Regis­seur, Autor und Pro­du­zent Felix Jolea­nes schreibt auf Vimeo zum Kurz­film TRICKSTER:

Tricks­ter is a small Live-action short film based on the MATRIX movie, it’s a fan-made film to see how far we can go with our skills in film making and visu­al effects.

The pro­ject was born in 2013 when Anto­nio, a fri­end of mine, sug­gested to make a video with a Sen­ti­nel 3D model that i made some time ago for fun. I was hoo­ked sin­ce the begin­ning with the idea, i wro­te a small syn­op­sis and then a 3 page script, the pro­ject star­ted to grow more than I expec­ted. At the begin­ning we only thought of making a small visu­al effects inte­gra­ti­on video and then we ended up with a 3 minu­te live action short film.

This pro­ject was made in Colom­bia, and it was shot near Bogo­tá using a GH3 Came­ra and some Roki­non Len­ses.

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