FOX: Presseveröffentlichung und Logo zu GOTHAM

Logo Gotham

Fox ver­öf­fent­licht im Rah­men einer Pres­se­mit­tei­lung nicht nur wei­te­re Details zu sei­ner kom­men­den TV-Serie GOTHAM, son­dern auch das Logo. Und was sehen wir in dem Logo? Zep­pe­li­ne!

Irgend­wie liest sich das Gan­ze ein wenig wie eine SMALL­VILLE-Epi­go­ne in Got­ham City – aber war­ten wir es ein­fach ab …


Ever­yo­ne knows the name Com­mis­sio­ner Gor­don. He is one of the crime world’s grea­test foes, a man who­se repu­ta­ti­on is syn­ony­mous with law and order. But what is known of Gordon’s sto­ry and his rise from roo­kie detec­ti­ve to Poli­ce Com­mis­sio­ner? What did it take to navi­ga­te the mul­ti­ple lay­ers of cor­rup­ti­on that secret­ly ruled Got­ham City, the spaw­ning ground of the world’s most ico­nic vil­lains? And what cir­cum­s­tances crea­ted them – the lar­ger-than-life per­so­nas who would beco­me Cat­wo­man, The Pen­gu­in, The Ridd­ler, Two-Face and The Joker?

»Got­ham« is an ori­gin sto­ry of the gre­at DC Comics super vil­lains and vigi­lan­tes, reve­al­ing an enti­re­ly new chap­ter that has never been told. From exe­cu­ti­ve producer/​writer Bru­no Hel­ler (»The Men­ta­list,« »Rome«), »Got­ham« fol­lows one cop’s rise through a dan­ge­rous­ly cor­rupt city tee­te­ring on the edge of evil and chro­nic­les the birth of one of the most popu­lar super heroes of our time.

Gro­wing up in Got­ham City’s sur­roun­ding sub­urbs, James Gor­don (Ben McKen­zie, »South­land,« »The O.C.«) roman­ti­ci­zed the city as a glamo­rous and exci­ting metro­po­lis whe­re his late father once ser­ved as a suc­cessful dis­trict att­or­ney. Now, two weeks into his new job as a Got­ham City detec­ti­ve and enga­ged to his bel­oved fian­cée, Bar­ba­ra Kean (Erin Richards, Open Gra­ve, »Brea­king In«), Gor­don is living his dream – even as he hopes to res­to­re the city back to the pure ver­si­on he remem­bers it was as a kid.

Bra­ve, honest and rea­dy to pro­ve hims­elf, the new­ly-min­ted detec­ti­ve is part­ne­red with the brash, but shrewd poli­ce legend Har­vey Bul­lock (Donal Logue, »Sons of Anar­chy,« »Ter­ri­ers,« »Vikings,« »Cop­per«), as the two stumb­le upon the city’s hig­hest-pro­fi­le case ever: the mur­der of local bil­lionaires Tho­mas and Mar­tha Way­ne. At the sce­ne of the crime, Gor­don meets the sole sur­vi­vor: the Way­nes’ haun­tingly inten­se 12-year-old son, Bruce (David Mazouz, »Touch«), toward whom the young detec­ti­ve feels an inex­pli­ca­ble kin­ship. Moved by the boy’s pro­found loss, Gor­don vows to catch the kil­ler.

As he navi­ga­tes the often-under­han­ded poli­tics of Gotham’s cri­mi­nal jus­ti­ce sys­tem, Gor­don will con­front impo­sing gang boss Fish Moo­ney (Jada Pin­kett Smith, The Matrix films, »Hawt­hoR­Ne,« Col­la­te­ral), and many of the cha­rac­ters who will beco­me some of fiction’s most renow­ned, endu­ring vil­lains, inclu­ding a teen­aged Seli­na Kyle/​the future Cat­wo­man (acting new­co­mer Cam­ren Bicon­do­va) and Oswald Cobblepot/​The Pen­gu­in (Robin Lord Tay­lor, »The Wal­king Dead,« Ano­ther Earth).

Alt­hough the crime dra­ma will fol­low Gordon’s tur­bu­lent and sin­gu­lar rise through the Got­ham City poli­ce depart­ment, led by Poli­ce Cap­tain Sarah Essen (Zab­ry­na Gue­va­ra, »Burn Noti­ce«), it also will focus on the unli­kely fri­end­ship Gor­don forms with the young heir to the Way­ne for­tu­ne, who is being rai­sed by his unflappable but­ler, Alfred (Sean Pert­wee, »Came­lot,« »Ele­men­ta­ry«). It is a fri­end­ship that will last them all of their lives, play­ing a cru­cial role in hel­ping the young boy even­tual­ly beco­me the cru­sader he’s desti­ned to be.’

Quel­le: Fox Broad­cas­ting Com­pa­ny, Logo Copy­right Fox & War­ner