Gough und Millar verlassen SMALLVILLE

Miles Millar

Kurz nach­dem öffent­lich gemacht wur­de, dass SMALLVILLE, die Serie um den jugend­li­chen SUPERMAN ohne Cape, in eine ach­te Staf­fel gehen soll, haben die Haupt­ver­ant­wort­li­chen Alfred Gough und Miles Mil­lar erstaun­li­cher­wei­se und völ­lig uner­war­tet das Fran­chise ver­las­sen.
In einem offe­nen Brief an ihre Freun­de und Anhän­ger der Serie erklä­ren sie (nicht wirk­lich) war­um, wil­des­ten Spe­ku­la­tio­nen über “krea­ti­ve Dif­fe­ren­zen” etc. sind natür­lich Tür und Tor geöff­net:

As the crea­tors of »Small­ville« we look back at 7 ama­zing years. We look back at 152 epi­so­des. We look back kno­wing that the show will con­ti­nue into Sea­son 8 wit­hout us. After much hearta­che and deba­te we have deci­ded it is time for us to move on.

Over the last 7 years we have had the honor of working with a remar­kab­le team of peo­p­le here in Los Ange­les and in Van­cou­ver. We have been bles­sed with a won­derful cast who we have wat­ched matu­re with admi­ra­ti­on and affec­tion. We have been reward­ed with a fan base that is as loy­al as it is vocal.

We are incre­di­bly proud of our work on this show. We achie­ved what we set out to do. We never com­pro­mi­sed our visi­on. We lea­ve kno­wing that »Small­ville« is the lon­gest-run­ning comic book based series of all-time. The show was fea­tured on the covers of Rol­ling Stone, MAD maga­zi­ne, TV Gui­de and Enter­tain­ment Weekly. The pilot had the hig­hest-rated pre­miè­re in the histo­ry of the WB. Even in its seventh year it is still the #1 script­ed show on the net­work. »Small­ville« is wat­ched by mil­li­ons of peo­p­le in hundreds of count­ries and in dozens of lan­guages around the world.

The show’s suc­cess is a cre­dit to a fan­ta­sti­cal­ly talen­ted group of peo­p­le. We wan­ted to take this chan­ce to sin­gle some of them out. Our wri­ters – your work speaks for its­elf. James, Jae, Rob, David – the back­bone of our team in Van­cou­ver. Joe Davo­la, Chris and Shel­ly – remem­ber tho­se Fri­day night brain­stor­ming ses­si­ons? Len Gold­stein and Ste­ve Pearl­man – thanks for belie­ving we could do this. David Nut­ter – for giving the show your magic touch. John Lit­vack – when the kni­ves were out, you always had our backs. Ken Hor­ton – our Yoda. Peter Roth – Smallville’s big­gest fan. Melin­da, Micha­el R., Paul M., Sus­an and Suzan­ne – for stee­ring us through 152 epi­so­des. Greg Bee­man – your pas­si­on is an inspi­ra­ti­on. Jor­dan, David, Garth, Caro­lyn, Bob & Lew – and ever­yo­ne at the much-missed WB. Paul Levitz, Greg Noveck and the guys at DC Comics. Lisa Lewis – our very own soc­cer mom/​mafia accoun­tant. Micha­el Gend­ler – aka mega-coun­sel. David Lub­li­ner – we can final­ly focus on fea­tures now. And last but in no way the least, Renee Kurtz – the smar­test TV agent in town, we would be nowhe­re wit­hout you!

Final­ly, to the fans who have stuck with us through the highs and the lows: know this – we never stop­ped fight­ing to make this show gre­at. Thanks for wat­ching.

Alfred Gough & Miles Mil­lar

Bild: Miles Mil­lar, aus der Wiki­pe­dia

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