Ver­mut­lich eben­falls anläss­lich des zehn­jäh­ri­gen Jubi­lä­ums zeigt CCP einen cine­ma­ti­schen Trai­ler zu EVE ONLINE mit dem Titel ORIGINS.

From the begin­nings of the EVE Uni­ver­se, its inha­bi­tants were born into cha­os, fore­ver strugg­ling to crea­te order only to wri­te a new chap­ter of dis­cord in the annals of histo­ry. Rising, clas­hing, and dis­co­ve­ring, just to fall again as the machi­na­ti­ons of their efforts and ambi­ti­ons extend bey­ond their con­trol.

It is into this vicious cycle that you are now reborn, the cap­su­leers and mer­ce­na­ries that deci­de the fate of an enti­re uni­ver­se, chan­ging the future and alte­ring the cour­se of all that will be… fore­ver.

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