­nal rule of any good drug dea­ler and dip­ping into his own sup­p­ly of the sap he sells. He’s also pret­ty sure he’s being haun­ted by the ghost of a kid he used to know—Zeke Wil­kes, who almost cer­tain­ly died six months ago. Zeke would have every reason to pes­t­er Wreck, sin­ce Wreck got him insi­de the wal­led city of Seat­tle in the first place, and that was pro­ba­b­ly what kil­led him.Maybe it’s only a guil­ty con­sci­ence, but Wreck can’t take it any­mo­re, so he sneaks over the wall.

The wal­led-off was­te­land of Seat­tle is every bit as bad as he’d heard, chock-full of the hun­gry undead and utter­ly cho­ked by the poi­so­no­us, ine­s­ca­pa­ble yel­low gas. And then there’s the mons­ter. Rector’s pret­ty cer­tain that wha­te­ver atta­cked him was not at all human—and not a rot­ter, eit­her. Arms far too long. Pos­tu­re all stran­ge. Eyes all wild and faint­ly glo­wing gold and known to the locals as sim­pley »The Inex­pli­ca­bles«.

In the pro­cess of track­ing down the­se crea­tures, Rec­tor comes across ano­ther incur­si­on through the wall—just as bizar­re but enti­re­ly attri­bu­ta­ble to human greed. It seems some out­si­ders have deci­ded there’s gold to be found in the city and they’­re wil­ling to do wha­te­ver it takes to get a pie­ce of the pie unless Rec­tor and his pos­se have any­thing to do with it.

INEXPLICABLES ist 368 Sei­ten stark und kos­tet als Taschen­buch ca. 11 Euro, für die Kind­le-Ver­si­on wer­den 8,51 Euro fäl­lig. Ama­zon weist expli­zit dar­auf hin, dass die eBook-Fas­sung auf Wunsch des Ver­lags Pan Macmil­lan ohne DRM ange­bo­ten wird. Sehr löb­lich, dar­an soll­ten sich gewis­se deut­sche Ver­la­ge ein Bei­spiel neh­men.

Che­rie Priest
Spra­che: Eng­lisch
14. Novem­ber 2012
368 Sei­ten, ca. EUR 11,00
ISBN-10: 1447225597
ISBN-13: 978–1447225591
eBook (Kind­le):
EUR 8,51
Pan Macmil­lan

Cover THE INEXPLICABLES Coyp­right Pan Macmil­lan
