Die Primetime Emmys 2019

Am ver­gan­ge­nen Wochen­en­de fand im Micro­soft Thea­ter in Los Ange­les die 71. Ver­lei­hung der Prime­time Emmys statt. Die bewer­te­te Seri­en sind sol­che, die zwi­schen dem 1. Juni 2018 und dem 31 Mai 2019 aus­ge­strahlt wur­den. Die meis­ten Nomi­nie­run­gen (näm­lich 14) hat­te GAME OF THRONES, aller­dings führ­te das nur zu zwei Prei­sen. Die von der Fan­ta­sy-Serie gewon­ne­nen 12 Prei­se, die allent­hal­ben kol­por­tiert wer­den, bezie­hen die bereits frü­her ver­lie­he­nen Crea­ti­ve Arts Emmys mit ein.

Im Fol­gen­den die gesam­te Lis­te der Nomi­nier­ten und Gewin­ner, letz­te­re sind fett gekenn­zeich­net, dahin­ter die Lis­te der Crea­ti­ve Art Gewin­ner vom 14. Sep­tem­ber 2019:

Dra­ma Series

Bet­ter Call Saul” (AMC)
“Body­guard” (Net­flix)
“Game of Thro­nes” (HBO)
“Kil­ling Eve” (AMC/BBC America)
“Ozark” (Net­flix)
“Pose” (FX)
“Suc­ces­si­on” (HBO)
“This Is Us” (NBC)

Come­dy Series

Bar­ry” (HBO)
“Fle­a­bag” (Ama­zon Prime)
“The Good Place” (NBC)
“The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Mais­el” (Ama­zon Prime)
“Rus­si­an Doll” (Net­flix)
“Schitt’s Creek” (Pop)
“Veep” (HBO)

Limi­t­ed Series

Cher­no­byl” (HBO)
“Escape at Dan­ne­mo­ra” (Show­time)
“Fosse/Verdon” (FX)
“Sharp Objects” (HBO)
“When They See Us” (Net­flix)

Tele­vi­si­on Movie

Black Mir­ror: Ban­ders­natch” (Net­flix)
“Brexit” (HBO)
“Dead­wood: The Movie” (HBO)
“King Lear” (Ama­zon Prime)
“My Din­ner with Her­vé” (HBO)

Lead Actor in a Dra­ma Series

Jason Bate­man (“Ozark”)
Ster­ling K. Brown (“This Is Us”)
Kit Haring­ton (“Game of Thrones”)
Bob Oden­kirk (“Bet­ter Call Saul”)
Bil­ly Por­ter (“Pose”)
Milo Ven­ti­mi­glia (“This Is Us”)

Lead Actress in a Dra­ma Series

Emi­lia Clar­ke (“Game of Thrones”)
Jodie Comer (“Kil­ling Eve”)
Vio­la Davis (“How to Get Away With Murder”)
Lau­ra Lin­ney (“Ozark”)
Man­dy Moo­re (“This Is Us”)
San­dra Oh (“Kil­ling Eve”)
Robin Wright (“House of Cards”)

Lead Actor in a Come­dy Series

Antho­ny Ander­son (“Black-ish”)
Don Chead­le (“Black Monday”)
Ted Dan­son (“The Good Place”)
Micha­el Dou­glas (“The Kom­in­sky Method”)
Bill Hader (“Bar­ry”)
Euge­ne Levy (“Schitt’s Creek”)

Lead Actress in a Come­dy Series

Chris­ti­na Apple­ga­te (“Dead to Me”)
Rachel Bros­na­han (“The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Maisel”)
Julia Lou­is-Drey­fus (“Veep”)
Nata­sha Lyon­ne (“Rus­si­an Doll”)
Cathe­ri­ne O’Hara (“Schitt’s Creek”)
Phoe­be Wal­ler-Bridge (“Fle­a­bag”)

Lead Actor in a Limi­t­ed Series or Movie

Jhar­rel Jero­me (“When They See Us”)
Mahers­ha­la Ali (“True Detective”)
Beni­cio Del Toro (“Escape at Dannemora”)
Hugh Grant (“A Very Eng­lish Scandal”)
Jared Har­ris (“Cher­no­byl”)
Sam Rock­well (“Fosse/Verdon”)

Lead Actress in a Limi­t­ed Series or Movie

Amy Adams (“Sharp Objects”)
Patri­cia Arquet­te (“Escape at Dannemora”)
Aun­ja­nue Ellis (“When They See Us”)
Joey King (“The Act”)
Nie­cy Nash (“When They See Us”)
Michel­le Wil­liams (“Fosse/Verdon”)

Com­pe­ti­ti­on Program

The Ama­zing Race” (CBS)
“Ame­ri­can Nin­ja War­ri­or” (NBC)
“Nai­led It” (Net­flix)
“RuPaul’s Drag Race” (VH1)
“Top Chef” (Bra­vo)
“The Voice” (NBC)

Varie­ty Sketch Series

At Home With Amy Seda­ris” (truTV)
“Docu­men­ta­ry Now!” (IFC)
“Drunk Histo­ry” (Come­dy Central)
“I Love You, Ame­ri­ca, With Sarah Sil­ver­man” (Hulu)
“Satur­day Night Live” (NBC)
“Who Is Ame­ri­ca?” (Show­time)

Varie­ty Talk Series

The Dai­ly Show With Tre­vor Noah” (Come­dy Central)
“Full Fron­tal With Saman­tha Bee” (TBS)
“Jim­my Kim­mel Live” (ABC)
“Last Week Tonight With John Oli­ver” (HBO)
“The Late Late Show With James Cor­den” (CBS)
“The Late Show With Ste­phen Col­bert” (CBS)

Sup­port­ing Actress in a Dra­ma Series

Gwen­do­li­ne Chris­tie (“Game of Thrones”)
Julia Gar­ner (“Ozark”)
Lena Hea­dey (“Game of Thrones”)
Fio­na Shaw (“Kil­ling Eve”)
Sophie Tur­ner (“Game of Thrones”)
Mai­sie Wil­liams (“Game of Thrones”)

Sup­port­ing Actor in a Dra­ma Series

Alfie Allen (“Game of Thrones”)
Jona­than Banks (“Bet­ter Call Saul”)
Niko­laj Cos­ter-Wal­deau (“Game of Thrones”)
Peter Din­kla­ge (“Game of Thrones”)
Gian­car­lo Espo­si­to (“Bet­ter Call Saul”)
Micha­el Kel­ly (“House of Cards”)
Chris Sul­li­van (“This Is Us”)

Sup­port­ing Actress in a Come­dy Series

Alex Borstein (“The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Maisel”)
Anna Chl­ums­ky (“Veep”)
Sian Clif­ford (“Fle­a­bag”)
Oli­via Col­man (“Fle­a­bag”)
Bet­ty Gil­pin (“GLOW”)
Sarah Gold­berg (“Bar­ry”)
Marin Hink­le (“The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Maisel”)
Kate McK­in­non (“Satur­day Night Live”)

Sup­port­ing Actor in a Come­dy Series

Alan Arkin (“The Kom­in­sky Method”)
Antho­ny Car­ri­gan (“Bar­ry”)
Tony Hale (“Veep”)
Ste­phen Root (“Bar­ry”)
Tony Shal­houb (“The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Maisel”)
Hen­ry Wink­ler (“Bar­ry”)

Sup­port­ing Actress in a Limi­t­ed Series or Movie

Patri­cia Arquet­te (“The Act”)
Mar­sha Ste­pha­nie Bla­ke (“When They See Us”)
Patri­cia Clark­son (“Sharp Objects”)
Vera Far­mi­ga (“When They See Us”)
Mar­ga­ret Qual­ley (“Fosse/Verdon”)
Emi­ly Wat­son (“Cher­no­byl”)

Sup­port­ing Actor in a Limi­t­ed Series or Movie

Ben Whis­haw (“A Very Eng­lish Scandal”)
Asan­te Blackk (“When They See Us”)
Paul Dano (“Escape at Dannemora”)
John Leguiz­a­mo (“When They See Us”)
Stel­lan Skars­gård (“Cher­no­byl”)
Micha­el K. Wil­liams (“When They See Us”)

Direc­ting for a Come­dy Series

Bar­ry,” “The Audi­tion,” HBO (Alec Berg)
“Bar­ry,” “ronny/lily,” HBO (Alec Berg)
“Fle­a­bag,” “Epi­so­de 1,” Prime Video (Har­ry Bradbeer)
“The Big Bang Theo­ry,” “Stock­holm Syn­dro­me,” CBS (Mark Cendrowski)
“The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Mais­el,” “We’re Going to the Cats­kills!” Prime Video (Dan Palladino)
“The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Mais­el,” “All Alo­ne,” Prime Video (Amy Sherman-Palladino)

Direc­ting for a Dra­ma Series

Game of Thro­nes,” “The Iron Thro­ne,” HBO (David Benioff, D.B. Weiss)
“Game of Thro­nes,” “The Last of the Starks,” HBO (David Nutter)
“Game of Thro­nes,” “The Long Night,” HBO (Miguel Sapochnik)
“The Handmaid’s Tale,” “Hol­ly,” Hulu (Dai­na Reid)
“Kil­ling Eve,” “Despe­ra­te Times,” BBC Ame­ri­ca (Lisa Bruhlmann)
“Ozark,” “Repa­ra­ti­ons,” Net­flix (Jason Bateman)

Direc­ting for a Limi­t­ed Series or TV Movie

A Very Eng­lish Scan­dal,” Prime Video (Ste­phen Frears)
“Cher­no­byl,” HBO (Johan Renck)
“Escape at Dan­ne­mo­ra,” Show­time (Ben Stiller)
“Fosse/Verdon,” “Glo­ry,” FX Net­works (Jes­si­ca Yu)
“Fosse/Version,” “Who’s Got the Pain,” FX Net­works (Tho­mas Kail)
“When They See Us,” Net­flix (Ava DuVernay)

Direc­ting for a Varie­ty Series

Docu­men­ta­ry Now!” “Wai­ting for the Artist,” IFC (Alex Buo­no, Rhys Thomas)
“Drunk Histo­ry,” “Are You Afraid of the Drunk?” Come­dy Cen­tral (Derek Waters)
“Last Week Tonight With John Oli­ver,” “Psy­chics,” HBO (Paul Pennolino)
“Satur­day Night Live,” “Host: Adam Sand­ler,” NBC (Don Roy King)
“The Late Show With Ste­phen Col­bert,” “Live Mid­term Elec­tion Show,” Jim Hoskinson
“Who Is Ame­ri­ca?” “Epi­so­de 102,” Show­time (Sacha Baron Cohen, Nathan Fiel­der, Dani­el Gray Lon­gi­no, Dan Mazer)

Wri­ting for a Come­dy Series

Bar­ry,” “ronny/lily,” HBO (Alec Berg, Bill Hader)
“Fle­a­bag,” “Epi­so­de 1,” Prime Video (Phoe­be Waller-Bridge)
“PEN15,” “Anna Ishii-Peters,” Hulu (Maya Erski­ne, Anna Konkle)
“Rus­si­an Doll,” “Not­hing in This World Is Easy,” Net­flix (Les­lye Head­land, Nata­sha Lyon­ne, Amy Poehler)
“Rus­si­an Doll,” “A Warm Body,” Net­flix (Alli­son Silverman)
“The Good Place,” “Janet(s),” NBC (Josh Sie­gal, Dylan Morgan)
“Veep,” “Veep,” HBO (David Mandel)

Wri­ting for a Dra­ma Series

Bet­ter Call Saul,” “Win­ner,” AMC (Peter Gould, Tho­mas Schnauz)
“Body­guard,” “Epi­so­de 1,” Net­flix (Jed Mercurio)
“Game of Thro­nes,” “The Iron Thro­ne,” HBO (David Benioff, D.B. Weiss)
“Kil­ling Eve,” “Nice And Neat,” BBC Ame­ri­ca (Emer­ald Fennell)
“Suc­ces­si­on,” “Nobo­dy Is Ever Miss­ing,” HBO (Jes­se Armstrong)
“The Handmaid’s Tale,” “Hol­ly,” Hulu (Bruce Mil­ler, Kira Snyder)

Wri­ting for a Limi­t­ed Series or TV Movie

Cher­no­byl,” HBO (Craig Mazin)
“A Very Eng­lish Scan­dal,” Prime Video (Rus­sell T. Davies)
“Escape at Dan­ne­mo­ra,” “Epi­so­de 6,” Show­time (Brett John­son, Micha­el Tolkin)
“Fosse/Verdon,” “Pro­vi­dence,” FX Net­works (Ste­ven Leven­son, Joel Fields)
“When They See Us,” “Part Four,” Net­flix (Ava DuVer­nay, Micha­el Starrbury)

Wri­ting for a Varie­ty Series

Docu­men­ta­ry Now!,” IFC
“Full Fron­tal With Saman­tha Bee,” TBS
“Last Week Tonight With John Oli­ver,” HBO
“Late Night With Seth Mey­ers,” NBC
“Satur­day Night Live,” NBC
“The Late Show With Ste­phen Col­bert,” CBS

Im folgenden die Gewinner der Creative Arts Emmys, die bereits am 14. September vergeben wurden:

Out­stan­ding Struc­tu­red Rea­li­ty Program
Que­er Eye
Anti­ques Roadshow
Diners, Dri­ve-Ins and Dives
Shark Tank
Tidy­ing Up« »Who Do You Think You Are?«

Out­stan­ding Varie­ty Spe­cial (Live)
Live in Front of a Stu­dio Audi­ence: Nor­man Lear Pres­ents: All in the Fami­ly and The Jeffersons
72nd Annu­al Gol­den Glo­be Awards
61st Gram­my Awards
The Oscars
72nd Annu­al Tony Awards

Out­stan­ding Varie­ty Spe­cial (Pre-Recor­ded)
Car­pool Karaōke: When Cor­den Met McCartney
Han­nah Gadsby: Nanette
Home­co­ming: A Film by Beyoncé
Springsteen on Broadway
Wan­da Sykes: Not Normal

Out­stan­ding Cho­reo­gra­phy (Varie­ty / Reality)
Tes­san­dra Cha­vez, World of Dance
Tra­vis Wall, So You Think You Can Dance
Luther Brown, So You Think You Can Dance
Mel­vin Timt­im, World of Dance
Suresh Mukund, World of Dance
Karen For­ca­no and Ricar­do Vega, World of Dance

Out­stan­ding Pro­duc­tion Design (Varie­ty Special)
61st Gram­my Awards
Home­co­ming: A Film by Beyoncé
Live in Front of a Stu­dio Audi­ence: All in the Fami­ly and The Jeffersons
The Oscars

Out­stan­ding Pro­duc­tion Design (Varie­ty / Rea­li­ty Series)
Satur­day Night Live — »Host: John Mulaney«
At Home with Amy Seda­ris — »Teen­agers«
Last Week Tonight — »Aut­ho­ri­ta­ria­nism«
Que­er Eye — »Jones Bar-B‑Q«
The Voice — »Live Cross Batt­les Part 1«

Out­stan­ding Short Form Varie­ty Series
Car­pool Karaōke: The Series
Bil­ly on the Street
Gay of Thrones
Honest Trai­lers
The Ran­dy Rain­bow Show

Out­stan­ding Short Form Ani­ma­ted Program
Love, Death and Robots — »The Witness«
Robot Chi­cken — »Why Is It Wet?«
Spon­geB­ob Squa­re­Pants — »Plank­ton Paranoia«
Ste­ven Uni­ver­se — »Reu­ni­ted«
Teen Titans Go! — »Nost­al­gia Is Not A Sub­sti­tu­te For An Actu­al Story«

Out­stan­ding Pic­tu­re Edi­ti­on (Non­fic­tion)
Free Solo
Antho­ny Bour­da­in: Parts Unknown — »Lower East Side«
Lea­ving Neverland
Three Iden­ti­cal Strangers

Best Nar­ra­tor
David Atten­bo­rough, Our Pla­net
Ange­la Bas­set, The Flood
Liev Schrei­ber, The Many Lives of Nick Buoniconti
Juliet Ste­ven­son, Queens of Mystery
Charles Dance, Sava­ge Kingdom
Antho­ny Men­dez, Won­ders of Mexico

Out­stan­ding Music Com­po­si­ti­on (Docu­men­ta­ry)
Free Solo
Game of Thro­nes: The Last Watch
Hosti­le Pla­net — »Oce­ans«
Love, Gil­da
Our Pla­net — »One Planet«

Out­san­ding Music Direction
Fosse/Verdon — »Life is a Cabaret«
Are­tha! A Gram­my Cele­bra­ti­on for the Queen of Soul
Home­co­ming: A Film by Beyoncé
The Oscars
Q85: A Musi­cal Cele­bra­ti­on for Quin­cy Jones — »Part 1«
Satur­day Night Live — »Host: Adam Sandler«

Out­stan­ding Music and Lyrics
Cra­zy Ex-Girl­fri­end — »Anti­de­pres­sants Are So Not A Big Deal«
Docu­men­ta­ry Now! — »Holi­day Par­ty (I Did A Litt­le Coca­i­ne Tonight)«
Flight of the Conchords: Live in Lon­don — »Father and Son«
Satur­day Night Live — »The Upper East Side«
Song of Park­land — »Beau­tiful Things Can Grow«
72nd Annu­al Tony Awards — »This One’s for You«

Out­stan­ding Crea­ti­ve Achie­ve­ment in Inter­ac­ti­ve Media
Free Solo — »360«
Conan Wit­hout Bor­ders — »Japan and Australia«
The Late Late Show Car­pool Karaōke Prime­time Spe­cial 2019
The Oscars — »Digi­tal Experience«

Out­stan­ding Inter­ac­ti­ve Program
NASA and SpaceX: The Inter­ac­ti­ve Demo‑1 Launch
The Dai­ly Show with Tre­vor Noah
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
The Late Late Show with James Corden
The Late Show with Ste­phen Colbert

Out­stan­ding Tech­ni­cal Direc­tion / Came­ra­work / Video Con­trol (Spe­cial)
The Late Late Show Car­pool Karaōke Prime­time Spe­cial 2019
Ken­ne­dy Cen­ter Honors
The Oscars
72nd Annu­al Tony Awards

Out­stan­ding Tech­ni­cal Direc­tion / Came­ra­work / Video Con­trol (Series)
Last Week Tonight with John Oli­ver — »Psy­chics«
The Big Bang Theo­ry — »The Stock­holm Syndrome«
Conan — »Epi­so­de 1232«
The Late Late Show with James Cor­den — »Post AFC Cham­pi­on­ship Show With Chris Pratt And Rus­sell Wilson«
Satur­day Night Live — »Host: Adam Sandler«
The Voice — »Live Fina­le, Part 2«

Out­stan­ding Short Form Non­fic­tion / Reality
Crea­ting Satur­day Night Live
Fosse/Verdon (Insi­de Look)
Pose: Iden­ti­ty, Fami­ly, Com­mu­ni­ty (Insi­de Look)
RuPaul’s Drag Race: Out of the Closet
RuPaul’s Drag Race: Por­trait of a Queen

Out­stan­ding Wri­ting (Varie­ty Special)
Han­nah Gadsby: Nanette
Adam Sand­ler: 100% Fresh
Amy Schu­mer: Growing
Car­pool Karaōke: When Cor­den Met McCartney
Home­co­ming: A Film by Beyoncé
Wan­da Sykes: Not Normal

Out­stan­ding Wri­ting (Non­fic­tion)
Antho­ny Bour­da­in: Parts Unknown — »Kenya«
The Case Against Adnan Syed — »For­bidden Love«
Fyre Fraud
Hosti­le Pla­net — »Grass­lands«
Our Pla­net — »Jungles«
Wu-Tang Clan: Of Mics and Men — »Epi­so­de 1«

Excep­tio­nal Merit in Docu­men­ta­ry Filmmaking
The Sen­tence (TIE)
Divi­de and Con­quer: The Sto­ry of Roger Ailes
Hale Coun­ty This Mor­ning, This Evening
Three Iden­ti­cal Strangers

Out­stan­ding Infor­ma­tio­nal Series or Special
Antho­ny Bour­da­in: Parts Unknown
Come­di­ans in Cars Get­ting Coffee
Leah Remi­ni: Sci­en­to­lo­gy and the Aftermath
My Next Guest Needs No Introduction
Sur­vi­ving R. Kelly

Out­stan­ding Docu­men­ta­ry / Non­fic­tion Special
Lea­ving Neverland
FYRE: The Grea­test Par­ty That Never Happened
The Inven­tor: Out for Blood in Sili­con Valley
Jane Fon­da in Five Acts
Love, Gil­da
Min­ding the Gap

Out­san­ding Docu­men­ta­ry / Non­fic­tion Series
Our Pla­net
Ame­ri­can Masters
Chef’s Table
Hosti­le Planet
30 for 30

Out­stan­ding Make­up (Mul­ti-Came­ra, Non-Prosthetic)
Satur­day Night Live — »Host: Adam Sandler«
Dancing with the Stars — »Hal­lo­ween Night«
RuPaul’s Drag Race — »Trump: The Rusical«
So You Think You Can Dance — »Fina­le«
The Voice — »Live Top 13 Performances«

Out­stan­ding Hair­sty­ling (Multi=Camera)
RuPaul’s Drag Race — »Trump: The Rusical«
Dancing with the Stars — »Hal­lo­ween Night«
Satur­day Night Live — »Host: Adam Sandler«
The Voice — »Live Top 13 Performances«
World of Dance — »Epi­so­de 206«

Out­stan­ding Cos­tu­mes (Varie­ty / Non­fic­tion / Reality)
RuPaul’s Drag Race — »Trump: The Rusical«
Dancing with the Stars — »The Première
Home­co­ming: A Film by Beyoncé
The Mas­ked Sin­ger — »Fina­le«
Satur­day Night Live — »Host: San­dra Oh«

Out­stan­ding Direc­ting (Rea­li­ty)
Que­er Eye — »Black Girl Magic«
The Ama­zing Race — »Who Wants a Rolex?«
Ame­ri­can Nin­ja War­ri­or — »Min­nea­po­lis City Qualifiers«
RuPaul’s Drag Race — »What­cha Unpackin?«
Shark Tank — »Epi­so­de 1002«

Out­stan­ding Cas­ting (Rea­li­ty)
Que­er Eye
Born This Way
RuPaul’s Drag Race
Shark Tank
The Voice

Out­stan­ding Direc­ting (Docu­men­ta­ry / Nonfiction)
Free Solo
FYRE: The Grea­test Par­ty That Never Happened
Lea­ving Neverland
Three Iden­ti­cal Strangers

Out­stan­ding Direc­ting (Varie­ty Special)
Springsteen on Broadway
Car­pool Karaōke: When Cor­den Met McCartney
Home­co­ming: A Film by Beyoncé
Live in Front of a Stu­dio Audi­ence: Nor­man Lear Pres­ents: All in the Fami­ly and The Jeffersons
The Oscars

Out­stan­ding Ani­ma­ted Program
The Simpsons — »Mad About the Toy«
Adven­ture Time: Come Along with Me
Big Mouth — »The Plan­ned Paren­thood Show«
Bob’s Bur­gers — »Just One of the Boyz 4 Now for Now«
BoJack Hor­se­man — »Free Churro«

Best Cha­rac­ter Voice-Over Performance
Seth Mac­Far­la­ne, Fami­ly Guy
Kevin Micha­el Richard­son, F is for Family
Alex Borstein, Fami­ly Guy
Hank Aza­ria, The Simpsons
Eric Jacob­son, When You Wish Upon a Pickle

Best Pic­tu­re Editing (Varie­ty)
Last Week Tonight — »The Wax and the Furious« (Seg­ment)
Car­pool Karaōke: When Cor­den Met McCartney
Drunk Histo­ry — »Are You Afraid of the Drunk?«
Last Week Tonight — »The Jour­ney of Chii­John« (Seg­ment)
Who is Ame­ri­ca? — »Epi­so­de 102«

Out­stan­ding Pic­tu­re Editing (Unstruc­tu­red Reality)
United Shades of Ame­ri­ca — »Hmong Ame­ri­cans and the Secret War«
Born This Way
Dead­liest Catch — »Batt­le of Kings«
Life Below Zero — »Cost of Winter«
RuPaul’s Drag Race: Untucked

Out­stan­ding Pic­tu­re Editing (Struc­tu­red Rea­li­ty / Competition)
Que­er Eye
The Ama­zing Race — »Who Wants a Rolex?«
RuPaul’s Drag Race
RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars — »Jer­sey Justice«
Sur­vi­vor — »Appearan­ces Are Deceiving«

Out­stan­ding Sound Mixing (Varie­ty)
Are­tha! A Gram­my Cele­bra­ti­on for the Queen of Soul
Car­pool Karaōke: When Cor­den Met McCartney
61st Gram­my Awards
Last Week Tonight — »Aut­ho­ri­ta­ria­nism«
The Oscars

Out­stan­ding Sound Mixing (Non­fic­tion)
Free Solo
Antho­ny Bour­da­in: Parts Unknown — »Kenya«
FYRE: The Grea­test Par­ty That Never Happened
Lea­ving Neverland
Our Pla­net — »One Planet«

Out­stan­ding Sound Editing (Non­fic­tion)
Free Solo
Antho­ny Bour­da­in: Parts Unknown — »Far West Texas«
FYRE: The Grea­test Par­ty That Never Happened
Lea­ving Neverland
Our Pla­net — »Fro­zen Worlds«

Out­stan­ding Light­ing Design / Direc­tion ( Varie­ty Special)
61st Gram­my Awards
Ken­ne­dy Cen­ter Honors
The Oscars«
72nd Annu­al Tony Awards

Out­stan­ding Light­ing Design / Direc­tion (Varie­ty Series)
Satur­day Night Live — »Host: John Mulaney«
America’s Got Talent — »Semi Final #1 Per­for­mance Show«
Dancing with the Stars — »Semi-Finals«
So You Think You Can Dance — »Fina­le«
The Voice — »Live Fina­le, Part 1«

Out­stan­ding Rea­li­ty Host
RuP­aul Charles, RuPaul’s Drag Race
Ellen DeGe­ne­res, Ellen’s Game of Games
Amy Poeh­ler and Nick Offer­man, Making It
Marie Kon­do, Tidy­ing Up
James Cor­den, The World’s Best

Out­stan­ding Unstruc­tu­red Rea­li­ty Program
United Shades of America
Born This Way
Dead­liest Catch
Life Below Zero
RuPaul’s Drag Race: Untucked
Some­bo­dy Feed Phil

Out­stan­ding Cine­ma­to­gra­phy (Non­fic­tion)
Free Solo
Antho­ny Bour­da­in: Parts Unknown — »Bhu­tan«
Our Pla­net — »Coas­tal Seas«
Our Pla­net — »Jungles«
Our Pla­net — »One Planet«

Out­stan­ding Cine­ma­to­gra­phy (Rea­li­ty)
Life Below Zero
Dead­liest Catch
Que­er Eye« — »God Bless Gay
RuPaul’s Drag Race« — »Trump: The Rusical

Out­stan­ding Cho­reo­gra­phy (Script­ed Program
Kath­ryn Burns, Cra­zy Ex-Girlfriend

Sunday’s Cerem­o­ny Results:

Out­stan­ding Actor In A Short Form Come­dy or Dra­ma Series
Ed Begley Jr., Ctrl Alt Delete
Jim­my Fallon, Beto Breaks the Internet
Ryan O’Con­nell, Spe­cial
Chris O’Dowd, Sta­te of the Union
Pat­ton Oswalt, An Emmy for Megan

Out­stan­ding Actress In A Short Form Come­dy or Dra­ma Series
Ila­na Gla­zer, Hack Into Broad City
Jes­si­ca Hecht, Spe­cial
Abbi Jacob­son, Hack Into Broad City
Punam Pateml, Spe­cial
Rosa­mund Pike, Sta­te of the Union

Out­stan­ding Cas­ting for a Come­dy Series
The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Maisel
Rus­si­an Doll

Out­stan­ding Cas­ting for a Dra­ma Series
Game of Thrones
Kil­ling Eve

Out­stan­ding Cas­ting for a Limi­t­ed Series, Movie or Special
Escape at Dannemora
Sharp Objects
When They See Us

Out­stan­ding Children’s Program
A Series of Unfort­u­na­te Events
Car­men Sandiego
Song of Parkland
Star Wars Resistance
When You Wish Upon a Pick­le: A Sesa­me Street Special

Out­stan­ding Cine­ma­to­gra­phy for a Limi­t­ed Series or Movie
Cher­no­byl – Jakob Ihre (Epi­so­de: »Plea­se Remain Calm«)
Dead­wood: The Movie – Dave Klein
True Detec­ti­ve – Ger­main McMi­cking (Epi­so­de: »The Gre­at War and Modern Memory«)
When They See Us – Brad­ford Young (Epi­so­de: »Part One«)

Out­stan­ding Cine­ma­to­gra­phy for a Mul­ti-Came­ra Series
The Ranch – Donald A. Mor­gan (Epi­so­de: »Reck­less«)
Rel – Geor­ge Moora­di­an (Epi­so­de: »Hal­lo­ween«)
Will & Grace – Gary Baum (Epi­so­de: »Fami­ly, Trip«)

Out­stan­ding Cine­ma­to­gra­phy for a Sin­gle-Came­ra Series (Half-Hour)
Bal­lers – Antho­ny Hard­wick (Epi­so­de: »Rough Ride«)
Fle­a­bag – Tony Mil­ler (Epi­so­de: »Epi­so­de 1«)
Home­co­ming – Tod Camp­bell (Epi­so­de: »Optics«)
Inse­cu­re – Ava Ber­kof­sky (Epi­so­de: »High-Like«)
Rus­si­an Doll – Chris Teague (Epi­so­de: »Ari­ad­ne«)
What We Do in the Shadows – D.J. Stip­sen (Epi­so­de: »Man­hat­tan Night Club«)

Out­stan­ding Cine­ma­to­gra­phy for a Sin­gle-Came­ra Series (One Hour)
Game of Thro­nes – Jona­than Free­man (Epi­so­de: »The Iron Thro­ne«) (HBO)
The Handmaid’s Tale – Zoë White (Epi­so­de: »Hol­ly«) (Hulu)
The Handmaid’s Tale – Colin Wat­kin­son (Epi­so­de: »The Word«) (Hulu)
Han­na – Dana Gon­za­les (Epi­so­de: »Forest«) (Prime Video)
The Man in the High Cast­le – Gon­za­lo Amat (Epi­so­de: »Jahr Null«) (Prime Video)
The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Mais­el – M. David Mullen (Epi­so­de: »Simo­ne«) (Prime Video)
Ray Dono­van – Robert McLach­lan (Epi­so­de: »Sta­ten Island: Part 1«)

Out­stan­ding Commercial
»A Gre­at Day in Hol­ly­wood« (Net­flix)
»Behind the Mac – Make Some­thing Won­derful« (Mac­Book)
»Dream Cra­zy« (Nike)
»Point of View« (San­dy Hook Promise)
»Shot on iPho­ne XS – Don’t Mess with Mother« (iPho­ne)

Out­stan­ding Con­tem­po­ra­ry Costumes?
Black-ish (Epi­so­de: »Pur­ple Rain«)
Escape at Dan­ne­mo­ra (Epi­so­de: »Epi­so­de 6«)
Grace and Fran­kie (Epi­so­de: »The Wedding«)
Rus­si­an Doll (Epi­so­de: »Supe­rio­ri­ty Complex«)
Schitt’s Creek (Epi­so­de: »The Dress«)
Sharp Objects (Epi­so­de: »Clo­ser«)

Out­stan­ding Crea­ti­ve Achie­ve­ment In Inter­ac­ti­ve Media Within A Script­ed Program
Ban­ders­natch (Black Mir­ror)
Game of Thro­nes – Fight for the Living: Bey­ond the Wall Vir­tu­al Rea­li­ty Experience
The Good Place – Inter­ac­ti­ve Fan Experience

Out­stan­ding Guest Actor In A Come­dy Series
Matt Damon, Satur­day Night Live
Robert De Niro, Satur­day Night Live
Luke Kir­by, The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Mais­elPeter Mac­Ni­col, Veep
John Mula­ney, Satur­day Night Live
Adam Sand­ler, Satur­day Night Live
Rufus Sewell, The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Maisel

Out­stan­ding Guest Actor In A Dra­ma Series
Micha­el Anga­ra­no, This Is Us
Ron Cephas Jones, This Is Us
Micha­el McKe­an, Bet­ter Call Saul
Kumail Nan­jia­ni, The Twi­light Zone
Glynn Turm­an, How to Get Away with Murder
Brad­ley Whit­ford, The Handmaid’s Tale

Out­stan­ding Guest Actress In A Come­dy Series
Jane Lynch, The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Maisel
San­dra Oh, Satur­day Night Live
Maya Rudolph, The Good Place
Kris­tin Scott Tho­mas, Fle­a­bag
Fio­na Shaw, Fleabag
Emma Thomp­son, Satur­day Night Live

Out­stan­ding Guest Actress In A Dra­ma Series
Laver­ne Cox, Oran­ge Is the New Black
Cher­ry Jones, The Handmaid’s Tale
Jes­si­ca Lan­ge, Ame­ri­can Hor­ror Sto­ry: Apocalypse
Phy­li­cia Ras­had, This Is Us
Cice­ly Tyson, How to Get Away with Murder
Cari­ce van Hou­ten, Game of Thrones

Out­stan­ding Hair­sty­ling for a Limi­t­ed Series or Movie?
Dead­wood: The Movie
Sharp Objects
True Detec­ti­ve

Out­stan­ding Hair­sty­ling for a Sin­gle-Came­ra Series?
Ame­ri­can Hor­ror Sto­ry: Apocalypse
Game of Thrones
The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Maisel

Out­stan­ding Main Title Design
Con­ver­sa­ti­ons with a Kil­ler: The Ted Bun­dy Tapes
Game of Thrones
Star Trek: Discovery
True Detec­ti­ve

Out­stan­ding Make­up for a Limi­t­ed Series or Movie (Non-Pro­sthe­tic)?
Dead­wood: The Movie
Sharp Objects
True Detec­ti­ve

Out­stan­ding Make­up for a Sin­gle-Came­ra Series (Non-Pro­sthe­tic)?
Ame­ri­can Hor­ror Sto­ry: Apocalypse
Game of Thrones
The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Maisel

Out­stan­ding Mul­ti-Came­ra Pic­tu­re Editing for a Come­dy Series
The Big Bang Theory
The Con­ners
One Day at a Time
Will & Grace

Out­stan­ding Music Com­po­si­ti­on for a Limi­t­ed Series, Movie or Spe­cial (Ori­gi­nal Dra­ma­tic Score)
Hil­dur Guðna­dót­tir, Cher­no­byl
Edward She­ar­mur, Escape at Dannemora
David Arnold, Good Omens
Kee­fus Cian­cia and T Bone Bur­nett, True Detec­ti­ve
Kris Bowers, When They See Us

Out­stan­ding Music Com­po­si­ti­on for a Series (Ori­gi­nal Dra­ma­tic Score)?
David Win­go, Bar­ry
Ramin Dja­wa­di, Game of Thrones
Adam Tay­lor, The Handmaid’s Tale
Jeff Beal, House of Cards
Sid­dha­rtha Khos­la, This Is Us

Out­stan­ding Music Supervision
Tho­mas Golu­bi?, Bet­ter Call Saul
Ste­ven Gizi­cki, Fosse/Verdon
Robin Urdang, Amy Sher­man-Pal­la­di­no and Dani­el Pal­la­di­no, The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Maisel 
Jas­per Leak, Quin­cy
Bri­en­ne Rose, Rus­si­an Doll

Out­stan­ding Ori­gi­nal Inter­ac­ti­ve Program?
First Man VR (Win­dows Mixed Reality)
HQ Tri­via x War­ner Bros.: A Live and Inter­ac­ti­ve Ani­ma­ti­on First (HQ Trivia)
NASA InSight’s Mars Landing (NASA TV)
Tra­ve­ling While Black (Ocu­lus)
You vs. Wild (Net­flix)

Out­stan­ding Ori­gi­nal Main Title The­me Music
Tho­mas New­man, Cast­le Rock
Rachel Bloom, Jack Dol­gen and Adam Schle­sin­ger, Cra­zy Ex-Girlfriend
David Arnold, Good Omens
Ste­ven Pri­ce, Our Pla­net
Nicho­las Britell, Suc­ces­si­on

Out­stan­ding Peri­od Costumes
The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Maisel

Out­stan­ding Pro­duc­tion Design for a Nar­ra­ti­ve Pro­gram (Half-Hour)?
Rus­si­an Doll
Will & Grace

Out­stan­ding Pro­duc­tion Design for a Nar­ra­ti­ve Con­tem­po­ra­ry Pro­gram (One Hour or More)
Escape at Dannemora
The Handmaid’s Tale
Kil­ling Eve 
The Umbrel­la Academy

Out­stan­ding Pro­duc­tion Design for a Nar­ra­ti­ve Peri­od or Fan­ta­sy Pro­gram (One Hour or More)?
A Series of Unfort­u­na­te Events
Game of Thrones
The Man in the High Castle
The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Maisel

Out­stan­ding Pro­sthe­tic Make­up for a Series, Limi­t­ed Series, Movie or Special
Ame­ri­can Hor­ror Sto­ry: Apocalypse
Game of Thrones
Star Trek: Dis­co­very – »If Memo­ry Serves«

Out­stan­ding Short Form Come­dy or Dra­ma Series
An Emmy for Megan
Hack Into Broad City
It’s Bru­no!
Sta­te of the Union

Out­stan­ding Sin­gle-Came­ra Pic­tu­re Editing for a Come­dy Series
Bar­ry – Kyle Rei­ter (Epi­so­de: »berk­man > block«)
Bar­ry – Jeff Buchanan (Epi­so­de: »ronny/lily«)
Fle­a­bag – Gary Doll­ner (Epi­so­de: »Epi­so­de 1«)
The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Mais­el – Kate San­ford (Epi­so­de: »Simo­ne«)
The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Mais­el – Tim Stree­to (Epi­so­de: »We’­re Going to the Catskills!«)
Rus­si­an Doll – Lau­ra Wein­berg (Epi­so­de: »Ari­ad­ne«) (Net­flix)

Out­stan­ding Sin­gle-Came­ra Pic­tu­re Editing for a Dra­ma Series?
Game of Thro­nes – Katie Wei­land (Epi­so­de: »The Iron Throne«)
Game of Thro­nes – Tim Por­ter (Epi­so­de: »The Long Night«)
Game of Thro­nes – Crispin Green (Epi­so­de: »Win­ter­fell«)
The Handmaid’s Tale – Wen­dy Hal­lam Mar­tin (Epi­so­de: »The Word«)
Kil­ling Eve – Dan Crin­ni­on (Epi­so­de: »Despe­ra­te Times«)
Ozark – Cin­dy Mol­lo and Hea­ther Good­win Floyd (Epi­so­de: »One Way Out«)

Out­stan­ding Sin­gle-Came­ra Pic­tu­re Editing for a Limi­t­ed Series or Movie?
Cher­no­byl – Jinx God­frey (Epi­so­de: »Open Wide, O Earth«)
Cher­no­byl – Simon Smith (Epi­so­de: »Plea­se Remain Calm«)
Dead­wood: The Movie – Mar­tin Nichol­son and Erick Fefferman
Fosse/Verdon – Tim Stree­to (Epi­so­de: »Life Is a Cabaret«)
Sharp Objects – Véro­ni­que Bar­be, Jus­tin Lach­an­ce, Maxi­me Lahaie, Émi­le Val­lée and Jai M. Vee (Epi­so­de: »Fix«)
True Detec­ti­ve – Leo Trom­bet­ta (Epi­so­de: »If You Have Ghosts«)

Out­stan­ding Sound Editing for a Limi­t­ed Series, Movie or Special?
Dead­wood: The Movie
True Detec­ti­ve
When They See Us

Out­stan­ding Sound Editing for a Come­dy or Dra­ma Series (One Hour)
Bet­ter Call Saul
Game of Thrones
Star Trek: Discovery
Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan

Out­stan­ding Sound Editing for a Come­dy or Dra­ma Series (Half-Hour) And Animation
Love, Death & Robots
Rus­si­an Doll
What We Do in the Shadows

Out­stan­ding Sound Mixing for a Come­dy or Dra­ma Series (Half-Hour) And Animation?
The Kom­in­sky Method
Modern Fami­ly
Rus­si­an Doll

Out­stan­ding Sound Mixing for a Come­dy or Dra­ma Series (One Hour)?
Bet­ter Call Saul
Game of Thrones
The Handmaid’s Tale
The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Maisel

Out­stan­ding Sound Mixing for a Limi­t­ed Series or Movie?
Dead­wood: The Movie
True Detec­ti­ve
When They See Us

Out­stan­ding Spe­cial Visu­al Effects?
Game of Thrones
The Man in the High Castle
The Orville
Star Trek: Discovery
The Umbrel­la Academy

Out­stan­ding Spe­cial Visu­al Effects In A Sup­port­ing Role?
Dead­wood: The Movie
Escape at Dannemora
Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan

Out­stan­ding Stunt Coör­di­na­ti­on for a Come­dy Series or Varie­ty Program
Cobra Kai
Rus­si­an Doll
The Tick

Out­stan­ding Stunt Coör­di­na­ti­on for a Dra­ma Series, Limi­t­ed Series or Movie
The Black­list
Game of Thrones

Pro­mo­gra­fik Copy­right Tele­vi­si­on aca­de­my und Fox

Views: 0

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