Die Gewinner der Primetime Emmy Awards 2018

Huch. Die 70. Emmy-Awards, die hät­te ich ja fast über­se­hen … Am 17. Sep­tem­ber 2018wurden die dies­jäh­ri­gen Prime­time Emmy Awards im Micro­soft Thea­ter in Los Ange­les ver­lie­hen, mode­riert von Micha­el Che und Colin Jost.

Gro­ßer Gewin­ner ist die 50er Jah­re-Show THE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL, an die ging der Preis für die bes­te Come­dy, die Haupt­dar­stel­le­rin Rachel Bros­na­han erhielt als Haupt­dar­stel­le­rin den Preis für die bes­te Haupt­dar­stel­le­rin einer Komö­di­en­se­rie. Wei­te­re Emmys erhielt man für die Regie und Drehbuch.

22 mal war GAME OF THRONES nomi­niert und so ist es nicht ver­wun­der­lich, dass dabei auch Aus­zeich­nun­gen her­aus kamen, bei­spiels­wei­se zum drit­ten Mal die bes­te Dra­ma­se­rie. Peter Din­kla­ge ali­as Tyri­on Lan­nis­ter wur­de der Preis für den bes­ten Neben­dar­stel­ler in einer Dra­ma­se­rie in die Hand gedrückt. Sie­ben wei­te­re Aus­zeich­nun­gen gab es in Neben­ka­te­go­rien wie Make-Up oder Spezialeffekte.

Für WESTWORLD erhielt Than­die New­ton einen Preis als bes­te Neben­dar­stel­le­rin in einer Dramaserie.

Ein Emmy ging an die RICK & MOR­TY-Epi­so­de PICKLE RICK als bes­te Ani­ma­ti­ons­epi­so­de und die BLACK MIR­ROR-Fol­ge USS CALLISTER erhielt eine Aus­zeich­nung als bes­ter Fernsehfilm.

Das Gen­re war also pri­ma ver­tre­ten. Alle Nomi­nier­ten und Gewin­ner (fett her­vor­ge­ho­ben) in der fol­gen­den Liste.

Outstanding Drama Series

The Ame­ri­cans

The Crown

Game of Thrones

The Handmaid’s Tale

Stran­ger Things

This Is Us


Outstanding Comedy Series




Curb Your Enthusism


The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Maisel

Sili­con Valley

Unbre­aka­ble Kim­my Schmidt

Outstanding Limited Series

The Ali­e­nist

The Ass­as­si­na­ti­on of Gian­ni Ver­sace: ACS

Geni­us: Picasso


Patrick Mel­ro­se

Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series

Clai­re Foy – The Crown

Eli­sa­beth Moss – The Handmaid’s Tale

San­dra Oh – Kil­ling Eve

Keri Rus­sell – The Americans

Evan Rachel Wood – Westworld

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series

Jason Bate­man – Ozark

Ster­ling K. Brown – This is Us

Ed Har­ris – Westworld

Matthew Rhys – The Americans

Milo Ven­ti­mi­glia – This Is Us

Jef­frey Wright – Westworld

Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series

Pame­la Adlon – Bet­ter Things

Rachel Bros­na­han – The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Maisel

Alli­son Jan­ney – Mom

Issa Rae – Insecure

Tra­cee Ellis Ross – Black-ish

Lily Tom­lin – Grace and Frankie

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series

Antho­ny Ander­son – Black-ish

Ted Dan­son – The Good Place

Lar­ry David – Curb Your Enthusiasm

Donald Glover – Atlanta

Bill Hader – Barry

Wil­liam H. Macy – Shameless

Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited Series or Movie

Jes­si­ca Biel – The Sinner

Lau­ra Dern – The Tale

Michel­le Dockery – Godless

Edie Fal­co – The Men­en­dez Murders

Regi­na King – Seven Seconds

Sarah Paul­son – Ame­ri­can Hor­ror Sto­ry: Cult

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series or Movie

Anto­nio Ban­de­ras – Geni­us: Picasso

Dar­ren Criss – The Ass­as­si­na­ti­on of Gian­ni Ver­sace: Ame­ri­can Crime Story

Bene­dict Cum­ber­batch – Patrick Melrose

Jeff Dani­els – The Loo­ming Tower

John Legend – Jesus Christ Super­star: Live in Concert

Jes­se Ple­mons – USS Cal­lis­ter: Black Mirror

Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series

Alexis Ble­del – The Handmaid’s Tale

Mil­lie Bob­by Brown – Stran­ger Things

Ann Dowd – The Handmaid’s Tale

Lena Hea­dey – Game Of Thrones

Vanes­sa Kir­by – The Crown

Than­die New­ton – Westworld

Yvonne Stra­hov­ski – The Handmaid’s Tale

Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series

Niko­laj Cos­ter-Wald­au – Game Of Thrones

Peter Din­kla­ge – Game Of Thrones

Joseph Fien­nes – The Handmaid’s Tale

David Har­bour – Stran­ger Things

Man­dy Patin­kin – Homeland

Matt Smith – The Crown

Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series

Bri­an Tyree Hen­ry – Atlanta

Lou­ie Ander­son – Baskets

Ken­an Thomp­son – Satur­day Night Live

Tituss Bur­gess – Unbre­aka­ble Kim­my Schmidt

Hen­ry Wink­ler – Barry

Alec Bald­win – Satur­day Night Live

Tony Shal­houb – The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Maisel

Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Comedy Series

Zazie Beetz – Atlanta

Lau­rie Met­calf – Roseanne

Les­lie Jones – Satur­day Night Live

Alex Borstein – The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Maisel

Bet­ty Gil­pin – GLOW

Aidy Bryant – Satur­day Night Live

Kate McK­in­non – Satur­day Night Live

Megan Mulla­ly – Will & Grace

Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or TV Movie

Jeff Dani­els – Godless

Bran­don Vic­tor Dixon – Jesus Christ Superstar

John Leguiz­a­mo – Waco

Ricky Mar­tin – The Ass­as­si­na­ti­on of Gian­ni Ver­sace: Ame­ri­can Crime Story

Edgar Rami­rez – The Ass­as­si­na­ti­on of Gian­ni Ver­sace: Ame­ri­can Crime Story

Micha­el Stuhl­barg – The Loo­ming Tower

Finn Witt­rock – The Ass­as­si­na­ti­on of Gian­ni Ver­sace: Ame­ri­can Crime Story

Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited Series or TV Movie

Sara Bareil­les – Jesus Christ Superstar

Pene­lo­pe Cruz – The Ass­as­si­na­ti­on of Gian­ni Ver­sace: Ame­ri­can Crime Story

Judith Light – The Ass­as­si­na­ti­on of Gian­ni Ver­sace: Ame­ri­can Crime Story

Adi­na Por­ter – Ame­ri­can Hor­ror Sto­ry: Cult

Mer­ritt Wever – Godless

Leti­tia Wright – Black Muse­um (Black Mirror)

Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series

Vio­la Davis – Scandal

Kel­ly Jen­ret­te – The Handmaid’s Tale

Cher­ry Jones – The Handmaid’s Tale

Dia­na Rigg – Game Of Thrones

Cice­ly Tyson – How To Get Away With Murder

Sami­ra Wiley – The Handmaid’s Tale

Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series

F. Mur­ray Abra­ham – Homeland

Came­ron Britton – Mindhunter

Matthew Goo­de – The Crown

Ron Cephas Jones – This Is Us

Gerald McRa­ney – This Is Us

Jim­mi Simpson – Westworld

Outstanding Reality Competition Program

The Ama­zing Race

Ame­ri­can Nin­ja Warrior

RuPaul’s Drag Race

Top Chef

The Voice

Outstanding Variety Sketch Series

At Home With Amy Sedaris

Drunk Histo­ry

I Love You America


Satur­day Night Live

Tra­cy Ull­man Show

Outstanding Variety Talk Series

The Dai­ly Show With Tre­vor Noah

Full Fron­tal

Jim­my Kim­mel Live!

Last Week Tonight

Late Late Show With James Corden

Late Show With Ste­phen Colbert

Outstanding Documentary or Nonfiction Special


Jim & Andy: The Gre­at Bey­ond — Fea­turing a Very Spe­cial, Con­trac­tual­ly Obli­ga­ted Men­ti­on of Tony Clifton

Mis­ter Rogers: It’s You I Like


The Zen Dia­ries of Gar­ry Shandling

Outstanding Documentary or Nonfiction Series

Ame­ri­can Masters

Blue Pla­net II

The Defi­ant Ones

The Fourth Estate

Wild Wild Country

Outstanding Structured Reality Program

Anti­ques Roadshow

Fixer Upper

Lip Sync Battle

Que­er Eye

Shark Tank

Who Do You Think You Are?

Outstanding Unstructured Reality Program

Born This Way

Dead­liest Catch


Naked And Afraid

RuPaul’s Drag Race: Untucked

United Shades Of Ame­ri­ca With W. Kamau Bell

Outstanding Reality Host

Ellen Dege­ne­res – Ellen’s Game Of Games

Jane Lynch – Hol­ly­wood Game Night

Hei­di Klum and Tim Gunn – Pro­ject Runway

RuP­aul – RuPaul’s Drag Race

W. Kamau Bell – United Shades Of Ame­ri­ca With W. Kamau Bell

Outstanding Animated Program

Bay­max Returns (Big Hero 6: The Series)

Bob’s Bur­gers – “V For Valentine-detta”

Rick & Mor­ty – “Pick­le Rick”

South Park – “Put It Down”

The Simpsons – “Gone Boy”

Outstanding TV Movie

Fah­ren­heit 451



The Tale

USS Cal­lis­ter (Black Mirror)

Outstanding Writing For A Comedy Series

Atlan­ta – “Alli­ga­tor Man,” writ­ten by Donald Glover

Atlan­ta – “Bar­ber­shop,” writ­ten by Ste­fa­ni Robinson

Bar­ry – “Chap­ter One: Make Your Mark,” writ­ten by Alec Berg and Bill Hader

Bar­ry – “Chap­ter Seven: Loud, Fast And Keep Going,” writ­ten by Liza Sarnoff

Sili­con Val­ley – “Fif­ty One Per­cent,” writ­ten by Alec Berg

The Mar­ve­lous Mrs. Mais­el – “Pilot,” writ­ten by Amy Sherman-Palladino

Outstanding Writing For A Drama Series

Game of Thro­nes – “The Dra­gon And The Wolf” Writ­ten by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss

Kil­ling Eve – “Nice Face” Writ­ten by Phoe­be Waller-Bridge

Stran­ger Things – “Chap­ter Nine: The Gate” Writ­ten by the Duf­fer Brothers

The Ame­ri­cans – “Start” Writ­ten by Joel Fields and Joe Weisberg

The Crown – “Mys­tery Man” Writ­ten by Peter Morgan

The Handmaid’s Tale – “June” Writ­ten by Bruce Miller

Outstanding Writing For A Limited Series, Movie Or Dramatic Special

Ame­ri­can Van­dal – “Clean Up” Writ­ten by Kevin McMa­nus and Matthew McManus

The Ass­as­si­na­ti­on Of Gian­ni Ver­sace: Ame­ri­can Crime Sto­ry – “House By The Lake” Writ­ten by Tom Rob Smith

God­less, Writ­ten by Scott Frank

Patrick Mel­ro­se, Writ­ten by David Nicholls

Twin Peaks, Writ­ten by David Lynch and Mark Frost

Black Mir­ror: USS Cal­lis­ter, Writ­ten by Wil­liam Bridges and Char­lie Brooker

Logo Prime­time Emmy Awards 2018 Copy­right The Tele­vi­si­on Academy

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