Steampunk Hands Around The World: Inspiration – The Wülfing-Museum


Inspi­ra­ti­on can strike the Steam­punk on many occa­si­ons, but here in Ger­ma­nys Nor­thr­hi­ne-West­pha­lia we have an espe­ci­al­ly rich heri­ta­ge of arti­facts from the indus­tri­al revo­lu­ti­on. The area whe­re I live is a city-tri­ang­le that con­sists of Wup­per­tal, Solin­gen and Rem­scheid, all reknown for spe­cial pro­ducts like tools (Rem­scheid), kni­fes and blades (Solin­gen) and  tex­ti­le fabri­ca­ti­on and dye­ing (Wup­per­tal). Rem­scheid, by the way, was the birth­place of Wil­helm Rönt­gen, inven­tor of the X‑ray, but that is ano­ther sto­ry.

If the bold explo­rer of the Coun­try of Berg (ger­man: »Ber­gi­sches Land«, named after the for­mer counts of Berg) seems to have rea­ched a fence with a sign on it that reads »The End Of The World«, igno­res this and just moves on, his trus­ty mache­te in his hand, he may reach Rade­vorm­wald-Dah­ler­au, a small flock of hou­ses on the shores of the river Wup­per. Here you can find the Wül­fing-Muse­um.