Hugo Award-Gewinner 2021

Ges­tern, am 18. Dezem­ber 2021, wur­den im Rah­men des in Washing­ton, DC statt­fin­den­den Dis­Con III (gleich­zei­tig World­Con 79) die dies­jäh­ri­gen Hugo Award Gewin­ner genannt.

Gewin­ne­rin des Prei­ses für den bes­ten Roman wur­de Mar­tha Wells mit ihrem Buch NETWORK EFFECT, ein Roman aus der MUR­DER­BOT-Rei­he. Sie gewann zugleich den Preis für die bes­te Serie, eben­falls für MURDERBOT.

Die Lis­te der Nomi­nier­ten und Gewin­ner (fett gedruckt) liest sich wie folgt:

Best Novel

  • Black Sun, Rebec­ca Roan­horse (Gal­lery /​ Saga Press /​ Sola­ris)
  • The City We Beca­me, N.K. Jemi­sin (Orbit)
  • Har­row the Ninth, Tam­syn Muir (Tordot­com)
  • Net­work Effect, Mar­tha Wells (Tordot­com)
  • Pira­ne­si, Susan­na Clar­ke (Bloomsbu­ry)
  • The Relent­less Moon, Mary Robi­net­te Kowal (Tor Books /​ Sola­ris)

Best Novella

  • Come Tumb­ling Down, Seanan McGui­re (Tordot­com)
  • The Empress of Salt and For­tu­ne, Nghi Vo (Tordot­com)
  • Fin­na, Nino Cipri (Tordot­com)
  • Ring Shout, P. Djè­lí Clark (Tordot­com)
  • Riot Baby, Tochi Ony­e­buchi (Tordot­com)
  • Upright Women Wan­ted, Sarah Gai­ley (Tordot­com)

Best Novelette

  • Burn, or the Epi­so­dic Life of Sam Wells as a Super,” A.T. Green­blatt (Uncan­ny Maga­zi­ne, May/​June 2020)
  • Heli­c­op­ter Sto­ry,” Isa­bel Fall (Clar­kes­world, Janu­ary 2020)
  • The Inac­ces­si­bi­li­ty of Hea­ven,” Ali­et­te de Bodard (Uncan­ny Maga­zi­ne, July/​August 2020)
  • Mons­ter,” Nao­mi Krit­zer (Clar­kes­world, Janu­ary 2020)
  • The Pill,” Meg Eli­son (from Big Girl, (PM Press)
  • Two Truths and a Lie,” Sarah Pins­ker (Tor​.com)

Best Short Story

  • Bad­ass Moms in the Zom­bie Apo­ca­lyp­se,” Rae Carson (Uncan­ny Maga­zi­ne, January/​February 2020)
  • A Gui­de for Working Breeds,” Vina Jie-Min Pra­sad (Made to Order: Robots and Revo­lu­ti­on, ed. Jona­than Stra­han (Sola­ris))
  • Litt­le Free Libra­ry,” Nao­mi Krit­zer (Tor​.com)
  • The Mer­maid Astro­naut,” Yoon Ha Lee (Beneath Cea­se­l­ess Ski­es, Febru­ary 2020)
  • Metal Like Blood in the Dark,” T. King­fi­sher (Uncan­ny Maga­zi­ne, September/​October 2020)
  • Open House on Haun­ted Hill,” John Wis­well (Dia­bo­li­cal Plots – 2020, ed. David Stef­fen)

Best Series

  • The Dae­v­a­bad Tri­lo­gy, S.A. Chakra­bor­ty (Har­per Voy­a­ger)
  • The Inter­de­pen­den­cy, John Scal­zi (Tor Books)
  • The Lady Astro­naut Uni­ver­se, Mary Robi­net­te Kowal (Tor Books/​Audible/​Magazine of Fan­ta­sy and Sci­ence Fiction/​Solaris)
  • The Mur­der­bot Dia­ries, Mar­tha Wells (Tordot­com)
  • Octo­ber Daye, Seanan McGui­re (DAW)
  • The Pop­py War, R.F. Kuang (Har­per Voy­a­ger)

Best Related Work

  • Beowulf: A New Trans­la­ti­on, Maria Dah­va­na Head­ley (FSG)
  • CoN­Zea­land Frin­ge, Clai­re Rous­se­au, C, Cas­sie Hart, Adri Joy, Mar­gue­ri­te Ken­ner, Cheryl Mor­gan, Alasd­air Stuart
  • FIYAHCON, L.D. Lewis, Direc­tor; Brent Lam­bert, Seni­or Pro­gramming Coör­di­na­tor; Iori Kus­a­no, FIYAHCON Frin­ge Co-Direc­tor; Vida Cruz, FIYAHCON Frin­ge Co-Direc­tor, and the incre­di­ble FIYAHCON team
  • Geor­ge R.R. Mar­tin Can Fuck Off Into the Sun, Or: The 2020 Hugo Awards Cerem­o­ny (Rage­blog Edi­ti­on),” Nata­lie Luhrs (Pret­ty Ter­ri­ble, August 2020)
  • A Handful of Earth, A Handful of Sky: The World of Octa­via E. But­ler, Lynell Geor­ge (Angel City Press)
  • The Last Bro­ny­con: a fan­dom auto­psy, Jen­ny Nichol­son (You­Tube)

Best Graphic Story or Comic

  • DIE, Volu­me 2: Split the Par­ty, writ­ten by Kie­ron Gil­len and Ste­pha­nie Hans, let­ters by Clay­ton Cow­les (Image Comics)
  • Ghost-Spi­der vol. 1: Dog Days Are Over,  aut­hor Seanan McGui­re,  artists Take­shi Miya­za­wa and Rosi Käm­pe (Mar­vel)
  • Invi­si­ble King­dom, vol 2: Edge of Ever­y­thing, aut­hor G. Wil­low Wil­son, artist Chris­ti­an Ward (Dark Hor­se Comics)
  • Monstress, vol. 5: War­child, aut­hor Mar­jo­rie Liu, artist Sana Take­da (Image Comics)
  • Once & Future vol. 1: The King Is Undead, writ­ten by Kie­ron Gil­len, iIl­lus­tra­ted by Dan Mora, colo­red by Tam­ra Bon­vil­lain, let­te­red by Ed Dukeshire (BOOM! Stu­di­os)
  • Para­ble of the Sower: A Gra­phic Novel Adapt­a­ti­on, writ­ten by Octa­via But­ler, adapt­ed by Dami­an Duffy, illus­tra­ted by John Jen­nings (Har­ry N. Abrams)

Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form

  • Birds of Prey (and the Fan­ta­bu­lous Eman­ci­pa­ti­on of One Har­ley Quinn), writ­ten by Chris­ti­na Hod­son, direc­ted by Cathy Yan (War­ner Bros.)
  • Euro­vi­si­on Song Con­test: The Sto­ry of Fire Sagawrit­ten by Will Fer­rell, Andrew Ste­e­le, direc­ted by David Dob­kin (Euro­pean Broad­cas­ting Union/​Netflix)
  • The Old Guard, writ­ten by Greg Rucka, direc­ted by Gina Prin­ce-Bythe­wood (Net­flix /​ Sky­dance Media)
  • Palm Springs, writ­ten by Andy Sia­ra, direc­ted by Max Bar­ba­kow (Lime­light /​ Sun Enter­tain­ment Cul­tu­re /​ The Lonely Island /​ Cul­mi­na­ti­on Pro­duc­tions /​ Neon /​ Hulu /​ Ama­zon Prime)
  • Soul, screen­play by Pete Doc­ter, Mike Jones and Kemp Powers, direc­ted by Pete Doc­ter, co-direc­ted by Kemp Powers, pro­du­ced by Dana Mur­ray (Pix­ar Ani­ma­ti­on Studios/​ Walt Dis­ney Pic­tures)
  • Tenet, writ­ten and direc­ted by Chris­to­pher Nolan (War­ner Bros./Syncopy)

Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form

  • Doc­tor Who: “Fugi­ti­ve of the Judoon,” writ­ten by Vin­ay Patel and Chris Chib­nall, direc­ted by Nida Man­zoor (BBC)
  • The Expan­se: “Gau­ga­me­la,” writ­ten by Dan Nowak, direc­ted by Nick Gomez (Alcon Enter­tain­ment /​ Alcon Tele­vi­si­on Group /​ Ama­zon Stu­di­os /​ Hive­mind /​ Just So)
  • She-Ra and the Prin­ces­ses of Power: “Heart” (parts 1 and 2), writ­ten by Josie Camp­bell and Noel­le Ste­ven­son, direc­ted by Jen Ben­nett and Kiki Man­ri­que (Dream­Works Ani­ma­ti­on Tele­vi­si­on /​ Net­flix)
  • The Man­dalo­ri­an: “Chap­ter 13: The Jedi,” writ­ten and direc­ted by Dave Filoni (Golem Crea­ti­ons /​ Lucas­film /​ Dis­ney+)
  • The Man­dalo­ri­an: “Chap­ter 16: The Res­cue,” writ­ten by Jon Fav­reau, direc­ted by Pey­ton Reed (Golem Crea­ti­ons /​ Lucas­film /​ Dis­ney+)
  • The Good Place: “When­ever You’re Rea­dy,” writ­ten and direc­ted by Micha­el Schur (Fremu­lon /​ 3 Arts Enter­tain­ment /​ Uni­ver­sal Tele­vi­si­on, a divi­si­on of Uni­ver­sal Stu­dio Group)

Best Editor, Short Form

  • Neil Clar­ke
  • Ellen Dat­low
  • C.C. Fin­lay
  • Mur Laf­fer­ty and S.B. Divya
  • Jona­than Stra­han
  • Shei­la Wil­liams

Best Editor, Long Form

  • Nivia Evans
  • Shei­la E. Gil­bert
  • Sarah Guan
  • Brit Hvi­de
  • Dia­na M. Phở
  • Navah Wol­fe

Best Professional Artist

  • Tom­my Arnold
  • Rovina Cai
  • Galen Dara
  • Mau­ri­zio Man­zie­ri
  • John Pica­cio
  • Alys­sa Win­ans

Best Semiprozine

  • Beneath Cea­se­l­ess Ski­es, edo­tor Scott H. Andrews
  • Escape Pod, edi­tors Mur Laf­fer­ty and S.B. Divya, assistant edi­tor Ben­ja­min C. Kin­ney, hosts Tina Con­nol­ly and Alasd­air Stuart, audio pro­du­cers Sum­mer Brooks and Adam Pracht and the enti­re Escape Pod team.
  • FIYAH Maga­zi­ne of Black Spe­cu­la­ti­ve Fic­tion, publisher Troy L. Wig­gins, exe­cu­ti­ve edi­tor DaVaun San­ders, mana­ging edi­tor Ebo­ni Dun­bar, poet­ry edi­tor Bran­don O’Brien, reviews and social media Brent Lam­bert,  art direc­tor L. D. Lewis, and the FIYAH Team.
  • Pod­Cast­le, edi­tors, C.L. Clark and Jen R. Albert, assistant edi­tor and host, Setsu Uzu­mé, pro­du­cer Peter Adri­an Behravesh, and the enti­re Pod­Cast­le team.
  • Uncan­ny Maga­zi­ne, edi­tors in chief Lyn­ne M. Tho­mas and Micha­el Dami­an Tho­mas; mana­ging edi­tor Chi­medum Ohaeg­bu; non-fic­tion edi­tor Elsa Sjun­neson; pod­cast pro­du­cers Eri­ka Ensign and Ste­ven Scha­pan­sky
  • Stran­ge Hori­zons, Vanes­sa Aguir­re, Joseph Ait­ken, Rachel Ayers, M H Ayin­de, Tier­ney Bai­ley, Scott Beggs, Drew Matthew Bey­er, Gau­tam Bha­tia, S. K. Camp­bell, Zhui Ning Chang, Tania Chen, Joy­ce Chng, Liz Christ­man, Lin­da H. Code­ga, Kris­ti­an Wil­son Coly­ard, Yele­na Cra­ne, Bru­had Dave, Sarah David­son, Tahlia Day, Arinn Dem­bo, Natha­ni­el Eak­man, Belen Edwards, Geor­ge Tom Elavathin­gal, Rebec­ca Evans, Ciro Fai­en­za, Court­ney Floyd, Lila Gar­rott, Colet­te Grec­co, Gua­naní Gómez-Van Cor­t­right, Julia Gun­ni­son, Dan Hart­land, Syd­ney Hil­ton, Ange­la Hinck, Ste­phen Ira, Aman­da Jean, Ai Jiang, Sean Joy­ce-Far­ley, Eri­ka Kan­da, Anna Kre­pin­sky, Kat Kour­be­ti, Clay­ton Kroh, Mau­re­en Kin­caid Spel­ler, Cathe­ri­ne Kra­he, Nata­sha Leul­lier, A.Z. Loui­se, Dan­te Luiz, Gui Machia­vel­li, Came­ron Mack, Saman­tha Man­ak­to­la, Mari­sa Manu­el, Jean McCon­nell, Hea­ther McDou­gal, Maria Mora­be, Ame­lia Mori­ar­ty, Emo­ry Noa­kes, Sara Noa­kes, Aidan Oat­way, AJ Odas­so, Joel Oli­ver-Cor­mier, Kris­ti­na Pal­mer, Kar­in­tha Par­ker, Anja­li Patel, Vanes­sa Rose Phin, Nica­sio Reed, Beli­cia Rhea, End­ria Richard­son, Nata­lie Rit­ter, Abbey Sch­lanz, Clark Sean­or, Eli­jah Rain Smith, Hebe Stan­ton, Melo­dy Stei­ner, Romie Stott, Yejin Suh, Kwan-Ann Tan, Luke Tol­vaj, Ben Tyr­rell, Renee Van Sic­len, Kath­ryn Wea­ver, Liza Wema­kor, Aigner Loren Wil­son, E.M. Wright, Vicki Xu, Fred G. Yost, staff mem­bers who pre­fer not to be named, and guest edi­tor Libia Bren­da with guest first rea­der Raquel Gon­zá­lez-Fran­co Alva for the Mexi­canx spe­cial issue

Best Fanzine

  • The Full Lid, writ­ten by Alasd­air Stuart, edi­ted by Mar­gue­ri­te Ken­ner
  • Jour­ney Pla­net, edi­ted by Micha­el Car­roll, John Coxon, Sara Felix, Ann Gry, Sarah Gul­de, Ali­s­sa McKer­sie, Errick Nunn­al­ly, Pádraig Ó Méalóid, Chuck Ser­face, Ste­ven H Sil­ver, Paul Trim­ble, Erin Under­wood, James Bacon, and Chris Gar­cia.
  • Lady Busi­ness, edi­tors Ira, Jodie, KJ, Ren­ay, and Sus­an.
  • nerds of a fea­ther, flock tog­e­ther, edi­tors Adri Joy, Joe Sher­ry, The G, and Van­ce Kotrla
  • Quick Sip Reviews, edi­tor Charles Pay­seur
  • Unof­fi­ci­al Hugo Book Club Blog, edi­tors Aman­da Waka­ruk and Olav Rok­ne

Best Fancast

  • Be the Ser­pent, pre­sen­ted by Alex­an­dra Row­land, Freya Mar­s­ke, and Jen­ni­fer Mace
  • Clai­re Rousseau’s You­Tube chan­nel, pro­du­ced by Clai­re Rous­se­au
  • The Coo­de Street Pod­cast, pre­sen­ted by Jona­than Stra­han and Gary K. Wol­fe, Jona­than Stra­han, pro­du­cer
  • Kal­a­na­di, pro­du­ced and pre­sen­ted by Rachel
  • The Skiffy and Fan­ty Show, pro­du­ced by Shaun Duke and Jen Zink,  pre­sen­ted by Shaun Duke, Jen Zink, Alex Acks, Paul Wei­mer, and David Annan­da­le.
  • World­buil­ding for Maso­chists, pre­sen­ted by Rowen­na Mil­ler, Mar­shall Ryan Mare­s­ca, and Cass Mor­ris

Best Fan Writer

  • Cora Buh­lert
  • Charles Pay­seur
  • Jason San­ford
  • Elsa Sjun­neson
  • Alasd­air Stuart
  • Paul Wei­mer

Best Fan Artist

  • Iain J. Clark
  • Cyan Daly
  • Sara Felix
  • Grace P. Fong
  • Maya Hah­to
  • Laya Rose

Best Video Game

  • Ani­mal Crossing: New Hori­zons (publisher and deve­lo­per: Nin­ten­do)
  • Bla­se­ball (publisher and deve­lo­per: The Game Band)
  • Final Fan­ta­sy VII Remake (publisher :Squa­re Enix)
  • Hades (publisher and deve­lo­per: Super­gi­ant Games)
  • The Last of Us: Part II (publisher: Sony Inter­ac­ti­ve Enter­tain­ment /​ deve­lo­per: Naugh­ty Dog)
  • Spi­rit­fa­rer (publisher and deve­lo­per: Thun­der Lotus)

Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book

  • Ceme­tery Boys, Aiden Tho­mas (Swoon Reads)
  • A Dead­ly Edu­ca­ti­on, Nao­mi Novik (Del Rey)
  • Elatsoe, Dar­cie Litt­le Bad­ger (Levi­ne Quer­ido)
  • Legend­born, Tra­cy Deonn (Mar­ga­ret K. McEl­der­ry /​ Simon & Schus­ter Children’s Publi­shing)
  • Ray­bea­rer, Jor­dan Ifue­ko (Amu­let /​ Hot Key)
  • A Wizard’s Gui­de to Defen­si­ve Bak­ing, T. King­fi­sher (Argyll Pro­duc­tions)

Astounding Award for Best New Writer

  • Lind­say Ellis (1st year of eli­gi­bi­li­ty)
  • Simon Jime­nez (1st year of eli­gi­bi­li­ty)
  • Micai­ah John­son (1st year of eli­gi­bi­li­ty)
  • A.K. Lark­wood (1st year of eli­gi­bi­li­ty)
  • Jenn Lyons (2nd year of eli­gi­bi­li­ty)
  • Emi­ly Tesh (2nd year of eli­gi­bi­li­ty)

Hugo Award” and The Hugo Award Logo are ser­vice marks of the World Sci­ence Fic­tion Socie­ty, an unin­cor­po­ra­ted lite­ra­ry socie­ty.