Demnächst: UNCANNY TIMES von Laura Anne Gilman

Geschwis­ter die Unhol­de jagen, da fal­len einem natür­lich zuerst ein­mal die Win­ches­ter-Brot­hers ein. Lau­ra Anne Gil­m­ans Roman UNCANNY TIMES ver­legt das The­ma aller­dings geschicht­lich zurück und han­delt im Jahr 1913. Das war natür­lich eine span­nen­de Zeit des tech­ni­schen Fort­schritts und gesell­schaft­li­chen Wan­dels.


Hunt­smen, accor­ding to the Church, were dam­ned, their blood unclean, unho­ly. Yet for Rose­ma­ry and Aaron Har­ker the Church was less important than being rea­dy to stand against the Uncan­ny as not being pre­pared could lead to being dead.
The year is 1913. America—and the world—trembles on the edge of a modern age. Poli­ti­cal and social unrest shift the foun­da­ti­ons; tech­no­lo­gy is begin­ning to make its mark.
But in the shadows, things from the past still move. Things inhu­man, uncan­ny.
And the Uncan­ny are no fri­end to huma­ni­ty.
But when Aaron and Rose­ma­ry Har­ker go to inves­ti­ga­te the sus­pi­cious death of a distant rela­ti­ve, what they dis­co­ver could turn their world upsi­de down—and chan­ge the Hunt­smen fore­ver.

Wir bekom­men also Urban Fan­ta­sy in den USA des frü­hen 20. Jahr­hun­derts. Genau mei­ne Kra­gen­wei­te. UNCANNY TIMES ist der ers­te Band einer neu­en Rei­he namens HUNTSMEN und soll am 18. Okto­ber 2022 erschei­nen. Für das eBook wer­den ca. 8 Euro fäl­lig, die Taschen­buch­fas­sung erleich­tert die Geld­bör­se um knapp 20 Euro.

Cover­ab­bil­dung Copy­right Gal­lery /​ Saga Press