STAR TREK: Live In Concert
LeiÂder zu frĂĽh gefreut: entÂhalÂten ist leiÂder ausÂschlieĂźÂlich die Musik aus STAR TREK (2009) und STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS von MichaÂel GiacÂchiÂno. Was sich die Chefs von CBS und ParaÂmount dabei denÂken, nicht gleich alle SeriÂen einÂzuÂbeÂzieÂhen, werÂden wohl nur sie selbst wisÂsen, aber meiÂner Ansicht nach sind auch die OSTs der beiÂden Reboot-FilÂme äuĂźerst hörensÂwert.
Es hanÂdelt sich um eine ZusamÂmenÂarÂbeit von CBS ConÂsuÂmer ProÂducts, ParaÂmount PicÂtures, 21st CenÂtuÂry SymÂphoÂny OrchesÂtra, IMG Artists und der AgenÂtur Gorfaine/​Schwartz. WarÂum kein KonÂzert in DeutschÂland stattÂfinÂdet, wisÂsen verÂmutÂlich nur die VerÂanÂstalÂter …
Die TerÂmiÂne sind:
- May 24, 2014: Star Trek Into DarkÂness with the 21st CenÂtuÂry SymÂphoÂny OrchesÂtra and ChoÂrus at the KKL ConÂcert Hall in LucerÂne, SwitzÂerÂland
- May 25, 2014: Star Trek Into DarkÂness with the 21st CenÂtuÂry SymÂphoÂny OrchesÂtra and ChoÂrus at the KKL ConÂcert Hall in LucerÂne, SwitzÂerÂland
- May 29, 2014: Star Trek (2009) with the 21st CenÂtuÂry SymÂphoÂny OrchesÂtra and ChoÂrus at RoyÂal Albert Hall in LonÂdon, UK
- May 30, 2014: Star Trek Into DarkÂness with the 21st CenÂtuÂry SymÂphoÂny OrchesÂtra and ChoÂrus at RoyÂal Albert Hall in LonÂdon, UK
- May 31, 2014: Star Trek (2009) with the 21st CenÂtuÂry SymÂphoÂny OrchesÂtra and ChoÂrus at RoyÂal Albert Hall in LonÂdon, UK
- May 31, 2014: Star Trek Into DarkÂness with the 21st CenÂtuÂry SymÂphoÂny OrchesÂtra and ChoÂrus at RoyÂal Albert Hall in LonÂdon, UK
- July 18, 2014: Star Trek (2009) with the HousÂton SymÂphoÂny at Jones Hall in HousÂton, TX
- July 19, 2014: Star Trek Into DarkÂness with the HousÂton SymÂphoÂny at Jones Hall in HousÂton, TX
July 26, 2014: Star Trek (2009) with the San DieÂgo SymÂphoÂny at EmbarÂcaÂdeÂro MariÂna Park South in San DieÂgo, CA - July 31, 2014: Star Trek Into DarkÂness with the PhilÂadelÂphia OrchesÂtra at the Mann CenÂter in PhilÂadelÂphia, PA
- March 21, 2015: Star Trek (2009) with the KitÂcheÂner-WaterÂloo SymÂphoÂny at the Sony CentÂre in ToronÂto, CanaÂda
ZusätzÂliÂche TerÂmiÂne solÂlen demÂnächst angeÂkĂĽnÂdigt werÂden. WeiÂteÂre InforÂmaÂtioÂnen finÂden sich auf der WebÂseiÂte zur Tour.
QuelÂle: PresÂseÂmitÂteiÂlung, ProÂmoÂfoÂto STAR TREK CopyÂright CBS & ParaÂmount