Hugo Awards 2011: die Nominierungen

Die Nomi­nier­ten­lis­te für die Hugo Awards des Jah­res 2011 ist da. Die voll­stän­di­ge Lis­te fin­det sich im erwei­ter­ten Artikel.

Best Novel

  • Blackout/All Clear by Con­nie Wil­lis (Ballan­ti­ne Spectra)
  • Cryob­urn by Lois McMas­ter Bujold (Baen)
  • The Der­vish House by Ian McDo­nald (Gol­lan­cz; Pyr)
  • Feed by Mira Grant (Orbit)
  • The Hundred Thousand King­doms by N.K. Jemi­sin (Orbit)

Best Novel­la

  • The Lady Who Plu­cked Red Flowers beneath the Queen’s Win­dow by Rachel Swirs­ky (Sub­ter­ra­ne­an Maga­zi­ne, Sum­mer 2010)
  • The Life­cy­cle of Soft­ware Objects by Ted Chiang (Sub­ter­ra­ne­an)
  • The Mai­den Flight of McCauley’s Bel­lero­phon by Eliza­beth Hand (Sto­ries: All New Tales, Wil­liam Morrow)
  • The Sul­tan of the Clouds by Geoffrey A. Lan­dis (Asimov’s, Sep­tem­ber 2010) -
  • Troi­ka by Alas­ta­ir Rey­nolds (God­li­ke Machi­nes, Sci­ence Fic­tion Book Club)

Best Nove­let­te

  • Eight Miles by Sean McMullen (Ana­log, Sep­tem­ber 2010)
  • The Emper­or of Mars by Allen M. Ste­e­le (Asimov’s, June 2010)
  • The Jagu­ar House, in Shadow by Ali­et­te de Bodard (Asimov’s, July 2010)
  • Plus or Minus by James Patrick Kel­ly (Asimov’s, Decem­ber 2010)
  • That Levia­than, Whom Thou Hast Made by Eric James Stone (Ana­log, Sep­tem­ber 2010)

Best Short Story

  • Ama­ryl­lis by Car­rie Vaughn (Lightspeed, June 2010)
  • For Want of a Nail by Mary Robi­net­te Kowal (Asimov’s, Sep­tem­ber 2010)
  • Ponies by Kij John­son (, Novem­ber 17, 2010)
  • The Things by Peter Watts (Clar­kes­world, Janu­ary 2010)

Best Rela­ted Work

  • Bea­rings: Reviews 1997–2001, by Gary K. Wol­fe (Bec­con) – Read Online Excerpt [PDF]
  • The Busi­ness of Sci­ence Fic­tion: Two Insi­ders Dis­cuss Wri­ting and Publi­shing, by Mike Res­nick and Bar­ry N. Malz­berg (McFar­land)
  • Chicks Dig Time Lords: A Cele­bra­ti­on of Doc­tor Who by the Women Who Love It, edi­ted by Lyn­ne M. Tho­mas and Tara O’Shea (Mad Norwegian)
  • Robert A. Hein­lein: In Dia­lo­gue with His Cen­tu­ry, Volu­me 1: (1907–1948): Lear­ning Cur­ve, by Wil­liam H. Pat­ter­son, Jr. (Tor)
  • Wri­ting Excu­ses, Sea­son 4, by Bran­don San­der­son, Jor­dan San­der­son, Howard Tay­ler, Dan Wells

Best Gra­phic Story

  • Fables: Wit­ches, writ­ten by Bill Wil­ling­ham; illus­tra­ted by Mark Buck­ing­ham (Ver­ti­go)
  • Girl Geni­us, Volu­me 10: Aga­tha Hete­ro­dy­ne and the Guar­di­an Muse, writ­ten by Phil and Kaja Foglio; art by Phil Foglio; colors by Che­yenne Wright (Air­ship Enter­tain­ment) – Read Online
  • Grand­ville Mon Amour, by Bryan Tal­bot (Dark Horse)
  • Schlock Mer­cena­ry: Mas­si­ve­ly Par­al­lel, writ­ten and illus­tra­ted by Howard Tay­ler; colors by Howard Tay­ler and Tra­vis Walt­on (Hyper­node) – Read Online
  • The Unwrit­ten, Volu­me 2: Insi­de Man, writ­ten by Mike Carey; illus­tra­ted by Peter Gross (Ver­ti­go)

Best Dra­ma­tic Pre­sen­ta­ti­on, Long Form

  • Har­ry Pot­ter and the Death­ly Hal­lows: Part 1, screen­play by Ste­ve Kloves; direc­ted by David Yates (War­ner)
  • How to Train Your Dra­gon, screen­play by Wil­liam Davies, Dean DeBlois & Chris San­ders; direc­ted by Dean DeBlois & Chris San­ders (Dream­Works)
  • Incep­ti­on, writ­ten and direc­ted by Chris­to­pher Nolan (War­ner)
  • Scott Pil­grim vs. the World, screen­play by Micha­el Bacall & Edgar Wright; direc­ted by Edgar Wright (Uni­ver­sal)
  • Toy Sto­ry 3, screen­play by Micha­el Arndt; sto­ry by John Las­se­ter, Andrew Stan­ton & Lee Unk­rich; direc­ted by Lee Unk­rich (Pixar/Disney)

Best Dra­ma­tic Pre­sen­ta­ti­on, Short Form

  • Doc­tor Who: A Christ­mas Carol, writ­ten by Ste­ven Moffat; direc­ted by Toby Hay­nes (BBC Wales)
  • Doc­tor Who: The Pand­ori­ca Opens/The Big Bang, writ­ten by Ste­ven Moffat; direc­ted by Toby Hay­nes (BBC Wales)
  • Doc­tor Who: Vin­cent and the Doc­tor, writ­ten by Richard Cur­tis; direc­ted by Jon­ny Camp­bell (BBC Wales)
  • Fuck Me, Ray Brad­bu­ry, writ­ten by Rachel Bloom; direc­ted by Paul Bri­gan­ti – Watch Online
  • The Lost Thing, writ­ten by Shaun Tan; direc­ted by Andrew Ruhe­mann and Shaun Tan (Pas­si­on Pictures)

Best Edi­tor, Short Form

  • John Joseph Adams
  • Stan­ley Schmidt
  • Jona­than Strahan
  • Gor­don Van Gelder
  • Shei­la Williams

Best Edi­tor, Long Form

  • Lou Anders
  • Gin­jer Buchanan
  • Mos­he Feder
  • Liz Gorinsky
  • Nick Mamatas
  • Beth Meacham
  • Juliet Ulman

Best Pro­fes­sio­nal Artist

  • Dani­el Dos Santos
  • Bob Eggleton
  • Ste­phan Martiniere
  • John Picacio
  • Shaun Tan

Best Semi­pro­zi­ne

  • Clar­kes­world, edi­ted by Neil Clar­ke, Cheryl Mor­gan, Sean Wal­lace; pod­cast direc­ted by Kate Baker
  • Inter­zo­ne, edi­ted by Andy Cox
  • Lightspeed, edi­ted by John Joseph Adams
  • Locus, edi­ted by Liza Gro­en Trom­bi and Kirs­ten Gong-Wong
  • Weird Tales, edi­ted by Ann Van­der­Meer and Ste­phen H. Segal

Best Fan­zine

  • Bana­na Wings, edi­ted by Clai­re Bria­ley and Mark Plummer
  • Chal­len­ger, edi­ted by Guy H. Lil­li­an III
  • The Drink Tank, edi­ted by Chris­to­pher J Gar­cia and James Bacon
  • File 770, edi­ted by Mike Glyer
  • Star­Ship­So­fa, edi­ted by Tony C. Smith

Best Fan Writer

  • James Bacon
  • Clai­re Brialey
  • Chris­to­pher J Garcia
  • James Nicoll
  • Ste­ven H Silver

Best Fan Artist

  • Brad W. Foster
  • Rand­all Munroe
  • Mau­ri­ne Starkey
  • Ste­ve Stiles
  • Taral Wayne

John W. Camp­bell Award for Best New Writer
(Award for the best new pro­fes­sio­nal sci­ence fic­tion or fan­ta­sy wri­ter of 2009 or 2010, spon­so­red by Dell Maga­zi­nes – not a Hugo Award).

  • Sala­din Ahmed
  • Lau­ren Beukes
  • Lar­ry Correia
  • Lev Grossman
  • Dan Wells


Bild: Hugo Award

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