En Masse Entertainment präsentiert TERA

[E3] New­co­mer En Mas­se Enter­tain­ment will auf der E3 in Los Ange­les zum ers­ten Mal spiel­fä­hi­ge Demos sei­nes MMORPGs TERA (kurz für THE EXILED REALM OF ARBOREA) prä­sen­tie­ren. Bereits im Vor­feld hat­te man in Inter­views bahn­bre­chen­de neue Kon­zep­te ange­kün­digt, was die per­sis­ten­te, durch Spie­ler­ak­tio­nen ver­än­der­ba­re Spiel­welt und inno­va­ti­ves Quest- und Kampf­de­sign angeht. Man wird abwar­ten müs­sen, was davon tat­säch­lich zu hal­ten ist, denn sol­che Fea­tures ver­spricht inzwi­schen so ziem­lich jeder Anbie­ter eines neu­en Online­spiels.

Neid­los zuge­ben muss man, dass Cha­rak­te­re und Gegen­den gemaß der Vor­schau-Screen­shots hübsch sind, zumin­dest wenn man auf einen gewis­sen Car­toon-Look steht und nicht auf hyper­rea­lis­ti­sche Dar­stel­lun­gen (und das ist bei mir der Fall, zuviel Rea­lis­mus sieht in aller Regel näm­lich schlicht nicht gut aus).

Die Köp­fe hin­ter En Mas­se Enter­tain­ment dürf­ten wis­sen was sie tun, denn die Fir­ma wur­de gebil­det aus ehe­ma­li­gen Mit­ar­bei­tern von Bliz­zard und NCSoft, den Anbie­tern der erfolg­rei­chen MMOs WORLD OF WARCRAFT und GUILD WARS. Dass Asia­ten an der Ent­wick­lung betei­ligt sind, erkennt man nicht zuletzt wohl an hoch­ha­cki­gen Schu­hen zur Damen­voll­rüs­tung. ;o)

Es ist zu hof­fen, dass in den nächs­ten Tagen Vide­os mit ingame-Sze­nen ihren Weg ins Web fin­den, die wer­de ich dann natür­lich hier ein­bet­ten oder ver­lin­ken.

Screen­shot TERA Copy­right 2010 En Mas­se Enter­tain­ment


Die voll­stän­di­ge Pres­se­mel­dung im erwei­ter­ten Arti­kel

En Mas­se Enter­tain­ment To Unveil Hands-on Demo of Ground­brea­king Action MMO TERA at E3
June 10, 2010

Show Atten­de­es to Expe­ri­ence Non-Tar­get Based Com­bat in World’s First True Action MMO

SEATTLE, WA – June 10, 2010 – En Mas­se Enter­tain­ment, a new breed of game publisher focu­sed on deli­ve­ring high­ly anti­ci­pa­ted online video games to Wes­tern audi­en­ces, announ­ced today that it will pre­sent the first hands-on demo of its flag­ship Action MMO title, TERA™, at the upco­ming Elec­tro­nic Enter­tain­ment Expo 2010 in Los Ange­les. The hands-on demo will focus on TERA’s ground­brea­king action com­bat sys­tem, which allows play­ers to step into a world whe­re their actions, team­work, and com­bat expertise—not statistics—give them a chan­ce to beco­me true heroes in the face of dan­ger.

At E3, peo­p­le will have the chan­ce to expe­ri­ence first­hand what makes TERA’s game­play so exci­ting,” said En Mas­se CEO Dr. Jae-Heon Yang. “Sel­ect media will form a par­ty with varied roles and ven­ture forth to expe­ri­ence their first batt­le using our inno­va­ti­ve action/​adventure style com­bat sys­tem. During the show, play­ers will see how TERA is chan­ging the rules of MMO com­bat.”

TERA is an inno­va­ti­ve Action MMORPG with rich gra­phics and ani­ma­ti­ons whe­re play­ers ful­ly con­trol their cha­rac­ters through the game’s dyna­mic batt­le sys­tem. Play­er actions in TERA can chan­ge the balan­ce of power in a world threa­ten­ed by dark powers as six allied races work tog­e­ther to pro­tect their world. The game, which is curr­ent­ly in deve­lo­p­ment for PC, will launch in North Ame­ri­ca and Euro­pe in 2011.

TERA will be available at E3 for hands-on play in the En Mas­se Enter­tain­ment booth (#537) in the South Hall during show hours on June 15–17, 2010.

Play­ers can visit the offi­ci­al TERA web­site for game infor­ma­ti­on, team updates, and to sign up for beta test­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties at: TERA​-online​.com.

About En Mas­se Enter­tain­ment
En Mas­se Enter­tain­ment is a spe­cia­list publisher focu­sed on high-qua­li­ty MMOs. Based in Seat­tle, Washing­ton, the company’s mis­si­on is to bring stel­lar online games to Wes­tern mar­kets with inte­gri­ty and exper­ti­se, start­ing with TERA, En Masse’s inau­gu­ral MMO pro­ject from deve­lo­per and parent com­pa­ny Blue­hole Stu­dio, Inc. The clo­se-knit team at En Mas­se includes experts in online tech­no­lo­gy, game pro­duc­tion, bran­ding, and loca­liza­ti­on, allo­wing them to bring online games to Wes­tern audi­en­ces at the hig­hest levels of qua­li­ty and cul­tu­ral rele­van­ce. For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit EnMas​se​.com.

About Blue­hole Stu­dio
Head­quar­te­red in Seo­ul, South Korea, Blue­hole Stu­dio, Inc. aspi­res to beco­me the pree­mi­nent glo­bal MMORPG deve­lo­per through its unwa­ve­ring belief in its peo­p­le and its core values. Blue­hole for­med in 2007 with an inten­se focus on attrac­ting pio­neers and inno­va­tors with a shared visi­on to crea­te the next flag­ship MMORPG for the glo­bal mar­ket. The studio’s inau­gu­ral title, TERA, is sche­du­led to launch in Korea in 2010 and fea­tures a dyna­mic batt­le sys­tem, next-gene­ra­ti­on gra­phics, and a gamer-cen­tric com­mu­ni­ty expe­ri­ence. For more infor­ma­ti­on, visit blue​hole​.net/​eng.

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