For some days now I am a proud owner of an Oculus Rift developer kit. Since I attended a press demo of EVE VALKYRIE at the Gamescom this summer, the device just would not let me go. The experience was so intensive and the feeling of the game so innovative, that I think the OR will be THE most significant revolution in the gaming sector of recent years. So I regularily checked ebay for a device, very well knowing that I can only get a developer version at the moment – and that it suffers by seeing a grid pattern due to the low resolution of the display at just 1280 by 800 pixels. But for tests and probably experiments with the various developer IDEs I did not care. And really: with lots of the available techdemos you just forget the low resolution immediately, being entranced by the unbelievable immersion.
You should not disregard, however, the problems with »simulator sickness«. What happens in the game does not fit to what the organ responsible for sense of balance in the middle of your ear tells the brain – so even persons not susceptible to sea- or travel sickness that have no problems whatsoever with modern 3D-computer games can get affected. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about. :o) The developers of the device is trying to minimize these simulator sickness effecs by improving the head trackers, but I think this problem will persist. Because of the organ in your middle ear.
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