DER DUNKLE KRISTALL wird fortgesetzt

Der Dunkle Kristall

Fast drei­ßig Jah­re hat  es gedau­ert, Gerüch­te und Ankün­di­gun­gen gab es immer wie­der, jetzt ist es offi­zi­ell: Omni­lab Media und die Jim Hen­son Com­pa­ny wer­den gemein­sam eine Fort­set­zung zum Fan­ta­sy-Klas­si­ker THE DARK CRYSTAL rea­li­sie­ren.

Der zwei­te Teil trägt den Titel THE POWER OF THE DARK CRYSTAL und die Geschich­te wird hun­der­te von Jah­ren nach den Ereig­nis­sen des ers­ten Teils han­deln, einer Zeit in der wie­der Dun­kel­heit über über die Welt gekom­men ist. Die Hand­lung ver­folgt die Aben­teu­er eines geheim­nis­vol­len Feu­er­mäd­chens, das zusam­men mit einem aus­ge­sto­ße­nen Gelf­ling einen Split­ter des legen­dä­ren Kris­talls stiehlt, um die ster­ben­de Son­ne im Inne­ren des Pla­ne­ten neu zu ent­fa­chen.

Regie füh­ren wer­den die Zwil­lings­brü­der Peter und Micha­el Spie­rig (UNDEAD, DAYBREAKERS), das Dreh­buch stammt von Annet­te Duffy und David Odell, es pro­du­ziert die aus­tra­li­sche Fir­ma Omni­lab Media bzw. deren Toch­ter Ambi­ence Enter­tain­ment. Der Fan­ta­sy­künst­ler Bri­an Froud, der für den ers­ten Teil das Design über­nahm, wird dies erfreu­li­cher­wei­se auch in der Fort­set­zung wie­der tun.

Die Pro­du­zen­ten haben ange­kün­digt, dass der Film zwar in 3D pro­du­ziert wer­den wird und selbst­ver­ständ­lich auch sta­te-of-the-art Spe­zi­al­ef­fek­te beinhal­tet, aber nicht kom­plett als CGI rea­li­siert wer­den soll; wie in THE DARK CRYSTAL wird man auf rea­le Schau­spie­ler und Pup­pen zurück­grei­fen. Muti­ge und groß­ar­ti­ge Ent­schei­dung!

Ein Start­ter­min wur­de noch nicht offi­zi­ell ange­kün­digt, man geht all­ge­mein aber von einem Release irgend­wann in 2011 aus.

via Cynx via Geek­Ty­rant

DVD-Cover DER DUNKLE KRISTALL Copy­right Colum­bia Tris­tar Home Video, erhält­lich z.B. bei Ama­zon

Die voll­stän­di­ge (eng­li­sche) Pres­se­mel­dung im erwei­ter­ten Arti­kel (die steht selbst­ver­ständ­lich nicht unter CC!).

Creative Commons License





Sequel to Hen­son clas­sic film “The Dark Crys­tal” to be finan­ced and pro­du­ced by Omni­lab Media in Aus­tra­lia and exe­cu­ti­ve pro­du­ced by The Jim Hen­son Com­pa­ny. 3D, live action, visu­al effects film to be one of the lar­gest Aus­tra­li­an pro­duc­tions ever.

HOLLYWOOD, CA May 04, 2010 – In a joint announce­ment by Omni­lab Media’s Chris­to­pher Mapp and The Jim Hen­son Company’s Lisa Hen­son, Aus­tra­li­an based Omni­lab Media is team­ing up with The Jim Hen­son Com­pa­ny to bring the much anti­ci­pa­ted fan­ta­sy sequel, “Power of the Dark Crys­tal” to the big screen in ste­reo­sco­pic 3D. The high­ly anti­ci­pa­ted film will be among the most ambi­tious pro­jects to ever be pro­du­ced in Aus­tra­lia.

Power of the Dark Crys­tal will be pro­du­ced by the Aus­tra­lia based pro­duc­tion arm of Omni­lab Media, Ambi­ence Enter­tain­ment. The Jim Hen­son Company’s exe­cu­ti­ve pro­du­cers are Bri­an Hen­son, Lisa Hen­son and Jason Lust. Omni­lab Media’s exe­cu­ti­ve pro­du­cers are Chris­to­pher Mapp, Matthew Street and David Whea­ly. Cine­mar­ket Films’ Peter D. Gra­ves (“Ter­mi­na­tor Sal­va­ti­on”) rounds out the exe­cu­ti­ve pro­du­cer team.

Peter Spie­rig and Micha­el Spie­rig, wri­ters and direc­tors of “Undead” and most recent­ly, “Day­brea­k­ers,” have come aboard to direct the screen­play writ­ten by Aus­tra­li­an Craig Pear­ce (“Moulin Rouge,” “Strict­ly Ball­room,” “Romeo + Juliet”) based on an ori­gi­nal script by Annet­te Duffy and David Odell. The legen­da­ry fan­ta­sy artist Bri­an Froud will repri­se his role as con­cep­tu­al desi­gner of the film, which will use a stun­ning mix of live action and tra­di­tio­nal pup­pe­try com­bi­ned with visu­al and spe­cial effects pro­du­ced enti­re­ly in Aus­tra­lia. Omni­lab-affi­lia­ted Ilou­ra (“Whe­re the Wild Things Are,” “The Paci­fic,” “Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark”) has alre­a­dy begun work on the film’s com­plex CGI ele­ments. With this team in place, next steps will be to secu­re world­wi­de dis­tri­bu­ti­on.

Power of the Dark Crys­tal is an exci­ting and ambi­tious under­ta­king and, having work­ed on pre­vious pro­jects with the top-notch talent and crews that Aus­tra­lia offers, we know we have assem­bled the right team to deli­ver the sequel to one of the most endu­rin­gly popu­lar titles in the Hen­son libra­ry. Peter Spie­rig and Micha­el Spie­rig are sure to crea­te a film that will con­ti­nue the lega­cy of the ori­gi­nal and exceed the expec­ta­ti­ons of our loy­al fans,” said Lisa Hen­son, CEO of the The Jim Hen­son Com­pa­ny. “We are espe­ci­al­ly enthu­si­a­stic to be working with Omni­lab Media, a strong and gro­wing force in world­wi­de film finan­ce and pro­duc­tion.”

We are very plea­sed to be pro­du­cing this won­derful and fan­ta­sti­cal film in Aus­tra­lia. The Power of The Dark Crys­tal will show­ca­se the depth of talent Aus­tra­lia has to offer up on the inter­na­tio­nal stage, inclu­ding the extre­me­ly gifted direc­ting team of

Peter Spie­rig and Micha­el Spie­rig. The Jim Hen­son Com­pa­ny has con­sis­t­ent­ly deli­ver­ed an ama­zing ran­ge of enter­tain­ment over gene­ra­ti­ons and is an ico­nic crea­ti­ve stu­dio that we are proud to have part­ner with us,” added Chris­to­pher Mapp from Omni­lab Media. Micha­el Spie­rig said, “We feel a tre­men­dous amount of respon­si­bi­li­ty in tel­ling this sto­ry with the same meti­cu­lous care that Jim Hen­son and Frank Oz gave the 1982 ori­gi­nal.” Added Peter Spie­rig, “This is a chan­ce to take the world of pup­pe­try into the modern age by using modern tech­ni­ques (like moti­on cap­tu­re CGI) and the tried and true methods (like pup­pe­try and ani­ma­tro­nics) to crea­te a one hundred per­cent real world that is uni­que to ‘The Dark Crys­tal’.”

Set hundreds of years after the events of the first movie when the world has once again fal­len into dark­ness, “Power of the Dark Crys­tal” fol­lows the adven­tures of a mys­te­rious girl made of fire who, tog­e­ther with a Gelf­ling out­cast, ste­als a shard of the legen­da­ry Crys­tal in an attempt to reig­ni­te the dying sun that exists at the cen­ter of the pla­net.

ABOUT OMNILAB MEDIA www​.omni​lab​.com​.au

Omni­lab Media is an Aus­tra­li­an and New Zea­land based glo­bal­ly focu­sed ver­ti­cal­ly inte­gra­ted enter­tain­ment com­pa­ny invol­ved in the pro­duc­tion, visu­al effects, post pro­duc­tion and finan­cing of a diver­se ran­ge of film and tele­vi­si­on pro­per­ties. Among­st the fun­ding deals recent­ly con­cluded by Omni­lab Media, cove­ring both pro­duc­tion and P&A finan­cing, are Oli­ver Stone’s ‘W’, ‘The Bank Job’, ‘The Mes­sen­ger’, ‘’Bran Nue Dae,’ and the upco­ming ‘Dylan Dog: Dead of Night’, ‘The Loved Ones,’ ‘Tomor­row When the War Began’, and ‘The Kil­ler Éli­te.’

Omni­lab Media has also crea­ted a new digi­tal film com­pa­ny with Ken­ne­dy Mil­ler Mit­chell (Dr.D Stu­di­os) to use ground­brea­king digi­tal sto­rytel­ling, ani­ma­ti­on and visu­al effects. The first pro­duc­tion will be HAPPY FEET 2, with a ran­ge of other blue- chip pro­per­ties in deve­lo­p­ment.

ABOUT AMBIENCE ENTERTAINMENT www​.ambi​en​ce​en​ter​tain​ment​.com

Ambi­ence Enter­tain­ment was ori­gi­nal­ly foun­ded as a post pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny in 1999 and in 2003 dipped it’s toe into the pro­duc­tion are­na with the crea­ti­on of The Pop Pups. In 2004 Ambi­ence Enter­tain­ment was acqui­red by Omni­lab Media to crea­te con­tent for group and has sin­ce grown into one of Australia’s fas­test gro­wing inde­pen­dent film and tele­vi­si­on pro­duc­tion com­pa­nies dedi­ca­ted to pro­du­cing com­pel­ling film and tele­vi­si­on pro­grams for local and inter­na­tio­nal broad­cas­ters and audi­en­ces. With a well-ear­ned repu­ta­ti­on for qua­li­ty, Ambi­ence Enter­tain­ment spe­cia­li­zes in fea­ture films, game shows, children’s pro­gramming and ani­ma­ti­on.

Ambi­ence Enter­tain­ment is the con­tent and pro­duc­tion divi­si­on of the Omni­lab Media, Australia’s lar­gest inde­pendent­ly owned ver­ti­cal­ly inte­gra­ted media com­pa­ny. This alli­ance has enab­led Ambi­ence Enter­tain­ment to deve­lop its own distinc­ti­ve tele­vi­si­on and film con­tent with the stra­te­gic goal of signi­fi­cant­ly incre­asing its pro­duc­tion out­put.

The Jim Hen­son Com­pa­ny has remain­ed an estab­lished lea­der in fami­ly enter­tain­ment for over 50 years and is reco­gni­zed world­wi­de as an inno­va­tor in pup­pe­try, ani­ma­tro­nics and digi­tal ani­ma­ti­on. Best known as crea­tors of the world famous Mup­pets, Hen­son has recei­ved over 50 Emmy Awards and nine Gram­my Awards. Recent cre­dits include the Emmy® nomi­na­ted “Sid the Sci­ence Kid,” “Dino­saur Train” “Wil­son & Ditch: Dig­ging Ame­ri­ca” and “Paj­ani­mals.” Fea­tures include “The Dark Crys­tal,” “Laby­rinth,” “Mir­ror­Mask,” and “Unsta­ble Fables” and tele­vi­si­on pro­duc­tions include “Fragg­le Rock” and the sci-fi cult series “Far­s­cape.”

With addi­tio­nal loca­ti­ons in New York and Lon­don, The Jim Hen­son Com­pa­ny is head­quar­te­red in Los Ange­les on the his­to­ric Char­lie Chap­lin lot, com­ple­te with sound­s­ta­ge and post­pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties. Inde­pendent­ly owned and ope­ra­ted by the five adult child­ren of foun­der Jim Hen­son, the Com­pa­ny is also home to Jim Henson’s Crea­tu­re Shop™, a pre-emi­nent cha­rac­ter-buil­ding and visu­al effects group with inter­na­tio­nal film, tele­vi­si­on and adver­ti­sing cli­ents, as well as Hen­son Recor­ding Stu­di­os, one of the music industry’s top recor­ding faci­li­ties known for its world-class blend of sta­te-of-the-art and vin­ta­ge equip­ment.

The Company’s Hen­son Alter­na­ti­ve brand recent­ly laun­ched the New York run of “Stuf­fed and Unst­rung,” a live pup­pet impro­vi­sa­tio­nal show at the Uni­on Squa­re Theat­re. www​.hen​son​.com

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