The Last Kingdom

Am 10. Okto­ber star­tet bei der BBC eine ambi­tio­nier­te His­to­ri­en­se­rie namens THE LAST KINGDOM. Sie spielt auf der bri­ti­schen Insel im 9. Jahr­hun­dert, als die Wikin­ger das Land heim­su­chen, und zeigt die Geburt Eng­lands.

Das His­to­ri­en­dra­ma wird pro­du­ziert von BBC Ame­ri­ca, BBC 2 und der Pro­duk­ti­ons­fir­ma Car­ni­val Films, der wir auch DOWNTOWN ABBEY ver­dan­ken, man darf sich also ver­mut­lich auf eine qua­li­ta­tiv hoch­wer­ti­ge Serie freu­en.

Es spie­len unter ande­rem Alex­an­der Drey­mon (Ame­ri­can Hor­ror Sto­ry, Blood Ran­som) als Uth­red, Rut­ger Hau­er (True Blood, Bla­de Run­ner), David Daw­son (Rip­per Street, Road to Coro­na­ti­on Street), Emi­ly Cox (The Silent Moun­tain, Cir­cle of Life), Matthew Mac­fa­dy­en (Anna Kare­ni­na, MI‑5) und Ian Hart (Board­walk Empire, The Bridge).

Die Serie basiert auf Ber­nard Corn­wells Roman­rei­he THE SAXON STORIES.

Zum Inhalt:

9th cen­tu­ry AD; many of the sepa­ra­te king­doms of what we now know as Eng­land have fal­len to the inva­ding Vikings, only the gre­at King­dom of Wes­sex stands defi­ant under its visio­na­ry King Alfred the Gre­at (Daw­son). It is the last king­dom.

Against this tur­bu­lent back­drop lives Uht­red (Drey­mon). Born the son of a Saxon noble­man, he is orpha­ned by the Vikings and then kid­nap­ped and rai­sed as one of their own. Forced to choo­se bet­ween the coun­try of his birth and the peo­p­le of his upbrin­ging, his loyal­ties are ever tes­ted. What is he — Saxon or Viking? On a quest to cla­im his bir­th­right, Uht­red must tread a dan­ge­rous path bet­ween both sides if he is to play his part in the birth of a new nati­on and, ulti­m­ate­ly, recap­tu­re his ances­tral lands.

The Last King­dom is a show of heroic deeds and epic batt­les but with a the­ma­tic depth that embraces poli­tics, reli­gi­on, war­fa­re, cou­ra­ge, love, loyal­ty and our uni­ver­sal search for iden­ti­ty. Com­bi­ning real his­to­ri­cal figu­res and events with fic­tion­al cha­rac­ters, it is the sto­ry of how a peo­p­le com­bi­ned their strength under one of the most ico­nic kings of histo­ry in order to recla­im their land for them­sel­ves and build a place they call home.

Pro­mo­fo­to Copy­right BBC
