In Kürze erscheint: FIREFLY: BIG DAMN HERO

Titan Books hat­te eine Buch­tri­lo­gie ange­kün­digt, die sich um FIREFLY dreht, Joss Whe­dons Wes­tern- SF-Serie, die von Fox vor­zei­tig abge­setzt wur­de und längst Kult­sta­tus hat. Käu­fer dafür soll­ten somit eine siche­re Bank sein.

Der Roman FIREFLY: BIG DAMN HERO wur­de vom bri­ti­schen Autor James Love­gro­ve geschrie­ben, das Sto­ry­kon­zept stammt von Nan­cy Hol­der (BUFFY), er erscheint am 20. Novem­ber 2018 und kann bereits vor­be­stellt wer­den. Der Wer­be­text liest sich wie folgt:

The Batt­le of Sere­ni­ty Val­ley was the tur­ning point that led the Inde­pend­ents to their defeat at the hands of the Alli­ance. Yet the Brown­coats had held the val­ley for weeks against all odds, befo­re being orde­red to lay down their arms. Com­mand sta­ted they refu­sed to send in air­power becau­se the ground war was »too hot.« But the sol­diers who were the­re insist that was not true…
While picking up a new car­go on Per­se­pho­ne, Cap­tain Mal­colm Rey­nolds is kid­nap­ped by a bunch of embit­te­red vete­ran Brown­coats who suspect him of sabo­ta­ging the Inde­pend­ents during the war. As the rest of the crew strugg­le to loca­te him, Mal is pla­ced on tri­al for his life, fight­ing com­pel­ling evi­dence that someone did inde­ed betray them to the Alli­ance all tho­se years ago. As old com­ra­des and old rivals crawl out of the wood­work, Mal must pro­ve his inno­cence, but his cap­tors are despe­ra­te and desti­tu­te, and will sett­le for not­hing less than the culprit’s blood.

Für das Hard­co­ver muss ein Brown­coat 16,99 Cre­dits berap­pen, die Kind­le-Fas­sung kos­tet 9,16 Cre­dits.

Cover­ab­bil­dung Copy­right Titan Books
