Am kom­men­den Sonn­tag jährt sich zum 50. Mal die Mond­lan­dung. Her­aus­ge­ber Neil Clar­ke hat das zum Anlass genom­men, Sci­ence Fic­tion-Sto­ries zum The­ma Mond aus den ver­gan­ge­nen 50 Jah­ren zu sam­meln und in einem Sto­ry­band zu ver­öf­fent­li­chen. Der trägt den Titel THE EAGLE HAS LANDED: 50 YEARS OF LUNAR SCIENCE FICTION und hat in gedruck­ter Form zie­gel­stein­ar­ti­ge 600 Sei­ten. Der Wer­be­text liest sich wie folgt:

The lone sur­vi­vor of a lunar crash, wai­ting for res­cue in a solar powered suit, must keep wal­king for thir­ty days to remain in the sun­light kee­ping her ali­ve … life as an ice miner turns ugly as the workers’ resent­ment turns from sabo­ta­ge to mur­der … an astro­naut inves­ti­ga­ting a stran­ge crash landing encoun­ters an incre­asing num­ber of dop­pel­gan­gers of hers­elf … a nuclear bomb with a human per­so­na­li­ty announ­ces to a moon colo­ny that it will soon explo­de … hundreds of years in the future, art for­gers working on the lunar sur­face tra­vel back in time to swap out pri­ce­l­ess art, res­cuing it from what will beco­me a des­troy­ed Earth …

On July 20, 1969, man­kind made what had only years ear­lier see­med like an impos­si­ble leap for­ward: Apol­lo 11 beca­me the first man­ned mis­si­on to land on the moon, and Neil Arm­strong the first per­son to step foot on the lunar sur­face. While the­re have only been a handful of new mis­si­ons sin­ce, the fasci­na­ti­on with our planet’s satel­li­te con­ti­nues, and gene­ra­ti­ons of wri­ters and artists have ima­gi­ned the end­less pos­si­bi­li­ties of lunar life.

The Eagle Has Lan­ded coll­ects the best sto­ries writ­ten in the fif­ty years sin­ce man­kind first step­ped foot on the lunar sur­face, ser­ving as a shi­ning remin­der that the moon is a visi­ble and con­stant exam­p­le of all the infi­ni­te pos­si­bi­li­ty of the wider universe.

Unter den Autoren fin­den sich bekann­te Namen wie John Var­ley, Kim Stan­ley Robin­son, Ste­phen Bax­ter, Bri­an M. Sta­b­le­ford, Kris­ti­ne Kath­ryn Rusch oder Nan­cy Kress.

THE EAGLE HAS LANDED gibt es in drei Aus­ga­ben: als Hard­co­ver (33,05 Euro), als Taschen­buch (19,49 Euro) und als eBook (13,29 Euro). Die Sto­ry­samm­lung ist ges­tern erschie­nen und ab sofort lieferbar.

Cover­ab­bil­dung Copy­right Night Shade