Das Spielen im Browser aber beispielsweise auch als Facebook-App soll bereits ab dem 2. Quartal 2011 ermöglicht werden, mit Priorität auf die Einbindung auf dem sozialen Netzwerk. Spielbar sein soll ROM entweder im Fenster- oder im Vollbildmodus, Frogster behauptet sehr vollmundig, dass das im Vergleich zur Client-basierten Version ohne Einschränkungen funktionieren soll.
Damit käme RUNES OF MAGIC möglicherweise aus der Cloud und wäre nutzbar, ohne dass vor dem Spielen ein Gigabyte-großer Client-Download notwendig würde; es ist nach meinen Erfahrungen mit Browser-basierten Games allerdings möglicherweise davon auszugehen, dass es zu Einbußen bei der Grafikqualität kommen könnte – siehe zum Beispiel BATTLESTAR GALACTICA ONLINE, allerdings kommt dabei eine andere Technik zum Einsatz, nämlich Unity, also im Prinzip wieder ein Client, der im Browser läuft. Auch Kalydos Technik setzt auf eine Engine, hier heisst diese Gamebryo.
Erste Demos wollen Frogster und Kalydo auf der Game Developers Conference in San Francisco zeigen, die vom 28. Februar bis 4. März 2011 stattfindet.
Promo-Grafik RUNES OF MAGIC Copyright Frogster Interactive
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Runes of Magic goes Browser
Frogster and Kalydo Working on Fully Playable Browser and Facebook Version of the Fantasy-MMORPG, First Glimpses at GDC San Francisco
Berlin, 25/02/2011: Frogster’s successful fantasy-MMORPG Runes of Magic will be entirely playable in a browser window and on Facebook starting in Q2/2011. The international publisher has closed a coöperation agreement with technology partner Kalydo. The Dutch middleware provider will realize the browser integration with a browser plug-in and a scalable server platform running on cloud computing that they developed. Using the so-called Kalydo Player, the originally client-based MMORPG can then be enjoyed through any browser on practically every Windows PC without any constraints.
The initial focus of the partnership will be Facebook integration. For the registration, the partners will use the social network’s user-friendly single-opt-in function, allowing every Facebook user to dive straight into the virtual world without having to complete any additional registration procedures. Once inside the social network, Runes of Magic can be played in either full screen or window mode without limiting any of the game’s functionality. The Kalydo team has already started with the technical implementation of the browser version. Frogster will show a first test version to selected media partners at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco from 28th of February until 4th of March. The publisher can be found on a common booth with Gameforge in the North Hall of the Moscone Center, booth No. 702.
“We are expecting to see a marked increase in the numbers of players for Runes of Magic through this coöperation with Kalydo. Powered by the impressive Kalydo technology the browser version will enable us to attract new target groups who previously have found the download, installation and registration process too complicated”, commented Andreas Weidenhaupt, Chief Licensing Officer of Frogster Interactive Pictures AG on the signing of the contract.
Doki Tops, CEO of Kalydo agrees with him: “This is the future of gaming. Players enter the game with a single click of the mouse instead of spending hours on a download and installation and get the exact same experience. We praise Frogster for recognizing this potential and taking a leading role with us in pioneering this massive new style of gaming.”
Kalydo has already incorporated the 3D role-playing game GodsWar into Facebook, which has gone from strength to strength.
About Kalydo
Developed by Eximion, Kalydo is a leading browser game middleware solution which enables embedding games, based on any game technology, directly into every browser and social network. Kalydo’s innovative and scalable way of deploying games takes away traditional barriers, such as the need to download and install software. Kalydo decreases distribution costs while increasing visitor-to-player conversion and revenues. Games can now be offered in a “click & play” fashion, bringing consumers a fantastic gaming experience from anywhere in the world. Based in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Kalydo launched their public beta in 2008 before going commercially live in 2009.
Eximion B.V. | Kalydo
Chris van der Linden
Business Development Manager
Paradijslaan 5, 5611 KM, Eindhoven, The NetherlandsTel +31 (0)407 620 700
Cell +31 (0)617 484 074
Web www.kalydo.comContact
Frogster Interactive Pictures AG
Axel Schmidt
Director Corporate Communications
Hardenbergstr. 9A · 10623 Berlin · GermanyTel +49 (0)30–28 47 01 44
Fax +49 (0)30–28 47 01 11
Cell +49 (0)171–34 78 460
Web www.frogster.deFrogster – We take you to a new world!
The Frogster group is a Berlin-based, listed publisher of online games. Frogster focuses on the marketing and operation of virtual worlds, so-called massively multiplayer online games – one of the strongest growing sectors in the entertainment industry. With its top titles ‘Runes of Magic’ and ‘Bounty Bay Online’ Frogster has already gathered over 5 million registered players worldwide. For a release in 2011 Frogster has just recently announced the two highly ambitious MMO games ‘TERA’ and ‘Mythos’. Frogster also intends to enter into the rapidly growing market of browser games with ‘Bounty Bay Live’ and ‘Throne of Fire’ shortly. Currently the Frogster group employs more than 200 staff members in the fields of game development, licensing, IT, web design and web development, product management, marketing, PR, web publishing, community management, support, sales, hosting, billing and finance/administration. Frogster’s subsidiaries Frogster Online Gaming, Frogster America and Frogster Pacific market and operate their games in Europe, America and Oceania respectively. The shares of the Frogster Interactive Pictures AG have been listed in the Entry Standard segment of the Frankfurt stock exchange since February 2006. Internet: www.frogster.de
Ach, das klingt ja cool :)