Betrei­ber Frogs­ter und der Brow­ser­spiel-Engi­ne-Spe­zia­list Kaly­do haben heu­te in einer Pres­se­mit­tei­lung ver­lau­ten las­sen, dass das MMO RUNES OF MAGIC dem­nächst auch im Brow­ser lau­fen soll, statt einen dezi­dier­ten Cli­ent zu benötigen.

Das Spie­len im Brow­ser aber bei­spiels­wei­se auch als Face­book-App soll bereits ab dem 2. Quar­tal 2011 ermög­licht wer­den, mit Prio­ri­tät auf die Ein­bin­dung auf dem sozia­len Netz­werk. Spiel­bar sein soll ROM ent­we­der im Fens­ter- oder im Voll­bild­mo­dus, Frogs­ter behaup­tet sehr voll­mun­dig, dass das im Ver­gleich zur Cli­ent-basier­ten Ver­si­on ohne Ein­schrän­kun­gen funk­tio­nie­ren soll.

Damit käme RUNES OF MAGIC mög­li­cher­wei­se aus der Cloud und wäre nutz­bar, ohne dass vor dem Spie­len ein Giga­byte-gro­ßer Cli­ent-Down­load not­wen­dig wür­de; es ist nach mei­nen Erfah­run­gen mit Brow­ser-basier­ten Games aller­dings mög­li­cher­wei­se davon aus­zu­ge­hen, dass es zu Ein­bu­ßen bei der Gra­fik­qua­li­tät kom­men könn­te – sie­he zum Bei­spiel BATTLESTAR GALACTICA ONLINE, aller­dings kommt dabei eine ande­re Tech­nik zum Ein­satz, näm­lich Unity, also im Prin­zip wie­der ein Cli­ent, der im Brow­ser läuft. Auch Kaly­dos Tech­nik setzt auf eine Engi­ne, hier heisst die­se  Game­bryo.

Ers­te Demos wol­len Frogs­ter und Kaly­do auf der Game Deve­lo­pers Con­fe­rence in San Fran­cis­co zei­gen, die vom 28. Febru­ar bis 4. März 2011 stattfindet.

Creative Commons License

Pro­mo-Gra­fik RUNES OF MAGIC Copy­right Frogs­ter Interactive

Die kom­plet­te Pres­se­mel­dung im voll­stän­di­gen Artikel.

Runes of Magic goes Brow­ser 

Frogs­ter and Kaly­do Working on Ful­ly Play­a­ble Brow­ser and Face­book Ver­si­on of the Fan­ta­sy-MMORPG, First Glim­p­ses at GDC San Francisco

Ber­lin, 25/02/2011: Frogster’s suc­cess­ful fan­ta­sy-MMORPG Runes of Magic will be ent­i­re­ly play­a­ble in a brow­ser win­dow and on Face­book star­ting in Q2/2011. The inter­na­tio­nal publis­her has clo­sed a coö­pe­ra­ti­on agree­ment with tech­no­lo­gy part­ner Kaly­do. The Dut­ch midd­le­wa­re pro­vi­der will rea­li­ze the brow­ser inte­gra­ti­on with a brow­ser plug-in and a scala­b­le ser­ver plat­form run­ning on cloud com­pu­ting that they deve­lo­ped. Using the so-cal­led Kaly­do Play­er, the ori­gi­nal­ly cli­ent-based MMORPG can then be enjoy­ed through any brow­ser on prac­ti­cal­ly every Win­dows PC without any constraints.

The initi­al focus of the part­ners­hip will be Face­book inte­gra­ti­on. For the regis­tra­ti­on, the part­ners will use the social network’s user-friend­ly sin­gle-opt-in func­tion, allowing every Face­book user to dive strai­ght into the vir­tu­al world without having to com­ple­te any addi­tio­nal regis­tra­ti­on pro­ce­du­res. Once insi­de the social net­work, Runes of Magic can be play­ed in eit­her full screen or win­dow mode without limi­t­ing any of the game’s func­tio­n­a­li­ty. The Kaly­do team has alrea­dy star­ted with the tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­ti­on of the brow­ser ver­si­on. Frogs­ter will show a first test ver­si­on to selec­ted media part­ners at the Game Deve­lo­pers Con­fe­rence in San Fran­cis­co from 28th of Febru­a­ry until 4th of March. The publis­her can be found on a com­mon booth with Gamef­or­ge in the North Hall of the Mosco­ne Cen­ter, booth No. 702.

We are expec­ting to see a mar­ked incre­a­se in the num­bers of play­ers for Runes of Magic through this coö­pe­ra­ti­on with Kaly­do. Powe­red by the impres­si­ve Kaly­do tech­no­lo­gy the brow­ser ver­si­on will enab­le us to attract new tar­get groups who pre­vious­ly have found the down­load, instal­la­ti­on and regis­tra­ti­on pro­cess too com­pli­ca­ted”, com­men­ted Andre­as Wei­den­haupt, Chief Licen­sing Offi­cer of Frogs­ter Inter­ac­ti­ve Pic­tures AG on the signing of the contract.

Doki Tops, CEO of Kaly­do agrees with him:  “This is the future of gaming. Play­ers enter the game with a sin­gle click of the mou­se ins­tead of spen­ding hours on a down­load and instal­la­ti­on and get the exact same expe­ri­ence. We prai­se Frogs­ter for reco­gni­zing this poten­ti­al and taking a lea­ding role with us in pionee­ring this mas­si­ve new style of gaming.”

Kaly­do has alrea­dy incor­po­ra­ted the 3D role-play­ing game Gods­War into Face­book, which has gone from strength to strength.

About Kaly­do

Deve­lo­ped by Exi­mi­on, Kaly­do is a lea­ding brow­ser game midd­le­wa­re solu­ti­on which enab­les embed­ding games, based on any game tech­no­lo­gy, direct­ly into every brow­ser and social net­work. Kalydo’s inno­va­ti­ve and scala­b­le way of deploy­ing games takes away tra­di­tio­nal bar­ri­ers, such as the need to down­load and install soft­ware. Kaly­do decre­a­ses dis­tri­bu­ti­on cos­ts while incre­a­sing visi­tor-to-play­er con­ver­si­on and reve­nues. Games can now be offe­red in a “click & play” fashion, brin­ging con­su­mers a fan­tastic gaming expe­ri­ence from any­whe­re in the world. Based in Eind­ho­ven, The Nether­lands, Kaly­do laun­ched their public beta in 2008 befo­re going com­mer­cial­ly live in 2009.

Exi­mi­on B.V. | Kalydo
Chris van der Linden
Busi­ness Deve­lo­p­ment Manager
Para­dijs­la­an 5, 5611 KM, Eind­ho­ven, The Netherlands

Tel       +31 (0)407 620 700
Cell       +31 (0)617 484 074

Frogs­ter Inter­ac­ti­ve Pic­tures AG
Axel Schmidt
Direc­tor Cor­po­ra­te Communications
Har­den­berg­str. 9A · 10623 Ber­lin · Germany

Tel       +49 (0)30–28 47 01 44
Fax       +49 (0)30–28 47 01 11
Cell       +49 (0)171–34 78 460

Frogs­ter – We take you to a new world!

The Frogs­ter group is a Ber­lin-based, lis­ted publis­her of online games. Frogs­ter focu­ses on the mar­ke­ting and ope­ra­ti­on of vir­tu­al worlds, so-cal­led mas­si­ve­ly mul­ti­play­er online games – one of the stron­gest gro­wing sec­tors in the enter­tain­ment indus­try. With its top tit­les ‘Runes of Magic’ and ‘Boun­ty Bay Online’ Frogs­ter has alrea­dy gathe­red over 5 mil­li­on regis­tered play­ers world­wi­de. For a release in 2011 Frogs­ter has just recent­ly announ­ced the two high­ly ambi­tious MMO games ‘TERA’ and ‘Mythos’. Frogs­ter also intends to enter into the rapidly gro­wing mar­ket of brow­ser games with ‘Boun­ty Bay Live’ and ‘Thro­ne of Fire’ short­ly. Cur­r­ent­ly the Frogs­ter group employs more than 200 staff mem­bers in the fiel­ds of game deve­lo­p­ment, licen­sing, IT, web design and web deve­lo­p­ment, pro­duct manage­ment, mar­ke­ting, PR, web publi­shing, com­mu­ni­ty manage­ment, sup­port, sales, hos­ting, bil­ling and finance/administration. Frogster’s sub­si­dia­ries Frogs­ter Online Gaming, Frogs­ter Ame­ri­ca and Frogs­ter Paci­fic mar­ket and ope­ra­te their games in Euro­pe, Ame­ri­ca and Ocea­nia respec­tively. The shares of the Frogs­ter Inter­ac­ti­ve Pic­tures AG have been lis­ted in the Ent­ry Stan­dard seg­ment of the Frank­furt stock exchan­ge sin­ce Febru­a­ry 2006. Inter­net:

AutorIn: Stefan Holzhauer

Meist harm­lo­ser Nerd mit natür­li­cher Affi­ni­tät zu Pixeln, Bytes, Buch­sta­ben und Zahn­rä­dern. Kon­su­miert zuviel SF und Fan­ta­sy und schreibt seit 1999 online darüber.

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