Gesucht: CONAN


Schau­spie­ler auf­ge­passt: Der CONAN-Film wird besetzt und man sucht dafür nach Mimen, die Dreh­ar­bei­ten sol­len immer­hin schon im Febru­ar 2010 in Bul­ga­ri­en begin­nen. Regie führt Mar­cus Nis­pel.

Wer sich vom Aus­schrei­bungs­text ange­spro­chen fühlt, soll­te mal mit sei­nem Agen­ten spre­chen:

[ CONAN ] He’s in his 20s to ear­ly 30s, Cau­ca­si­an, powerful­ly built, broad-should­e­red, sun brow­ned skin lined with scars. Pier­cing blue eyes and squa­re-cut black mane, tall. He is a sava­ge kil­ler that has matu­red into the refi­ne­ment his father tried to teach him when he was young. Conan is very smart, almost inhu­man­ly strong, and very cun­ning. His enti­re life, from the moment of his birth, has been shaped by vio­lence. Being the last of his tri­be and having to watch his father die a cruel death, he is deter­mi­ned aven­ge his peo­p­les slaugh­ter by kil­ling all tho­se who led the attack on the Cim­me­ri­ans, inclu­ding the all-powerful Kha­lar Singh. He is pre­pared to die in order to accom­plish his goal. What Conan did not expect, was to find a reason to live? LEAD

Neben dem Cim­me­ri­er sind noch 18 wei­te­re wich­ti­ge Rol­len zu beset­zen, zum Bei­spiel:

  • Tama­ra ‑18 to 24 years old, Cau­ca­si­an or Midd­le Eas­tern, fema­le. Out to res­cue Queen Ili­ra. Ally of Conan
  • Kha­lar Singh – Male. 40s to 50s, Asi­an or Midd­le Eas­tern, Cen­tral Asi­an, Mon­gol, Tur­ki­sh, or Per­si­an. Arch-rival of Conan.

Der Schau­spie­ler, der die Rol­le über­nimmt, muss in gro­ße Fuß­stap­fen tre­ten – die von Gou­ver­na­tor Schwar­zen­eg­ger

Bild: CONAN Teaser-Pos­ter (Aus­schnitt), Copy­right Nu Image