LOTRO: Warner und Turbine stellen RIDERS OF ROHAN vor

Die nächs­te Erwei­te­rung für Tur­bi­nes MMO HERR DER RINGE ONLINE wird im Herbst 2012 erschei­nen und trägt den Titel RIDERS OF ROHAN. Damit kommt man Kun­den­wün­schen nach, denn schon lan­ge äußern sich die Spie­ler, dass das Rei­ter­volk Ein­gang in LOTRO fin­den möge.

Neben den Tat­sa­chen, dass die maxi­mal mög­li­che Stu­fe auf 85 ange­ho­ben wird und dass selbst­ver­ständ­lich hau­fen­wei­se neue Ques­ten und Gegen­den ins Spiel gepatched wer­den (dar­un­ter bei­spiels­wei­se Amon Hen und der Wald von Fan­gorn) ist eine der inter­es­san­tes­ten ange­kün­dig­ten Neue­run­gen sicher­lich der berit­te­ne Kampf! Den Reit­tie­re sol­len man sowohl Rüs­tung anle­gen, wie auch deren Kampf­fä­hig­kei­ten über Skills trai­nie­ren kön­nen.

Laut Anga­ben der Pres­se­mel­dung wird man in der Lage sein, mit­zu­ver­fol­gen, wie die Gemein­schaft des Rings bei Anon Hen zer­bricht – und man wird zusam­men mit Theo­dens Adop­tiv­sohn Éomer an der Sei­te der Ents gegen die dräu­en­den Schat­ten kämp­fen kön­nen.

Ein Preis für die Erwei­te­rung wur­de noch nicht bekannt gege­ben.

Die voll­stän­di­ge Pres­se­mel­dung hin­ter dem »mehr«-Link.


New Expan­si­on to The Lord of the Rings Online™ Laun­ching Fall 2012

War­ner Bros. Inter­ac­ti­ve Enter­tain­ment unvei­led today The Lord of the Rings Online™: Riders of Rohan™, the latest expan­si­on to the award-win­ning free-to-play mas­si­ve­ly mul­ti­play­er online role­play­ing game (MMORPG) deve­lo­ped by Tur­bi­ne. Riders of Rohan expands the online world of Midd­le-earth whe­re play­ers join forces to ride into the Plains of Rohan. Riders of Rohan laun­ches in the Fall of 2012 with an increased level cap, the vast plains of Rohan inclu­ding ico­nic loca­ti­ons such as Amon Hen and Fan­gorn Forest, the new Moun­ted Com­bat sys­tem and much more!
“2011 was ano­ther ban­ner year for The Lord of the Rings Online with con­sis­tent growth for the game, a suc­cessful uni­fi­ca­ti­on of our Euro­pean and North Ame­ri­can ser­vices and the suc­cess of Rise of Isen­gard, our best sel­ling expan­si­on to date.” said Kate Paiz, Exe­cu­ti­ve Pro­du­cer of The Lord of the Rings Online. “This is going to be ano­ther out­stan­ding year as we cele­bra­te our fifth anni­ver­sa­ry and intro­du­ce a wealth of new con­tent throug­hout the year, ending with our arri­val in Rohan. One of our lar­gest expan­si­ons ever, Rohan is expec­ted to be twice the size of the recent Rise of Isen­gard expan­si­on and includes the most new game sys­tems and tech­no­lo­gy we’­ve intro­du­ced sin­ce 2008’s Mines of Moria.”


Expe­ri­ence the Riders of Rohan – Join with the Rohir­rim and ride across the spraw­ling Plains of Rohan; wit­ness the brea­king of the Fel­low­ship at Amon Hen; for­ge alli­ances with the Ents of Fan­gorn; and aid Éomer, adopted son of Thé­o­den, as he seeks to pro­tect his home­land from the gro­wing Shadow.
Intro­du­cing Moun­ted Com­bat – Ride into Com­bat atop your loy­al War-steed as you defend the peo­p­le of Rohan from the forces of Isen­gard and Mordor. Cus­to­mi­ze your War-steed’s armor and level its skills over time to aid you in moun­ted defen­se of King Theoden’s lands. Mount your steed and gather your fel­lows to fight against War­bands, con­tin­gents of roving warg riders that have been scou­ted all over the Plains of Rohan! It falls to you to head off and defeat this new thre­at befo­re they over take the land.
Advan­ce to level 85 – Con­ti­nue your legend in the next chap­ter of The Lord of the Rings Online. Expe­ri­ence new adven­tures in the epic sto­ry, and gain new skills and deeds as you face new chal­lenges on your jour­ney to 85!
The Lord of the Rings Online is the ulti­ma­te adven­ture. This award-win­ning mas­si­ve­ly mul­ti­play­er online role-play­ing game deli­vers an inter­ac­ti­ve expe­ri­ence brim­ming with life and fil­led with the fami­li­ar peo­p­le, places and mons­ters from the most famous fan­ta­sy of all time. From the pic­tures­que sur­roun­dings of the Shire to Moria, the most fear­so­me under­ground realm ever ima­gi­ned, play­ers can expe­ri­ence the world of Midd­le-earth for free! For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit www​.lot​ro​.com.

About Tur­bi­ne

Tur­bi­ne, Inc. is a pre­mier crea­tor and ope­ra­tor of mas­si­ve, per­sis­tent online worlds that fos­ter powerful social gam­ing com­mu­ni­ties. Tur­bi­ne is whol­ly owned by War­ner Bros. Home Enter­tain­ment Group and has crea­ted some of the world’s most popu­lar and award-win­ning online games, inclu­ding The Lord of the Rings Online™, Dun­ge­ons & Dra­gons Online®: Eber­ron Unli­mi­t­ed™, and Asheron’s Call®. For more infor­ma­ti­on on Tur­bi­ne, its pro­ducts and ser­vices plea­se visit www​.tur​bi​ne​.com.

About Midd­le-earth Enter­pri­ses

The Saul Zaentz Com­pa­ny d/​b/​a Midd­le-earth Enter­pri­ses , is the hol­der of world­wi­de moti­on pic­tu­re, legi­ti­ma­te stage, mer­chan­di­sing, and other rights in the lite­ra­ry works of J.R.R. Tol­ki­en inclu­ding The Lord of the Rings and The Hob­bit. SZC has been pro­du­cing and licen­sing films, stage pro­duc­tions and mer­chan­di­se based on the Tol­ki­en works for more than 35 years. Its head­quar­ters are loca­ted in Ber­ke­ley, Cali­for­nia and its Midd­le-earth Enter­pri­ses web­site may be found at www​.midd​lee​arth​.com.

About War­ner Bros. Inter­ac­ti­ve Enter­tain­ment

War­ner Bros. Inter­ac­ti­ve Enter­tain­ment, a divi­si­on of War­ner Bros. Home Enter­tain­ment Group, is a pre­mier world­wi­de publisher, deve­lo­per, licen­sor and dis­tri­bu­tor of enter­tain­ment con­tent for the inter­ac­ti­ve space across all cur­rent and future plat­forms, inclu­ding con­so­le, hand­held and PC-based gam­ing for both inter­nal and third par­ty game titles.

# # #

THE LORD OF THE RINGS ONLINE™ inter­ac­ti­ve video game © 2010 Tur­bi­ne, Inc. and patents pen­ding. All rights reser­ved. Midd­le-earth Pos­ter Map © 2007 The Saul Zaentz Com­pa­ny, d/​b/​a Midd­le-earth Enter­pri­ses, under licen­se to Tur­bi­ne, Inc. All rights reser­ved. “The Lord of the Rings Online”, “Sie­ge of Mirk­wood”, Midd­le-earth Enter­pri­ses logo, “The Lord of the Rings” and the names of the cha­rac­ters, events, items and places the­r­ein are trade­marks or regis­tered trade­marks of SZC under licen­se to Tur­bi­ne, Inc. Tur­bi­ne and the Tur­bi­ne logo are trade­marks or regis­tered trade­marks of Tur­bi­ne, Inc. in the U.S. and/​or other juris­dic­tions. All other trade­marks are the pro­per­ty of their respec­ti­ve owners.

Quel­le: lot​ro​.com, Logo RIDERS OF ROHAN Copy­right 2012 Tur­bi­ne Inc. und War­ner Inter­ac­ti­ve

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