Sarah Michelle Gellar zur BUFFY-Fortsetzung

Ich hat­te es neu­lich geschrie­ben, dass es mit hoher Wahr­schein­lich­keit eine Fort­set­zung der Kult­se­rie BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER geben wird, bei der die Ori­gi­nal Slay­er-Dar­stel­le­rin Sarah Michel­le Gel­lar mit­spie­len wird. Das kam über­ra­schend, da die jah­re­lang gesagt hat­te, das The­ma sei für sie erle­digt und sie stün­de für eine Fort­set­zung nicht zur Ver­fü­gung, ver­mut­lich nicht zuletzt auf­grund der Drang­sa­lie­run­gen durch Joss Whe­don, der sie sich dem Ver­neh­men nach wäh­rend der Pro­duk­ti­on aus­ge­setzt sah.

Gel­lar hat jetzt ein offi­zi­el­les State­ment dazu abge­ge­ben (Link zu ihrem Face­book-Kon­to):

So….. you might have heard some news this week, but I rea­li­ze you haven’t heard from me.
Three years ago, I got a call from my dear fri­end and men­tor, Gail Ber­man. She told me that she wan­ted me to sit down with Chloé Zhao to hear her take on a poten­ti­al “Buffy” revi­val. I was blown away that Chloé even knew who I was, but, as I’ve always done, I told Gail that I just didn’t see a way for the show to exist again. We’d always been ali­gned on that, but this time I heard some­thing dif­fe­rent in her voice. I even­tual­ly agreed to go (main­ly just to meet Chloé) and our twen­ty minu­te cof­fee quick­ly tur­ned into a four hour adven­ture. We laug­hed, we cried, but most­ly we both tal­ked about how much this show means to us.
While I didn’t agree to any­thing at that mee­ting, I did shock mys­elf by agre­e­ing to con­ti­nue the con­ver­sa­ti­on. The­se con­ver­sa­ti­ons did, in fact, con­ti­nue over the next few years and even­tual­ly we added the incre­di­ble Nora and Lil­la Zucker­man to our litt­le tri­be until ulti­m­ate­ly, one day, we lan­ded on an idea.
I have always lis­ten­ed to the fans and heard your desi­re to revi­sit “Buffy” and her world, but it was not some­thing I could do unless I was sure we would get it right. This has been a long pro­cess, and it’s not over yet. I pro­mi­se you, we will only make this show if we know we can do it right. And I will tell you that we are on the path the­re.
I feel so lucky to be on this jour­ney with the­se four unbe­lie­v­a­b­ly talen­ted women, all of whom love “Buffy” as much as I do. And as much as you do. Thank you to all the fans who never stop­ped asking for this. This will be for you.

Damit dürf­ten sich die »letz­ten Gesprä­che« aus dem letz­ten Arti­kel gefes­tigt haben.

Bild Sarah Michel­le Gel­lar 2011 auf der RIN­GER-Pro­mo­ti­on beim Comic­Con, von Rach, aus der Wiki­pe­dia, Crea­ti­ve Com­mons Attri­bu­ti­on 2.0 Gene­ric