Kinetic Steam Works
KineÂtic Steam Works is an eduÂcaÂtioÂnal arts orgaÂnizaÂtiÂon working to preÂserÂve and proÂmoÂte steam powered heriÂtaÂge, artiÂfacts, and techÂnoÂloÂgies through the resÂtoÂraÂtiÂon of vinÂtaÂge steam engiÂnes. We teach the skills and knowÂledge neeÂded for both steam engiÂne resÂtoÂraÂtiÂon and opeÂraÂtiÂon, and we proÂduÂce artisÂtic perÂforÂmanÂces that utiÂliÂze steam engiÂnes and steam techÂnoÂloÂgies. KineÂtic Steam Works is a group of fabriÂcaÂtors, engiÂneers, artists and steam dorks curious about what came befoÂre the advent of petroÂleÂum power, elecÂtroÂnics, and the autoÂmoÂbiÂle culÂtuÂre, and drawn togÂeÂther in seeÂking alterÂnaÂtiÂves.
So steht es auf der WebÂseiÂte von KineÂtic Steam Works, einer OrgaÂniÂsaÂtiÂon von US-ameÂriÂkaÂniÂschen KĂĽnstÂlern aus der Bay Area, die sich der FörÂdeÂrung des InterÂesÂses an und der ErhalÂtung von DampfÂtechÂnoÂloÂgie verÂschrieÂben hat.
Am 13. NovemÂber 2010 hielt man in OakÂland eine AusÂstelÂlung ab, hier einiÂge wirkÂlich tolÂle ImpresÂsioÂnen:
Logo CopyÂright KineÂtic Steam Works