Zum dies­jäh­ri­gen Christ­mas Spe­cial der bri­ti­schen Kult­se­rie DOCTOR WHO gibt es einen wei­te­ren Trai­ler. Die BBC schreibt dazu:

It’s Christ­mas in the North Pole when the Doc­tor and Cla­ra return to BBC AMERICA in an all-new Christ­mas spe­cial. Last year’s spe­cial fea­tured the emo­tio­nal rege­ne­ra­ti­on that mark­ed the start of Peter Capaldi’s run as the Twelfth Doc­tor. This year the Time Lord and his com­pa­n­ion are in for an all-new adven­ture as stars Capal­di and Jen­na Cole­man are joi­n­ed by Nick Frost (the actor and screen­wri­ter of Spa­ced and Shaun of the Dead) as San­ta Claus! Pre­vious­ly announ­ced guest stars include Micha­el Trough­ton (Breathl­ess, The New Sta­tes­man), son of Second Doc­tor Patrick Trough­ton, Nata­lie Gume­de (Coro­na­ti­on Street, Strict­ly Come Dancing), Faye Mar­say (Pri­de, The White Queen), and Nathan McMullen (Mis­fits, Casu­al­ty). Writ­ten by Emmy®Award win­ner Ste­ven Moffat (Sher­lock, Cou­pling) and direc­ted by Paul Wilmshurst (Strike Back, Com­bat Kids)

Das Spe­cial wird am 25.12.2014 gesendet.

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