John Noble moderiert Show um »verrückte Wissenschaft«

John … wer? FRINGE-FANS wis­sen selbst­ver­ständ­lich Bescheid, denn dort spielt der aus­tra­li­sche Schau­spie­ler John Noble einen der Haupt­cha­rak­te­re, den »Mad Sci­en­tist« Dr. Wal­ter Bishop. Für Anhän­ger der Mys­tery-Serie dürf­te nun ein Nerd­gas­mus fol­gen:

Noble wird eine neue Dokuse­r­ie mode­rie­ren, die sich mit »rea­len Geschich­ten von der dunk­len Sei­te der Wis­sen­schaft« befasst. Unter dem Titel DARK MATTERS – TWISTED BUT TRUE beschäf­tigt man sich mit den X‑Akten des rea­len Lebens, bei­spiels­wei­se Ganz­kör­per­trans­plan­ta­tio­nen oder UFOs. Der Start­ter­min für die ers­te Fol­ge ist bereits am 31. August, in der ers­ten Staf­fel soll es sechs Epi­so­den geben. In der Pilot­fol­ge wird unter ande­rem das das Phil­adel­phia-Expe­ri­ment beleuch­tet, aber auch noch zwei wei­te­re The­men. In den rest­li­chen Fol­gen wid­met man sich eben­falls jeweils meh­re­ren Grenz­fäl­len der Wis­sen­schaft.

DARK MATTERS läuft auf dem US-ame­ri­ka­ni­schen Sci­ence Chan­nel, die Serie wird wöchent­lich aus­ge­strahlt. Eine Lis­te der Inhal­te der sechs Fol­gen hin­ter dem Trai­ler und dem Teaser­b­reak.



EPISODE 1: The Phil­adel­phia Expe­ri­ment, Ape-Man Army, Zap­ped to Death
Pre­mie­res Wed­nes­day August 31, at 10:00 PM (ET/​PT)

UFO expert Mor­ris Jes­sup tes­ted invi­si­bi­li­ty and tele­por­ta­ti­on after recei­ving an extra­or­di­na­ry let­ter sta­ting that the U.S. Navy had expe­ri­men­ted with this very con­cept befo­re.  Would his inves­ti­ga­ti­on be the end of his care­er?

In the 1920s, Soviet sci­en­tist Dr. Ilya Iva­nov began per­forming dis­tur­bing expe­ri­ments to cross­breed humans with apes.  Could he crea­te intel­li­gent apes, or would his expe­ri­ments result in hor­ror?

In the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry, a race was under way to increase America’s flow of elec­tri­ci­ty.  To that end, Tho­mas Edi­son con­duc­ted a num­ber of unor­tho­dox stu­dies to meet this gro­wing demand.  To his sur­pri­se and reg­ret, howe­ver, the­se expe­ri­ments would even­tual­ly lead to a dark crea­ti­on that remains infa­mous today.

EPISODE 2: Uniden­ti­fied Fly­ing Nazis, I Have Einstein’s Brain, Kil­ler Thoughts
Pre­mie­res Wed­nes­day, Sep­tem­ber 7, at 10:00 PM (ET/​PT)

A fire­ball streaks through the ski­es of Penn­syl­va­nia in 1965.  Could it be a UFO, or had the U.S. got­ten hold of an out­lan­dish pie­ce of Nazi anti­gra­vi­ty tech­no­lo­gy?

After Einstein’s death in 1955, Dr. Tho­mas Har­vey, the man in char­ge of the auto­psy, sto­le his brain. Does Einstein’s brain hold the key to whe­re geni­us lies within its phy­si­cal struc­tu­re?

During the Cold War, with the world on the brink of nuclear des­truc­tion, Rus­si­an and Ame­ri­can sci­en­tists enga­ge in a top-secret psy­chic arms race.

EPISODE 3: Sexy Secret Agent, Full Body Trans­plant, Honey I Nuked the Pla­net
Pre­mie­res Wed­nes­day, Sep­tem­ber 14, at 10:00 PM (ET/​PT)

When a talk show host mar­ried a for­mer model, he had no idea that she would reve­al she was a brain­wa­shed CIA secret agent.  Was she the sub­ject of govern­ment mind con­trol expe­ri­ments, or is her trou­bled child­hood to bla­me?

When Dr. Robert White trans­plan­ted the head of a mon­key onto the body of ano­ther, had he dis­co­ver­ed a way to pre­ser­ve humanity’s brigh­test minds?  Or was he exer­cis­ing unneces­sa­ry ani­mal cruel­ty?

In 1962 the United Sta­tes explo­ded a 1.4 mega­ton H‑bomb in space.  Was this deto­na­ti­on a neces­sa­ry action taken during the Cold War, or one of mankind’s grea­test mista­kes that could lead to Arma­ged­don?

EPISODE 4: It’s Ali­ve!, Trip­ping with Uncle Sam, My Hand Is Kil­ling Me
Pre­mie­res Wed­nes­day Sep­tem­ber 21, at 10:00 PM (ET/​PT)

At the begin­ning of the 19th cen­tu­ry, an Ita­li­an sci­en­tist belie­ves he has found a way to bring the dead back to life.  Could elec­tri­ci­ty be the God-given vital force of life?

In the late 90s, jour­na­list Hank Alba­rel­li belie­ves he has found a con­nec­tion bet­ween a French town gone ins­a­ne and the appa­rent sui­ci­de of an Ame­ri­can sci­en­tist.  Is mad­ness con­ta­gious, or has Alba­rel­li found hims­elf in the midd­le of a govern­ment con­spi­ra­cy?

In 1908, a Ger­man woman is atta­cked by the hand of the one who knows her best: her own.  Are we alo­ne in our minds, or is the­re ano­ther, dar­ker enti­ty hid­den deep within?

EPISODE 5: 21 Grams, Miss­ing Cos­mo­n­auts, Sound of Death
Pre­mie­res Wed­nes­day, Sep­tem­ber 28, at 10:00 PM (ET/​PT)

When French sci­en­tist Vla­di­mir Gav­reau finds his labo­ra­to­ry floo­ded with a mys­te­rious ener­gy, his rese­arch takes a men­acing new direc­tion.  Had Gav­reau inven­ted a new wea­pon of mass des­truc­tion?

At the dawn of the age of space explo­ra­ti­on, two radio buffs stumb­led across a heart-stop­ping sound. Were the Soviets cove­ring up a space mis­si­on gone ter­ri­bly wrong?

Bos­ton medic Dr. Dun­can Mac­Dou­gall sets out to sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly pro­ve the exis­tence of the human soul by weig­hing a man at the moment of death.

EPISODE 6: Radio Waves of Death, How to Make a Zom­bie, Jekyll vs. Hyde
Pre­mie­res Wed­nes­day, Octo­ber 5, at 10:00 PM (ET/​PT)

Death by dead­ly ray sounds like a sce­ne from a sci­ence fic­tion movie.  Howe­ver, the legen­da­ry Niko­la Tes­la claims to have crea­ted one in the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry.  Some say an 800-mile area in Sibe­ria was devas­ta­ted during his radio-wave expe­ri­ments, lea­ving very few sur­vi­vors.  Could this be true?

Sci­en­tist Wade Davis was obses­sed with crack­ing the zom­bie secrets.  After track­ing down a man with his own death cer­ti­fi­ca­te, he belie­ved he had unco­ver­ed the sci­ence to zom­bie legend.

After Dr. Hor­ace Wells fails to invent anes­the­sia using laug­hing gas, he expe­ri­ments with a new drug: chlo­ro­form.  Wells’ expe­ri­ments would lead to hor­ri­fic, devas­ta­ting mista­kes.

Quel­le: sci​ence​fic​tion​.com

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